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Arcturians: New Healing Project
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- Written by Vania Rodrigues
Dear brothers of planet Earth! WE ARE ARCTURIANS!
Our coming after a long time here is to bring good news. All the time we were around your planet, it was possible for us to know all the diseases that afflict humanity. Genetically speaking, there is nothing that cannot be cured.
We understand that each step that is taken by their souls is the result of something sown in the past and that reverberates in this present, today, here and now. Many of the pains that you suffer, of illnesses, come from the misuse of your physical bodies, come from a total imbalance of your emotions, come from wrong beliefs and customs, that is, the reasons are countless and we would stay here talking, talking, talking and it would do no good.
Changing a habit, changing a custom, we realize it's not easy for you. Because you were taught to use substances that are harmful to your bodies, exactly when there is no balance, so that you are supposed to achieve inner peace through substances, food, habits, something that is now proven not to work; on the contrary, you are getting sicker. We have been doing work since the healing dispensation was made for this planet, to improve the energy of food, the air itself, the water, so that when you consume it, it does not bring you as much harm as before. It's not an easy job, as we energize the water at its sources, but it gets contaminated along the way. But luckily, the energy is not completely dissipated and it manages to reach you minimally.
Those who today are trying to change their habits, their customs, are trying to eliminate all the ephemeral supports they supposedly got, with medicine, food, drugs; some are managing to change these supports and even eliminate them. At this time when your physical bodies are being changed into crystalline form it is of utmost importance that you do the impossible to keep them balanced, to keep them clean. The switch from Carbon base to crystalline is not an easy transmutation for your bodies, it takes a lot of energy. And this energy needs to be very high, often speaking, for the reaction to take place.
So, it is this energy that we have been amplifying everything, so that your bodies can metabolize these reactions. Inside your mind, it's still difficult to understand what it means to go from a Carbon base to a crystalline one. Some understand that they will become crystals. It's not that. Just the entire basis of your body formation will be different so that you can live in the Fifth Dimension. You will not become spirits, but will have the ability to maintain physicality or not; this being alive. So it is in the Fifth Dimension. We have the property to change our body at our command, so we remain invisible when we want.
You will soon be able to receive our energy much more deeply. A process is being created where you can participate and directly receive our energy. No one will be taken to the ship, no one will be taken from your homes, you will be treated in your surroundings. Because we will transmit our energy to your physical body, helping with this whole process. We do not promise here the cure of all illnesses, because at this time, you still have lessons to learn. But within the walk of each of you, you will receive the healing of what is possible to be healed, within the designs of Father/Mother God.
And little by little, we are going to expand this healing process, until the time will come when you will be healed, physically speaking, by our healing beds. While this time has not come, we are doing this work of sending our healing energies to anyone who wants to receive them. You just have to be open to treatment. Nothing is mandatory. It will make whoever wants and whoever believes. Whoever participates to test, will receive nothing. It takes your heart to be open to receive healing, otherwise it won't work. This process has the blessing and permission of the beings who command the ascension of this planet, among them Sananda and Maria.
Our purpose is to minimize as far as possible the physical problems you face. At the same time, we will be cleaning your auras of all the dirt that is being produced by the transformation from Carbon base to crystalline. You should drink more water, you don't have much of this habit, and it's just the water that takes out of your body, everything that isn't good for them. Because you don't, the product of the reactions builds up in your bodies, causing more symptoms of imbalance. The water to be drunk is whatever you want, not necessarily our water that we have already taught. Just hydrate your bodies, put a lot of healthy fluid in so that all that dirt gets out.
This project, which we call the Distance Arcturian Multidimensional Healing Project, will soon be explained and you can get started. Be aware of what you are doing. Believe in healing and you will have it. But we will always respect what is defined for your journey. What we can do to alleviate their sufferings and pains, we will do. So for each one that is dealt with, your Higher Self will be in charge of the entire process, telling us exactly how far we can go and what we can do.
Once again I ask that your participation in this project be heartfelt and self-sacrificing, otherwise you will receive nothing. Don't do it for testing, don't do it for pure experience, do it because your heart is asking. We are working directly on your planet and as soon as we can land on your planet, all the technology that we have today for healing will be made available to all of humanity. We've already had enough time to study every disease on your planet and find a cure for each one of them. And I can guarantee you: The vast majority of illnesses that you have come from your emotions. It's like you self-destruct.
So the first step is the healing of all of you emotionally, because if we don't heal the source, it won't do any good to heal the consequence; because everything will come back. It's like if you took a medicine, that medicine will cure the result of the problem. But if you don't extinguish the root of the problem, you're going to take that medicine your whole life, because the source hasn't been healed. So the healing has to be first in how you act in life, and the first step in this whole process is to love yourself deeply, without judgment, without criticism, accepting you the way you are; and accepting that your walk has given you everything you experience today. And that it's no use crying for what was done in the past. Yes, there is a need to change from now on, eliminating the source of the problems.
So I suggest that you do a daily follow-up of your treatments. You can participate as many times as you like, on the same day, every day, once in a while. You will determine the intensity of the treatments themselves and follow the results. Write down every little modification you notice. This will begin to give you assurance and certainty of what we are talking about.
We want to see humanity in a future totally free of medicines, of objects that help them to live; and everyone, effectively everyone, learning to live in balance, without causing the same diseases again.
Translation by Google.
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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