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Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: High vs Low Dimensional Realities

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: High vs Low Dimensional Realities


I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and I am speaking to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth.

As mentioned by the Pleiadians in their message, we are not from Pleiades, this is old and outdated information, the location doesn’t exist anymore. In any message I say that I am from Pleiades, this channeling is not coming from me, it’s a fake message.

Today, let’s compare a high dimensional reality with a low vibrational one. We live in high dimensions connected to our Universal Consciousness. Everything is invented using the Universal Infinite Knowledge. It’s not required of us to have money to pay for shelter or daily things like food. The inventions are created together with the whole civilization. We love helping others and live in peace. Your life is based on materialistic values, so spirituality is not looked upon very highly, it’s the opposite, it’s looked down and ridiculed.

Your life is based on a survival mode, and a small group of individuals have most the money in the world, who keep the wealth for themselves and don’t want to share it with anyone. The advanced Galactic Civilizations don’t use advancement to suppress others or their population. Some nations have been through the Galactic Wars defending themselves from the Negative Entities, who tried to destroy their planets or suppress and enslave others.

This is on why it’s very important to remove all of the troublemakers from the Cosmos to let every civilization to live in peace. We don’t elect governments or politicians, our preference is to have highly spiritually advanced group of council, who lead our society and watch out for everyone. You are required to do a lot of spiritual work, if you want to catch up with any advanced civilization in the Universe. By being in a survival mode, you can’t challenge yourself spiritually and grow as a society.

Even on a low vibrational planet you can change your life and lift yourself above your 3D reality. The Dark Controllers want to replace humans with AI and robots without thinking about the future, that if humans are not able to work and make money, no one will be buying their products. This will cause their wealth to drastically shrink. You can see that the Dark Entities are not so bright, because they can’t foresee their own future of collapsing and loosing their control to AI.

If you really want to bring changes into your life, replace your survival mode with being in the present and connect to your soul through daily silent meditations. Minions were placed in the Light Community to discredit the truth and make up stories about nonexistent Light or Galactic Beings and promised events that never happen. You are continuing to live in a duality by believing in good and evil. This was created by humans, in higher dimensions we don’t use the term evil, everything floats in a Supreme Love without any conditions or expectations.

Of course, we have some challenges, which are mostly related to the Galactic Wars. I am personally involved in missionary work with helping different civilizations, who require assistance. We try to simplify our lives as much as possible, We focus on advancement of our civilization. Please, treat yourselves with love and understanding, otherwise you are going to accumulate negative karma, which will come back to you almost immediately.

Look at the recent events that happened on your planet, in the city of Kayseri in Turkey, the lighting struck 8 times in the same spot. This was a warning for the government of Turkey from Divine. Another country in a different part of the world, also received a warning from Divine. In Antiqua, Guatemala a volcano erupted with fire, and then soon after it immediately got hit by lightning several times. If the governments of these countries don’t change their negative ways, especially on how they treat their own population. There will be consequences waiting for them.

Your planet is spinning faster now and months are flying by to speed up everything in your reality to bring the positive changes sooner to the whole humanity and Earth. The Ascension Plan has been readjusted by Divine numerous times. We recommend for you to stay in high vibrations and peaceful thoughts. It’s very easy for the Darkness to disturb you by creating false scenarios and narratives. Humanity has a tendency to believe them instead of the truth speakers. Divine and the Light Beings stepped into the process to stop the madness of the 3D Matrix.

Some of you will leave the Old Earth and ascend to 5th dimension, while others are going to be transferred to Zenxa, a 3D planet similar to Gaia. Your soul is going to choose and not your ego, on what you will experience next. Fear, distrust, hate and doubt don’t exist in our higher realms. Divine surrounded Mother Earth completely with powerful high frequencies to make it possible for the awaken and ready souls to finish their journey in 3D into a New 5D Earth. Please, receive my Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Open Yourself To Receive Blessings From Divine


Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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