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Spiritual Preparation For The Coming Weeks

Spiritual Preparation For The Coming Weeks

Prior to reading the following message, please review my article entitled “Sitting in the Medicine Wheel” written several weeks ago for details on why this particular document is so vital at this time.

There has been/and still is much chaos on our planet which we all can work to eradicate if we come together.

On Tuesday, May 10th, Mercury will retrograde until June 3rd and on May 15 (or 16th based upon time zones), there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse.

These events follow the many strong solar flares (upper “C-Class” levels, “M-Class”, and “X-Class”) that have been unleashed from the Sun of our solar system and the delta class energies that suggest more powerful “M-Class” and “X-Class” flares to come soon.

Particle waves have densely built within Earth/Gaia’s magnetosphere, and solar winds are chaotic surging with both fast and slow winds intermingling creating “Energy Fluxes” or continuing pulsations all around our planet as well as within “Her” inner core and outer field.

All of creation is feeling these cosmic events as LIGHT pours into every atom, subatomic particle, molecule, cell, and all aspects of the material form.

There is no need to list again the specific “Light Activation Symptoms” (LAS) that are being experienced because they have been mentioned several times.

However, it is worth mentioning that these “symptoms” will continue as the “labor” to reach true “re-birth” (and not merely wishing for or pretending that it has already been achieved) of our planet is actualized as a world without hatreds, war, disease, famine, dangerous chemical drugs, sexual perversions, unrighteous so-called “leaders”, religious indoctrination, and all of the characteristics of an era of dire disharmony is no more.

In other words, clearing and cleansing is constantly necessary as too many of those who inhabit this planet still misuse their consciousness.

Downloading’s of LIGHT and upgrading’s of DNA are being offered, but we must agree to receive the LIGHT.

The Mercury Retrograde and the Total Lunar Eclipse will be intense with emotion as war rages, as the economy reaches turbulence, as injections of harmful substances are again urged upon the world populace, as political, sociological, medical, etc. untruths surface to be reckoned with and as attempts at distractions involving the entertainment and sports industry are given “center stage” while “behind the curtain”, plans are steadily made to fool, entice, and to control humanity.

A substantial percentage of humanity must achieve “consciousness transfer” (elevation to the HIGHER SELF/SOUL/SOURCE FREQUENCY) in order for circumstances to dramatically change for the good.

A few groups here and there can establish wonderful changes in their communities, but we need a global “consciousness-transfer”.

We can do this if we participate in an ancient ceremonial process rooted in the “Medicine Wheel” of the Indigenous People (also referred to as “Native Americans”) which has been necessarily altered so that youngsters can also participate and so that their parents feel comfortable bringing them to the ritual.

Traditionally, Indigenous People smoked Tobacco (pure—not mixed with chemicals), or Sage, or Cedar, or Sweet Grass as part of their Medicine Wheel ceremony as the GREAT SPIRIT (SOURCE) was consulted and as agreements were made for the prosperity, healing, and peace of the Indigenous nations.

It was and still is a very powerful ritual.

Try to do this ritual before next Tuesday.

To invite people to the “Medicine Circle” ritual, send e-mails and make phone calls.

How the ritual will be done should be explained when everyone has arrived by whoever is performing the position of “Spiritual Leader”.

Spiritual Preparation 1.) Whoever is going to prepare the “Medicine Wheel Circle” should obtain relatively large pieces of Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz or just large rocks from the yard. If preferred, each person attending the circle can bring a rock with him or her to place in the circle. Also obtain sticks of Sandalwood incense or springs of Sage or Sweet Grass for lighting when the circle ritual begins unless someone will be irritated in their throats or sinuses by the incense. In such a case, sprinkle only essential oils such as Lavender, Frankincense, or Sandalwood around the circle or an oil diffuser can be used. Further, prepare a mixture of dried fruit and nuts and place them in individual small bags. This is usually called “trail mix'”. Next, provide small bottles of spring water. Both a bag of fruit and nuts and a bottle of water should be placed in front of each person in the circle.

Spiritual Preparation 2.) Everyone participating should sit inside of the circle of stones. (If a person is doing the ritual alone, he or she should be seated inside of the circle of the stones mentioned). The incense should, of course, already have been lit and the fruit and nut bags placed in front of each participant as well as a bottle of water (or be ready for the person doing the ritual alone).

Spiritual Preparation 3.) A prayer should be offered to begin the ritual by someone selected to be the “Spiritual Leader”. Be sure that the prayer is one that every path can feel comfortable with such as the following: “We call upon the GREAT SPIRIT—the SOURCE of all creation—to hear our petitions for our planet, for others, and for ourselves.” After the opening prayer, there should be complete silence as each person prays silently for our planet, for others who may need special prayer, and for themselves. Allow at least a half-hour for this part of the ritual. The sweet incense will be wafting to add sacred ambiance to the area, or the fragrant oils will be able to be smelled.

Spiritual Preparation 4.) At the end of the silent prayers, the person who is serving as the “Spiritual Leader” should open oral petitions by saying something like the following: “I, ______________________ (name) promise to add to the LIGHT of the world by __________________________.” This is where each person offers his or her willingness to do something specific to bring PEACE, LOVE, and HEALING to our planet.

Spiritual Preparation 5.) When each person has recited his or her statement of intent, the fruit and nuts should be eaten and the water drunk. This represents smoking of a traditional “Peace Pipe” and the feeding of the physical vessel for healing of spirit, mind, emotion, and body. It also takes into consideration, as mentioned above, that parents attending may not want their children to be around as pipes are smoked. We are experiencing times when many people are very sensitive to certain ritualistic practices, and thus, every attempt must be made to make people feel comfortable whatever their particular path may be.

Spiritual Preparation 6.) At this point, a closing prayer should be offered such as the following: “Thank you, GREAT SPIRIT (SOURCE) for hearing and granting our petitions and for helping us to follow-through with our intentions.”

Spiritual Preparation 7.) Everyone should greet the person next to him or her with a handshake or hug. Then the circle should be disbanded, and there can be socializing, or people can choose to silently leave the area and go directly home to relax.

If desired, to add more of an Indigenous ambiance to the ritual, the words “GALUN LATI’, which translates as ‘GREAT SPIRIT” in the Tslagi (Cherokee) language can be used instead of the English terms “GREAT SPIRIT” or any other name for the “GREAT SPIRIT” in any other language of the Indigenous People can be taught to the group.

Some people of Indigenous heritage may desire to wear their cultural dress.

Let us all realize that collective prayer is powerful! May the GREAT SPIRIT bless us all to come together in the LIGHT.


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