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ET Contact Secrets Revealed by 9D Arcturian Council
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“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much interest in what’s happening there on Earth because it is a reflection to us of ourselves in many ways.
We always look at what we can see outside of ourselves as reflecting something back to us that we need to see. Now, of course we are all also interested in helping all of you, and that’s another reason why we place our attention on planet Earth so much, but we recognize that what we see is showing us something that we still are working on in terms of our own spiritual evolution.
We still are works in progress ourselves, and we may see something in your realm that we are still carrying an iota of judgment about, and therefore we know we have to clear that. We encourage you to do the same, especially when you are looking at the beliefs of others, the actions of others, the political affiliation of others. You still have a lot to do in order to get past the judgments, the resistances, the resentment, everything that you are carrying within you that no longer serves you and that needs to be cleansed out.
Now is a wonderful time to be doing that, as you want to be the clearest and cleanest version of yourself as you embark upon extra-terrestrial encounters in the physical. When you are standing in front of one of these beings, you want to have already let go of everything that would prevent you from having a pure experience of that other aspect of Source that you will be encountering. It will also make you happier, healthier, and more filled with the light and the love of Source, to let go of the need for anyone else to be different, to think different, to act differently than they currently do.
And so, looking out at the world as it is today, notice what triggers you and know that where you are getting triggered and how you are getting triggered are showing you what still needs to be released by you. Don’t just give everyone else the assignments and tell them what work they need to do on themselves to get their act together. But rather, see within yourself where you can shift your perception of what you are looking at and make peace with everything as it is right now so that you allow everyone else the opportunity to grow and to change.
They will change and so will you, and no one needs to fight over who is more right in this current version of themselves that will be different five years from now and ten years from now. So you see, when you recognize that you are changing, and that you have already changed so much, you then can give others the permission, the freedom and the opportunity to do the same without you having to be the one who convinces them to change and change for the better as far as you are concerned.
Instead, notice what you are feeling, ask yourself whether you like how you feel when you focus on that person, or that group, or that government, and if you don’t, you know that you have some work to do on yourself. The best way to do it is to simply breathe your way through the discord, the lack of harmony, the negative emotion that you are feeling, and then you will allow more of who and what you really are to flow to you and through you, and you are much more beneficial to everyone and everything you encounter when yo do this work, and the mirror will be reflecting something much better to you after you have engaged in this simple process.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Daniel has been a verbal channel since 2010. He has done dozens of live and online group events and private sessions with people all over the globe. The Creators, The Hathors, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Ophelia the Faerie, and The Unicorn Collective are entities who have contracted to work with Daniel in guiding us through the exciting and turbulent times we are experiencing at this time of The Shift.
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Scranton on
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