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Strong Cosmic Forces

Strong Cosmic Forces

Potential Three Days Of Strong Cosmic Forces.

Earth/Gaia may experience three days of powerful activations as solar winds reach into the upper 500 km/s and above (possibly over 600 km/s) and as the KP Index is currently rated “Unsettled” with a rating for “Storm” level in the next 24 hours as our planet moves through a strong wind stream and potential solar flares of the upper “C-Class” into “M-Class” and even “X-Class” with our Sun having a delta energy for this strongest of flares.

As is being mentioned recently, human physiology, emotional settings, and mental states are the true measuring “devices” of cosmic energetics.

As our planet experiences activations from potent cosmic forces, so does all that reside upon “Her”: people, animals (mammals, birds, insects, etc.), and plant life.

Thus, as Earth/Gaia receives LIGHT and SOUND and transmits the same vibrations, creation upon “Her” does as well.

People should pay particular attention to dreams at this time.

They may hold profound messages for the individual having the dream or for the collective.

It will be wise to keep a notebook and pen handy at the bedside for quickly jotting down brief notes upon awakening regarding what may seem to be a significant dream, and then later in the day, a more detailed discourse can be written after meditating on the dream.

For bringing yourself into attunement with the HIGHER SELF for reception of the possible message of the dream, do the following: 

1.) Sit comfortably and take three deep, long, calming breaths. Be sure to push out your solar plexus and abdomen on the inhalation and pull them back at the exhalation. This is the “Yogic Breath”—just one of many types of breathing techniques in the process of “Pranayama”.

2.) Focus on the dream imagery and envision the Hebrew letter “YOD” at your third eye. It looks like the comma punctuation mark. Its Kabbalah significance is “A Cosmic Messenger Bringing an Important Message”. (Remember this the next time you see the time “10:10” on a clock or on a vehicle license plate or on a sales receipt, etc. The number “10” is the mystical number of “YOD”. Also be advised that the significance of numbers is different in the Spiritual Science of Kabbalah than it is in the Pythagorean system.

3.) Quietly ask SOURCE (the HIGHER SELF—the SOUL) what the message of your dream holds. Then bring your attention to your heart; continue to breathe deeply and calmly.

Eventually, you will receive guidance in the form of an audio-psychic message (hearing guidance) or a have a vision.

If you are still unclear after having received a message, do not be concerned.

Your having tuned-in to your HIGHER SELF will give you clarity later in the day in some manner.

However, if you receive no message during meditation, it is perhaps because the dream is what is known in Kabbalah as a “Natural Dream” rather than what is called a “Message Dream”.

This is when experiences that we have during the day which create certain emotions within us such as a television program or a conversation with someone, etc. are often played-out during the dream state for clearing the cellular records.

In other words, the dream had no major, profound message of some action that is to be taken or some event that is about to unfold.

Do not try to make every dream you have into a powerful message center.

4.) Write down what you receive if you do indeed receive a message and drink a glass of water afterwards to become “grounded”.

However, do not rush off to inform family or friends about the dream.

Let your time with your HIGHER SELF settle down for a while.

You will know when and if you should inform others about the dream and its message.

You may not have to do so because it may unfold on its own—especially if it is for the human collective and is known as a “Prophecy Dream”—one in which nothing can stop the dream from occurring.

In other words, SOURCE will have made a DIVINE DECISION on something that humanity has need of as a lesson or as a need for greater LIGHT.

5.) If your dream is a troubling one which has created anxiety, ask SOURCE to heal you of its disturbance to your nervous system—whether it was a “Natural Dream”, a “Message Dream”, or a “Prophecy Dream”.

If you wear crystals and gemstones, the following will help to calm you: Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Howlite, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, or the hardened resin of Amber. Prayer malas of Boddi Seed, Sandalwood, or Rosewood will do the same.

A wonderful mantra for calming is: “SO HUM” (“I am THAT”).

On the “SO”, inhale long and deeply and on the “HUM” exhale slowly through your slightly opened mouth.

The word “THAT” in the mantra refers to the fact that you are connected to SOURCE, and you are safe, protected, and being healed of any anxiety or nervousness.

Consider wearing calming oils such as Amber, Frankincense, Rose, or Sandalwood.

Also, consider purchasing the oil called “Majmua” from the “Nemat” company. (Important Notice: I am not a spokesperson and am not paid by them).

“Majmua” is an Arabic word that translates as “Gathering”.

This woodsy, flowery oil has amazing properties of calming the nervous system, “grounding”, and assisting in achieving a peaceful sleep at night.

During the potential three-day window of cosmic events, there may also be the other usual “Light Activation Experiences” or “Ascension Symptoms” to deal with which may be heightened due to the coming Mercury Retrograde and Full Moon along with the solar dynamics already mentioned.

We must be prepared to realize that almost daily our planet and our entire solar system is being transformed—being given greater LIGHT and a faster vibrational frequency—all meant for DNA regeneration and expansion of consciousness.


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