Disappearing Reiki Stones & Crystals
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- Written by AndEl

I have received a lot of questions lately regarding stones/crystals disappearing. This especially seems to be a problem with the stones that have been infused with Reiki. One of the biggest questions I get is, “Help! My special stone that I infused with Reiki has disappeared. I have looked everywhere for it. I don’t feel it’s a coincidence. What’s going on?!” If this has happened to you, you are not alone and are not crazy! Reiki stones have an interesting way of disappearing.
When I first learned Reiki I was introduced to stones and the healing properties they contained. My Reiki Master encouraged me to study different types of natural healing remedies so that I could offer myself and others the best healing energy possible. At that time I started researching stones and crystals and started combining their healing energy with my Reiki sessions.
One of the most fascinating things I learned was that stones and crystals (especially those infused with Reiki) have a way of suddenly disappearing and sometimes reappearing. They do not disappear to anger you or cause you stress or harm. Their energy is quite amazing. They in fact know when they are no longer needed by you and will go where they like! It took me about a year before I accepted that this was really happening. It happened to myself and others so often that I finally did my own case study on it.
Below you will see the reasons that I have found that stones and crystals like to move on or reappear….
- Stones/crystals have a mind of their own. If they do not feel energetically matched to you they will move on!
- Some stones get along better than others. Their energy will naturally repel or attract other stones like a magnet. Moonstone for example prefers to hangout alone.
- The healing energy they contain is all knowing like Reiki. This energy knows when it is no longer needed and in fact where it is needed. Do not be surprised if a stone feels its time with you is complete. It will suddenly disappear.
- Stones and crystals may want to be kept in other areas of your home. You may notice that a certain stone keeps appearing in one area of your home even though you are positive you keep putting it away in another area.
- Out of nowhere a stone may make an entrance back into your life when called to do so.
- You may be getting help from the other side with what stones suddenly enter and exit your life.
Stones and crystals offer huge benefits when combined with Reiki. The important thing to remember is that the more powerful healing energy they offer (especially those infused with Reiki) the more you may notice them moving around or disappearing. Have some fun, don’t take things too seriously and just enjoy the beautiful healing properties they can add to your Reiki practice.
Wishing you love and light.

Credit: Justine Melton
Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life a few years ago and changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest good. Justine believes that love is the greatest healing energy. She has founded a holistic healing association called Amore Holistic Health Group where people can go and choose from a variety of different healing modalities. http://www.letthewhitelightshine.com/
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