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Ancient Secrets of Isis and Egyptian Mystery Schools

Isis & The Egyptian Mystery Schools ☥

For over thousands of years, the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools have been seen as the Ultimate in Secret Wisdom and Knowledge.

The teachings of the Egyptian mystery schools originated from Atlantis from Osiris and Isis... Horus and Thoth... & Many Celestial Star Races that Contributed to its Knowledge & Higher Technological & Spiritual Advancements...Ancient Atlantis was the cradle for all the Ancient Mysteries. The secret teachings originated from Atlantis and were shared with the Ancient Egyptians. The influence of these sacred rites and secret doctrines has influenced other nations across the world.

The Egyptian mystery schools contain knowledge that originates from ancient times. The Pyramid Texts of Egypt which were written thousands of years ago and contain magical formulas/spells and higher occult knowledge. These are from a far more ancient period. In the time of Ancient Egypt shone as a beacon light of civilization throughout the known world. Spiritual seekers of the divine sciences came from the distant shores of Asia, Greece and around the world. They arrived to study in the sanctuaries with priests and priestesses with whom who they believed could give them the secrets of immortality.

New initiates of the mystery schools that were chosen already knew that they must undertake rigorous disciplined study plus training of body, soul and spirit. They were told buy a Master Priests or Priestess that to attain mastery of the mysteries that they would undergo a complete restructuring of their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. The initiates experience timeless secret teachings that are past down to them via word of mouth by the High Priests and High Priestesses, other initiates, and also by Royalty. Teachings are also encrypted into temples, concealed and enshrined behind a veil of hieroglyphs, allegory and symbolism. Each temple’s harmonic construction transmits its own unique frequency.

Only through development of one’s faculties of will, intuition, and reason to an extraordinary degree could one ever gain access to the hidden forces in the universe. Also, through complete mastery of body, soul, and spirit could one see beyond death and perceive the pathways to be taken in the afterlife. Only when one has acquired divine freedom could he or she become a seer and a magician. For centuries, the pharaohs were also pupils of the magician priests (hierophants) who presided over the temples and cults of Isis and Osiris. Each pharaoh received his initiation name from the temple. Priests and Priestesses were also honoured with the roles of counsellors and advisors to the throne. It is even know that Jesus was a student of the Ancient Egypt Mystery Schools. This is believed as it wasn’t until he came back from Egypt that he could perform miracles.

Isis is symbolically the Mother of all Mysteries. She is the church and the symbol of the Atlantean mystery school. Osiris represents the secret doctrine when it was complete before knowledge was lost. Horus represents the body of illuminated initiates who were born again from the womb of Isis or out of the mystery school. There were many Mystery Schools In Egypt. The most known was the Mystery schools developed by Goddess Isis. Isis is a Green Goddess of Life, daughter of Earth and Sky. The Coffin Texts call Her She of Vegetation and Mistress of Herbage Who Makes the Two Lands Green. She is a Water Goddess for Her yearly tears for Osiris caused the Nile to overflow its banks, vivifying the land. She is the Queen of the Sea and the Lady Who brings rain. As a Bird Goddess, Isis is Mistress of the Skies and a Lady of Air. As She is the Lady of Life, Isis is the Lady of Life Everlasting. She is the Divine Mother of each who is transformed and reborn into Eternal Life.

As initiates within the Priestess's of the Sisterhood of The Rose, the Gateway into the powerful realm of Goddess Isis, a beacon that radiates her Divine wisdom from the beginning of time into the knowing of remembrance. The Isis Temple was the school of Divine Magic, Sacred Sexuality and Healing. This was a sacred space where the mystery teachings of Goddess Isis were shared in sacred courses, workshops, and light code activations. Mary Magdalene was a high initiate in the mystery school at the Temple of Isis. The Mystery schools of Horus In Ancient Egypt were three Eye of Horus Mystery Schools in Egypt: the male school was the Right Eye of Horus, the female school the Left Eye of Horus. The third school was the child, the Middle, or Third Eye of Horus. This is life, which the Egyptians considered to be one of the most important school of all. They believed everything that happens in life is a lesson, part of a school preparing for higher levels of existence, which the modern world calls death. The Egyptian Mystery Schools studied all aspects of human and spiritual experience. Central to the training in the mysteries was the Mer-Ka-Ba, The Light Body. In Hebrew it is Mer-Ka-Vah, means both the throne of God and a chariot, a vehicle that carries the human body and spirit from one place to another dimension.

Initiates always attended the Left Eye of Horus School first. The feminine pathway explored emotions and feelings, both positive and negative, tantra, or sexual energy and their relationship to immortality, birthing, psychic energy, and everything that defies logic. If there was an emotional imbalance, this imbalance would stop the initiate from evolving. Without love, compassion and a healthy emotional body, the initiate would proceed on the path of enlightenment only so far, then stop. Fear was and remains the primary force which stops a person from growing into the light. As we move into the higher world of light, we manifest out thoughts and feelings directly. So what all the ancient races discovered, is that in order to exist in the higher worlds, we must overcome our fears here on Earth. This is why the power of love plays a significant and major key in Ascension.

To achieve this, the Egyptians built 12 special temples along the Nile, associated with each of the chakras. It took 12 years of initiation, spending one year or cycle at each of the temples, learning all aspects of feminine consciousness. The Great Pyramid was the 13th temple and place of initiation. Once emotional healing had taken place the initiates would progress to the male or Right Eye of Horus Mystery School. This was taught orally, and only once, although its primary components are etched on a single wall under the Great Pyramid that leads into the Hall of Records. There you will find The Flower of Life, some four foot in diameter, and other images, representing Christ consciousness, the level we are ascending into now.

The Aton God Body is the organic God World technology of the Eternal Cosmic Solar Christ Consciousness gestalts or Christos Creator Gods from the God Worlds that functions for consciousness Transmigration in order to move solar consciousness identities through portals that exist in and outside of time and are being accessed from the Universal Ankh Body. The, Christos Starseeds and ascending humans that have naturally activated their individual Diamond Sun templates are able to build their personal Ankh Solar Body which allows them to gain access into the Sun Disc Networks.

The Aton God Body functions through the Ankh Solar LightBody, to transfer and move consciousness through portals, when the Ankh Solar LightBody as the Transfiguration Vehicle, or God Worlds Eternal Merkabah Vehicle has been embodied. The Aton Disk of a Solar Christ Consciousness secures the energetics required to build the Eukachrist Solar Body and Aton of the Ankh, in which the ascending human can travel through time or consciously transport themselves into other times and spaces through Meditation, and eventually consciousness transportation.

The Sun-Star Networks allows the embodied Aton God body to transfer and move consciousness through portals, when the Ankh Solar LightBody is embodied. The sun-star networks allow direct arcing and time travel through the sun-star networks if the keys to the suns have been built and embodied in the solar embodiment of the Avatar Christos-Sophia. This is a part of the eternal returning to the Godhead creator through the journeying in one’s personal tree of life.

The Ankh was the symbol of seed of eternal life given from the Sun during the Egyptian civilization and was often depicted as being given from the Gods to the Pharaoh to represent the Sun King. As the Sun King he could transmit divine life force and enlightenment through the living breath of animating spirit as the result of holding the Ankh which opened the stages of personal embodiment of the Cruxansatea. Those depicted to be wearing or holding the Ankh were referring to the power transmission within a specific level of Solar LightBody activation which was believed to bring eternal life, perfect health and joyful wellbeing. To open the Solar gateway, one had to unify the seven inner energy centers required the consciousness level to access the authentic light symbol code of the Ankh. Thus, the Ankh symbol became the representation of consciousness transport from one dimensional plane to another, at its highest from which is transmigration.

However, the Ankh and Cruxansatea have several different meanings spanning from specific forms of energy architecture and light body formation which causes liquid plasma solar activations, as well as coded symbolism. The Ankh symbolism has been the access code for building our Solar Christ body by opening the inner portal system in our Solar Star or 12th gate. The Ankh symbol is a sacred symbol of the hierogamic template made between the divine masculine and divine feminine when united to become the Universal Solar Christ merged with the Seven Sacred Suns of the Godhead. We have learned that the divine architecture in the mind of God holds many Sacred Suns which are the source field of the many rays of expression that make up the God Worlds.

The Ankh cross ignites the manifestation of the Cosmic Source Trinity emanating the divine life force from the Sun. Thus, before comprehending the multidimensional meaning and function of the Ankh, we must know that it exists as a sacred symbol in which it exists in the fabric of creation through light symbol code, geomantic structure, stargate portals and forms specific functions in our eternal God Body as an embodied Christos Sun. The Solar Christos LightBody is a base 12, 12-dimensional plane merkaba which begins as two interlinked tetrahedrons, which describes why we use the merkaba star symbol to represent this base 12 merkaba formation.

The 6-pointed Star merkaba is based on rebuilding the gender pairs into corrected alignment, which is then evolved to this point, the next stage is the full merging of radial spheres and horizontal bodies which forms into the tri wave nonpolarized merkaba body of Cruxansatea – the full eternal life field merkaba of tri-wave current that allows transmigration in and out of the vastness of the God worlds. This is a massive shift in our Universal architecture trickling down into every dimension, which is a major spiritual healing and blessing for all of us, but especially those of us that are aware of what this means for humanity and the witnessing of the Return of The Emerald Order. I hope its inspiring, as although we may not be able to sense all of this, we are living through an amazing time of consciousness transformation. May we continue to memorialize any experiences or research we find around the Ankh body or Ankh symbolism, as the knowledge of the ankh body is inherently connected to our hidden history and original angelic human civilization.

Even now Goddess Isis call to you. She Invites you back to the Temple to remember again. You are guided here by the ethereal currents of cosmic energy, understand that you are about to walk a spiritual journey that will delve into the sacred mysteries of the Divine Feminine and bring you back to your truth and wisdom, all guided by the nurturing hand of the Goddess Isis. And with the guidance of Light in Isis Priestess Temple this is your sanctuary of transformation and remembrance.

The Power with Goddess Isis is not limited to a certain era, it is written on the walls of the Temples and within you. She is a recurring essence, a symbol of eternal feminine wisdom that has imprinted its powerful resonance across cultures, civilizations, and epochs. She is a force that transcends mere mythology, embodying a complex blend of magical talents, nurturing motherhood, and profound spiritual guidance. She is the great orchestral conductor of the celestial ballet – a symphony of resurrection, transformation, and divine equilibrium.

The energies of Goddess Isis are the resplendent rays of the eternal star Sirius, guiding you towards her Wings of Light. She embodies the archetype of the mother, the healer, and Divine femininity. Isis is the symbol of nurturing and empowerment, an inexhaustible reservoir of intuitive wisdom, and an ethereal gateway to unparalleled quantum expansion. She will immerse you with a celestial union of courage and vulnerability, strength and softness, grounding both polarities earthly concerns with celestial insights. When you align with who you truly are and remember again, all comes into union and resonance for you. Feel it now within you. Your remembrance.

So, here you stand, at the precipice of your next level soul awakening, at the gateway where the 3D meets the 5D. Are you prepared to open the mystical secrets and wisdoms within you ? That will be activated deep within you by connecting again with Goddess Isis. Activate Your Highest Codes, Your Original Wisdoms and Your Sacred Priestess Lineage. It's time now to awaken your inner Goddess and Divine Feminine Power. Unlock your sacred potential and live the life you know you are meant to Live. The Sisterhood of Rose Priestess Temple awaits your luminous presence, as you step through the golden threshold of your divine destiny. Awaken. Transcend. Be Reborn with the Divine Light of Goddess Isis.

Image Courtesy of The Crystal Wind Oracle and Artist Lisa Iris
oracle.crystalwind.ca - www.lisairis.ca


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