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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for November 29th - December 6th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for November 29th - December 6th

For the New Moon at 9º Sagittarius 33’, read for your Solar or Rising sign, as well as your natal house if you know it: 


(9th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius is a time for Aries to plant seeds of freedom. Freedom to uphold your beliefs, even in the face of stern judgment or opposition. Freedom to be able to voice your opinions and concerns, and to speak out on important issues, without being criticized for doing so. Arm yourself with information. Learn something new. Explore new avenues of expression. And look for confirmation from others for what you already know. But perhaps more importantly the New Moon in Sagittarius is trying to align you with your core beliefs, so that you can put them into application. And through this process you also come to realize the very meaning and purpose of your life. With the New Moon in Sagittarius each year you are confronted with a myriad of possibilities. However, this year those possibilities feel both hopeful and ominous at the same time, and it could feel at times as if too much information is coming at you all at once. If that is the case step back. Only take in what you can process right now, and then put the rest up on the shelf. Focus in on only what is essential. The ones that really resonate. You can get to the rest later if you choose to do so. It’s the essential messages that are calling you right now, are those that will bring you where you need to be. A good intention for the New Moon this weekend might be: May I be led to a clearer understanding of the purpose and meaning of my life.


(8th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius dares you to free yourself up, in order to make room for ever better things to come in. What have you been carrying with you, that you no longer need, and now needs to be released? What old tropes and fiendish fears have been dictating your choices, and can no longer be abided? What do you need to reject, say No to, or set better limits with, in order to be free? Sagittarius is a sign of freedom, and you will want to be free in order to live your own best life in the future. This may take some sorting out, because you won’t want to toss out everything. New Moons are about new beginnings. But that can also include making deeper commitments to those people and things that do support you, and make you feel worthy; while giving yourself permission to let go of those things or individuals that diminish your self-worth and value. This can include things as simple as paying down your debt, or releasing certain obligations that are proving to be much more difficult or involved than they are worth. Therefore a good affirmation for the New Moon this weekend might be: Through the process of purification and transformation I clear the way for positive growth and change.


(7th House) For Gemini, the New Moon in Sagittarius is a Moon for connecting. And this is especially so for connecting with those people who make you feel larger than life. The people who fill you with good cheer and hope for something vastly different and wonderful. This is a time of year to consider your commitments. The commitments already made, as well as those that you are thinking about making. The urge to connect, to be more than, to relinquish your independence in order to be part of something more. And don’t be surprised with your ruling planet, Mercury, all retrograde that some of those old commitments resurface out of the ether. After all, we are all in those reflective moods right now, and being able to process all of your relationships, can sometimes feel like a do-over, a second chance, or simply an opportunity to tie up some loose ends. Dong this important work of process and understanding the past, can not only bring greater clarity but can also allow you to make sense of the present, and make better choices in the future. Within that context, a good affirmation to make with the New Moon this weekend, might be I grow even larger when I connect with those who inspire me to reach high 


(6th House) New Moons can bring opportunities for renewal and new beginnings. This weekend we have a New Moon in Sagittarius, which aims to point you towards those people, experiences or remedies that aim to support your overall well-being. Sagittarius is an optimistic sign, which looks to the future with a sense of hope. That can include investing all of your daily activities with a sense of renewal, integrity and purpose. This may require a little self-discipline, and the ability to set limits. But ultimately it’s about finding those things that support, rather than diminish your effectiveness in the world. This can be as simple as revisiting a health regimen that worked so well before, returning to the gym, or paying attention to your diet. It can include trying some new things as well. It may be hard to pick and choose what works best at this time. But be aware of those people, things or activities that are supporting your well-being and those things that are doing quite the opposite, diminishing it. A good intention for this New Moon, therefore, could be: May I find the lifestyle, healer, guide or healing method that will best support my health and well-being. 


(5th House) For Leo, the New Moon in Sagittarius, which falls on this weekend, can bring a renewal of hope as well as anticipation for the future. And that might be despite any limitations that seem to be standing in the way. Sagittarius is a sign of freedom. And for Leo this means having the freedom to fully express yourself, without any worries about others judging or criticizing you. The New Moon in Sagittarius can feel like a door is opening, while letting you leave some old baggage behind, so that you can more freely explore new worlds of creative possibility. Be open to the abundance that the universe has to offer, and then throw your intentions out to space. There’s no telling what they may bring back. And don’t be surprised if some long overdue rewards might be coming your way as well. Use the New Moon, to launch a quest to reacquaint yourself with yourself, to embark on a creative venture, or to begin a new journey. There may be  some naysayers and Debbie downers trying to get in the way, but it’s entirely up to you as to who you do or do not pay any mind. And with that, the New Moon in Sagittarius is asking you to make the intention that: I want all obstacles to joy and happiness lifted from me. 


(4th House) Each year, the New Moon in Sagittarius draws you back to the home and hearth. This is a time in which you seek to shore up the ramparts, and focus in on all of the important support systems in your life. That can include family, community, gathering the tribe and reconnecting with the people of your heart. This year it can go even deeper, connecting you to your ancestors, the homeland, the land, your earliest and most salient memories. The memories that made you who you are today. This can merely be a nesting Moon, in which you seek your safety and security within, and away from the sharp edges of the real world. Entertain at home. But the queen of your own domain. You don’t mind having others over to spill the tea and talk about the what if’s. But venturing out these days feels like more effort than it is worth. Your ruling planet, Mercury is retrograde until the 15th, and when Mercury is retrograde our inclination is to reflect on the past. Combine that with the New Moon in Sagittarius, and you are given the opportunity to reflect on those events in your life that have made you who you are today.

Therefore a good intention for this New Moon might be: May I come to appreciate the patterns and events in my life, that have led me to where I am now. 


(3rd House) The New Moon in Sagittarius aims to free you up in some remarkable way. One way it can do that is by improving your outlook, re-instilling hope in your heart, and showing you the possibilities that are unfolding before you. This is a time of mental renewal, in which you are being asked to have faith that you are being led precisely where you need to be in order to fulfill your aspirations and goals. And that is true even if it does not appear to be the case. There may be some delays, diversions, and distractions. But these too may prove to be fortuitous in the end. If you have been feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of information, and not quite sure what to make of it all, use the New Moon to sort out the disparate pieces of information, focusing in on the ones that are right in front of you right now, while putting the rest up on the shelf for now. Take time out to connect with yourself. Pick up that book you never finished. Reflect on the year that was, but do not dwell on what should have or could have been done. Place your focus on the here and now. The rest will fall into place as it will. A good intention for the New Moon this weekend might be: May I have the faith and confidence that everything will work its way out in only the best way possible. 


(2nd House) For Scorpio, the New Moon in Sagittarius is a time of year in which you are being asked to reassess your priorities, and within that context, make a deeper commitment to those that are at the top of your list. What are those things that you most want to spend your precious time, money and resources on? Use the New Moon to reinvest your precious resources in a way that is most likely to bring you the greatest rewards. This can merely be about sorting out your finances, or looking for ways to improve your self-worth. But it can also be about honoring those things in your life that you truly value most. If you receive an offer, or are considering going down a new road, take sometimes to consider all the possibilities, but you may want to wait until Mercury is direct again on December 15th before making any final commitments. But do note, there is something magical brewing here, that is daring to get you on track with your destiny, and your foremost priorities. Therefore, a good intention for the New Moon this weekend, may be: May I be open to receiving the abundance that the universe has to offer. 


(1st House) When the New Moon falls in your sign, as it is this weekend, it is an opportunity for renewal and something of a rebirth. It is also an opportunity for you to reacquaint yourself with yourself, and you can do this even in the face of certain limitations. Each year you are faced with new challenges, new victories, and new experiences that allows you to grow, and evolve, even when faced with surmounting difficulties. There could even be moments where it could feel a bit overwhelming. The New Moon at 9º of Sagittarius will be relevant for all Sagittarians, but will be especially so for those born between November 28th and December 4th, or who have 6-12º of Sagittarius Rising. There is one major super power that all Sagittarians have, and that is the gift of optimism, foresight and faith. Use the New Moon to renew your hope in the future, and your faith in yourself. Then trust that you are being brought precisely where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. A good affirmation for the New Moon in Sagittarius might be:  My optimism and belief in myself and the future that is unfolding before me, knows no bounds.


(12th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius this weekend is an opportunity for Capricorn to slow down the tempo of their lives, tune in, and perhaps do a little soul searching. This is all the more so with the current Mercury retrograde, which inclines us to reflect on the past, and all of the events that have led you to where you are now. This allows you to process and make sense of recent events, and so perhaps gain some inner understanding, as to where you stand in reference to these. Now it may feel as if you are being presented with choices. But before you do so, you will want to tie up some loose ends, turn down some of the noise in your life, and connect with yourself. This may even require you to retreat from the world, read the tea leaves, the cards and the signs. The gods are trying to speak to you in their tongue, and lead you where you need to be. But in order to hear them, and understand their voices, you will first need to make peace with the past. This will then make room for whatever beginnings may be brewing in the future. In the meantime, a good intention to make with the New Moon this weekend might be: May I find the way and the means to connect with my own inner guides and my sources of eternal wisdom, so that these may lead the way.


(11th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius is your wishing moon. And you might want to use the New Moon to connect with your most heartfelt aspirations and hopes for the future. Even if it appears that these hopes and aspirations are difficult, or hard to reach, knowing what they are is the first step on the journey. Even if at first they seem unrealizable. Connect with them. Dare to dream your dreams and allow your vision for the future to take on some sort of realizable form. This is the time of year in which Aquarius asks of themselves: Where am I to go from here? And who, or what, can help me to achieve my dreams? It may seem this year as if there are a myriad of distractions and detours leading you away from your destination. But know, even if it does not appear to be so at first, that you are being led precisely where you need to be, in order to fulfill a heartfelt dream. Therefore connect with your most sincere and heartfelt dreams and make the intention with this Moon that: If this dream is meant for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled. 


(10th House)  The New Moon in Sagittarius this weekend asks Pisces: In what way do you want to be an inspiration and example for others to follow? This is the time of year in which you are asked to set goals, and create some sort of vision for the future. Then tie that vision up with some fancy tissue paper, a lot of bows, and then send it out to the universe. Then take some time out from your busy life, and think of the things that you might wish to accomplish this coming year, and how you can use your talents and abilities most efficiently. One way to do this is to reflect on the year that was, and all of the events that have brought you here to this place in time. This can help you to gain greater understanding of what you are up against, and where you might want to go from here. Take inventory of the previous year, the decisions made, the achievements made, as well as all the twists and turns. All of it matters in the end. And within that context, then make the intention with the New Moon in Sagittarius to: Obtain a clearer understanding of my higher purpose and goals. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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