Keep Your Relationship Healthy: Simple Ways to Make it Work
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- Written by Tracey Clayton

Relationships offer people warmth, security and plenty of fun, but they are not always easy. Sometimes, you need to invest a lot of work in order to make a relationship last, even if you really love each other. Luckily, the work on your relationship isn’t too hard or time-consuming. There are truly countless ways you can show your partner you care about them and about the life you created together. Need some ideas? Here are a few simple ways you can keep your relationship healthy and strong.
Talk openly

If you have a strong intuition, you might have a hunch that your partner is not telling you everything. Sometimes, people just start vibing at different frequencies, and that’s normal. It can be tempting to read into things, but try to talk instead and leave guessing for some other time. Let your partner know how you feel (left out, disconnected or worried) and ask them to share their feelings with you. And make sure to approach this conversation in a gentle way, not accusatory or confrontational.
Check in regularly

Today, we’re all so busy and between work, kids, gym, errands and doctor’s appointments, we can barely find the time to talk to our partner. However, these one-on-one talks are very important, especially when you get married and start truly sharing your lives. If you have to, schedule weekly talks (it’s not romantic but it works) sit down and start sharing good and bad things that happened during the week. You can use this time to make plans for the following week or month and talk about your future together. This will make your partner feel appreciated and allow you to make your voice heard. After all, you’re there for each other for better or worse, so make sure to check in with your SO regularly and offer your support.
Go on dates

No matter how long you’ve been together, make sure to continue dating forever. Sure, getting stuck in a rut is very easy: you wake up, grab a coffee, run to work, come home exhausted and hit the hay after one episode of your favorite Netflix show. However, this boring routine will make your relationship stale, so make sure to schedule a date once a week. You can grab a nice meal, see a movie, go for a walk or do whatever you used to do when first getting together. Do whatever you can to keep romance alive.
Get frisky

If your relationship is physical, make sure to show your partner how much you want them. Occasional surprise kisses, tight hugs and short cuddle sessions will feel good for both of you and allow you to connect on a deeper emotional level. You can even surprise each other with some exciting adult toys to bring back that spark between the sheets. From cute lingerie to various naughty accessories, choose something both you and your partner will like and let the games begin.
Don’t forget the little things

Little things are not to be neglected. Many small gestures will pile up and build up great positivity in a relationship. If you’re not a super romantic individual, you can still show your partner you love them and think about them by leaving them surprise sticky notes with a few nice words or send a text that says “thinking of you”. These little things literally cost nothing but will keep your relationship strong, happy and fresh forever.
Give each other space

Humans are a weird bunch: we crave attention but need space. So if you can find that perfect balance in between, you can have a happy and successful relationship. Too much of a good thing is not good, so make sure to schedule alone time and give your partner the same. You can have an occasional spa day or hit the bar with your friends. If you have kids, ask your partner to bring them out with them while they run errands, so you can read a book, have a relaxing bath or just take a peaceful nap. And don’t forget to do the same for your significant other every once in a while.
Choose your battles

Having your own opinion in a relationship and having your voice heard is very important, but make sure to choose your battles and arguments. There are probably a few tiny things that annoy you at your partner, but think whether those things are worth an argument. When an issue is minor, it’s sometimes smart to get over it without nagging and bickering. This way, when you come across a serious issue that requires discussion and fixing, you will have a lot more authority.
Knowing that a healthy relationship won’t just fall into your lap is the first step towards building a strong and stable connection with your partner. It will take time and some effort, but it will all pay off once you see how happy you are in your perfect relationship.
About the author:
Tracey Clayton is a mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids. She’s also passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live."
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