The Creators: We are all Equally on the Journey Home
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- Written by Laura Smith Biswas
- Views: 1612

Dear Ones, I come with passionate love for all involved as one has awakened to the expanded experience of who they are.
Yes, it is true, once you have realized the truth of who you are, it all changes. You can no longer sit on a throne and judge or be comfortable on a pedestal, for all are equal. It does not matter that some have yet to awaken, or sit in darkness, unaware of the brilliance at their core.
It is in the remembering that our lives are blessed. For in the remembering - for ourselves, we access the pure gifts that lie within us. And when we remember the divinity of others, we aid them to remember who they are. So it does us no good, nor does it aid anyone - to stand in judgment. And do not mistake me for saying that all is okay. It is not. There is so much occurring that comes from the desire to protect oneself out of fear or harm another in hopes of making the hatred within themselves subside. But it will not.
To turn that around the only path is through love. First love and even forgiveness of the self, and wiping the slate clean to uncover what is beneath all the misunderstandings of a lifetime. And to accept that part of the journey as necessary, to arrive where one is at. For no diversion is unworthy, if it is a schooling in the truth of who you are. That which divides us from our truth, is ironically the companion to remembering - as we come full circle to who we are. Then we see how the many steppingstones of confusion in the dark, brought us the gift of remembering.
For if we had not forgotten, how could we remember? And it is sweet, so sweet to come home to be reconstituted as part of the whole. To come home to the greater truth of humanity - that we can never truly disconnect from each other because we are made of the same substance.
Sure, we can separate one another, parse out, divide, name call, bomb each other, and do everything within our grasp to see the differences that exists between us, and yet underneath it all, the truth is shining so clearly it is unavoidable at some point. We breathe the same air. We all sleep at night. We return to a dormant state of rest to be renewed, to be given another chance, another day, to see the truth about who we are.
Hold yourself steady in that particle of truth that you can grasp in those small moments upon awakening, that you are more than this flesh. You are so much more than this life, even. And so much more than you see all around you.
Go within and see the vast landscape of who you are. For it is a priceless treasure, to have the courage to embark on this journey of discovery and ask yourself to reveal what lies inside. For the mystery is unending. Hold yourself in precious regard - as well as those around you - even those sitting in darkness who do not recognize you or what they have done. They will in time come to know this same truth that our interconnectedness is undeniable. And then they see clearly through the darkness that they felt consumed by once upon a time.
We are the Creators - just like you.
Channeled Message from The Creators
Laura Smith Biswas
Feb. 13, 2025
Submitted to by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.
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