Cozy Season - a Perfect Time for Self-Reflection
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- Written by Sarah Kaminski

As the days start to shorten and the weather starts to turn, we may find ourselves bemoaning the sunny days and the careless breeze of summer.
However, if you take a bit of time to reflect, you can begin to view autumn as the perfect time for self-reflection and turning a new leaf, if you’ll forgive the rather obvious metaphor.
Here’s why:
You Have More Time for Yourself
While your summer schedule may be filled to the brim with social engagements and a whole host of errands you want to run in a single day, the autumn rains may prevent you from running out of the house as often.
This will naturally provide a bit more time you can spend in the company of just yourself. You can peacefully take stock of your life and reflect on the goals you want to set for the times ahead.
After all, isn’t it much nicer to stay in with a cup of tea in the autumn, when it’s raining and miserable, than on a gloriously sunny day when the outdoors are just begging to be explored?
It’s Better than a New Year’s Resolution

Come autumn, we often feel a bit exhausted. The summer may have been particularly eventful, there is SAD to consider, and the weather certainly isn’t helping.
We then tend to hibernate through the winter, and when spring eventually rolls around again, we may feel we’ve even wasted a good chunk of the year.
Or alternatively, we set New Year’s resolutions that we then put too much pressure on, which naturally makes us unable to stick to them.
Instead of waiting for the new year, make autumn your season of new beginnings. You can cozy up indoors and devote some time to planning ahead, taking stock of the past year, and determining what it is you next want to achieve.
It’s an Interlude You Shouldn’t Waste
Most of us want to feel and look our best for spring/summer and are much more sluggish and sloth-like during the colder months. However, if we were to use this interlude and work on bettering ourselves, we would find ourselves springing into spring with a brand new spring in our step.
This could be a much-needed contrast to the usual nerves and jitteriness, when we feel absolutely knackered and not at all ready for the finer weather.
How to Self-Reflect During the Cozy Season

Now that we’ve established that it’s the perfect time for self-reflection, let’s examine what it is you can actually do.
Consider How You Feel
We’re usually so busy living life that we forget to examine how we feel about the direction it is taking. Devote some time to actually thinking about the past year and how certain events have made you feel. This will help you identify the path you want to walk down in the future.
Consider Your Achievements
We also often forget to celebrate our victories, which is why it’s so important to take stock of them at least once or twice a year. You can also keep an achievement and gratitude journal during the year, so that you don’t forget some of the smaller wins you would want to remember and pat yourself on the back for.
Adopt Better Habits
Now is also the perfect time to examine your habits and adopt better ones. You may keep telling yourself that you need to drink more water, but unless you make a change and an effort, you’ll never make a difference. You should also consider improving your skincare habits and taking better care of your mind and body in general.
Consider Where You Want to Go
This can also be the perfect time to set yourself some goals for the coming year. They can be simple ones (like wearing your favorite outfits more often), or they can be major ones, like buying a home or finding a better job.
Make sure you keep your goals realistic and don’t focus on pushing yourself too hard. Instead, focus on the way you want to feel in a year’s time and where you want to find yourself.
Final Thoughts
The cozy season was simply made for reflection and relaxation. The more you take advantage of it, the better you will feel come spring and summer. And when they come, you’ll be able to embrace them carefree and in high spirits.
Author Bio:
Sarah Kaminski is a life enjoyer, positivity seeker, and a curiosity enthusiast. She’s been a freelance writer for over a decade and loves researching health and wellness topics.
This article was submitted exclusively to by Sarah Kaminski
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