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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for November 22nd - 29th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for November 22nd - 29th

For Mercury retrograde (at 22º Sagittarius) for your sign or house, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


(9th house) When Mercury is in the 9th house, we often feel the urge to go abroad. However when Mercury is retrograde as it will be starting Tuesday, the trickster loses your luggage, and cancels, delays and leads you on detours. However there are some exceptions. For instance, taking a trip to somewhere that you’ve been to before, going on retreat, or taking some sort of spiritual journey. You might still want to bring a bit of patience and carry-on luggage when you go, but these are precisely the activities that Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius yearns for. For this is a perfect time to connect with your own heart center and moral principles. Whether that means looking at these from another perspective, or being more aware of the lack of ethics and morals in others or society, ultimately what this period is about, is making sure that you are living up to your own moral or ethical standards. Other things that Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius could mean for you: returning to school; restudying a subject, or preparing for a certification or exam. There could be some issues with presenting material for assessment or judgment during the retrograde, as these may need to be redone, revised or even done all over again, but going through that whole process of re-learning and processing what you know, or thought you knew, is one of the best ways to use this retrograde phase of Mercury which lasts until mid-December. 


(8th house) Traditionally, when Mercury is in its retrograde phase, as it will be starting on Tuesday, this is not usually seen as a good time to sign contracts. Perhaps there will be regrets later. Or things will need to be revised. People change their minds, or things don’t work out as hoped.. It is also not traditionally a time to borrow or lend money. Yet that is the department of your natal or solar chart that Mercury is likely stationing. If you give away money, it will probably come back later. But if you lend it, you will not likely see it again. If you borrow money, the interest may rise, it may take longer to pay off, or you find the rates unwieldy. Interestingly, Mercury retrograde can also find what was once lost, and pay you for services rendered in the past. But sometimes these things just cannot be helped. Therefore if you are needing to take out that loan, or you have to buy that insurance, do so, but do it with caution and second opinions. What this retrograde period, which lasts until mid-December, is good for: addressing a habit; going into therapy; beginning a rehabilitation program; or entering a therapeutic healing program that will lead to restoration. Secrets previously hidden could come to light, but be wary of sharing secrets with others who might later use them against you. When communicating about your financial affairs, or within a partnership, take extra care to do so simply and clearly. This will leave no room for later regrets. 


Your ruling planet is slowing for its retrograde station on November 25th. During this time it can be all too easy to make assumptions before you have all the facts. This can be even more so with Mercury in Sagittarius tied to fast moving and disruptive Mars. So counter it by slowing down. Listen closely. At times it could almost feel like everyone else is speaking a different language, or you are feeling like you are being bombarded with an abundance of information all at once, drawing out the important stuff. Therefore hone in on the important things, and let the rest go for now. Make sure that you are hearing things clearly, but also make sure that you are being clearly understood. This might be especially so if you are trying to arrive at an agreement, or trying to understand where others are coming from. Just make sure that the lines of communication are as clear as possible, so that things don’t get misinterpreted or lost in the process. Then sit back and allow yourself to process and make sense of all that you are hearing. This is not a time to rush. It is a time to assimilate. It is necessary for us to do this important work during these retrograde phases of Mercury, because this is precisely how we learn and are able to make sense of the world, and our lives, and give it deeper meaning.  


With Mercury stationing for its retrograde phase this week, you could find yourself revisiting a health issue. Perhaps there was something that you had missed the first time around. Or perhaps you rediscover an old remedy, diet, or exercise plan that once worked so well, and you want to give another go. This is not necessarily a good time to start a new plan, but it could be a good time to revisit. The main issue with starting new things is that you are less likely to stick with them. But revisiting old routines, habits, and health plans, give you an opportunity to see these in a different light. Especially within the context of where you are now. With Sagittarius in your 6th House of your natal or Solar chart, you may find that you could benefit greatly with the right sorts of activities that would promote health and well-being: walking or hiking in nature; horseback riding, revisiting a spiritual practice that once held so much meaning for you. Ironically although it can be difficult to focus and concentrate with Mercury all retrograde, for you it can be a great time to reorganize your desk, your work place, and take care of those piles of papers. Catch up on work that had been placed on the back burner, and re-do old projects that you might have neglected. This is actually a sort of meditation: by removing clutter, you remove distractions, and the more serenity you will achieve. 


Communications with children could prove to be touchy over the week ahead, as Mercury stations for its retrograde phase on Tuesday. Just remember, that words said, cannot be retrieved once they are out there. Sometimes discretion works better, and this is one of those times. That goes for communications in general! If loved ones seem more troubled than usual, know that sometimes just your presence and availability are enough to eventually draw them out, so that you can then give them the support they need.  If you feel that people are being too edgy, just give them their space, and know that they will come around when they are ready to do so. If you are dating, it could feel during the retrograde which lasts till mid-December that things are not progressing in the ways that you might like. But it could also be that you are reading too much into a situation. Use the retrograde period to reflect, review and let things rest for a bit. Do allow yourself some peace and serenity to reconnect with yourself and the things that you find inspiring. Worry less about producing, and step out of your own way. One exercise that may be helpful, is to recall what it feels like to look at the world with the eyes of a child: with wonder, enthusiasm, and joy. Rekindling that joyful enthusiasm may be just the remedy you are needing during this retrograde phase of Mercury.


With Mercury stationing retrograde in Sagittarius on Tuesday, this particular retrograde is more likely to draw you back into the past. Perhaps even to your earliest years. Perhaps even before that. This is because Mercury retrograde in this department of your chart allows you to even convene with the ancestors. Most of us, however, are not likely to go back that far. But it is prone to reminiscing, perhaps reconnecting with family, parents, or a desire to return home. Truthfully, although travel can be fraught with all sorts of tricksterisms when Mercury is in its retrograde phase, this is one thing it is good for: returning home, or to a place that felt like home to you. Try to avoid making major decisions concerning home improvements or moving if it can at all be helped. This could be riddled with all sorts of gremlins. However, it is a great time to rummage through the closets, clear out the old and worn, and reorganize your domain. In your quest to reorganize your environment, you may even find items that you had thought long lost, including your memories. These are times in which we process and assimilate the experiences of the past. And in doing so, help to make sense of the present, and bring ever deeper meaning. 


Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius can be rife with miscommunications. Typical of this sort of retrograde could be crossed signals, lost connections, people not returning your calls, or ghosting you entirely. Be cautious and don’t assume anything. Re-ready your messages twice, and make sure you are hearing the whole story. Avoid gossip and innuendo, these will only wreak havoc, and will come back later to bite you. In order to avoid further confusion, make your statements simple, spare and clear. Anticipate lost emails, glitches and mishaps with communications in general. Filling out forms, or submitting paperwork can be rife with mistakes, so check your work very carefully. Or better yet, if you have the luxury of doing so, wait until Mercury is direct again after December 15th. Also know if you need to travel, that a retrograde Mercury is in trickster mode, so be prepared. Things get lost. Gremlins create mishaps and detours. Although it can be difficult to concentrate or pay attention during this period, ironically, it is a good time to organize your environment, take care of papers that have been piling up, or clear out those 10,000 emails. Re-read a book. Take a class over, or review important information. Reflect, review and process. We’re all needing a bit of that right now, and it will help you to make better sense of things going forward. 


When Mercury stations retrograde as it is on Tuesday, we can often feel like we’ve detoured or even stopped in our tracks. There are some cautions to be had with the upcoming retrograde which lasts until mid-December. But also know that there is something else that is working from behind the scenes, urging you on in a certain direction. Do not ignore those urges. There is something significant to these. And we will be speaking to these next week when we discuss the New Moon. In the meantime, know that the cautions with this Mercury retrograde could involve finances. There could be some over-confidence when Mercury is in Sagittarius, and it might be a good idea to avoid signing on the dotted line until Mercury is direct again. If it can at all be helped. This can help avoid over-paying, or over-extending yourself. Occasionally Mercury retrograde can pay you for funds owed in the past, or items previously lost can be re-found. But generally it’s a good idea to be cautious, or get second opinions. What the retrograde phase of Mercury is most valuable for is prioritizing and thinking about those things that are truly valuable and meaningful to you. Pay attention to what you have been spending your valuable time, money and resources on, and then consider the ways that you might prefer to invest these moving forward. 


When Mercury is in your sign, as it is now, and will be through January 8th, you want to express yourself, you feel as if you have something important and even urgent to say. But now that Mercury will be retrograde, you will be learning a bit about speaking, and knowing when to speak, and not to speak. There is power in words. Power in language. One of the frustrating experiences during the retrograde phase which lasts through to the 15th of December, is feeling like what you are saying is coming out all wrong, misunderstood, or subject to foot in mouth disease and blowback reactions. However, words can still be powerful and effective, even when they do come out all sideways. Therefore be sparing with words, if and when you are able to do so, and look for alternative ways to express yourself. Sometimes silence is not an option. In that case do a test run. Keep a journal, or write out any questionable messages on napkins and scraps if you must, then apply the share test. The share test asks first if what you are saying is True, Helpful, Insightful, Necessary or Kind. If any or all of these apply, it passes the share test. But still share with caution. For often what seems like a really good idea while Mercury is retrograde will have its faults revealed later on, when Mercury is direct again. 


With Mercury stationing retrograde in Sagittarius, you are being given permission to say no more. This may merely mean wanting to escape for a few weeks, or at least until Mercury is direct again mid-December. That can include drawing the shades, and pretending you are not home. Or perhaps this includes going away for a much needed retreat. Or better yet, hiding away in your friend’s cabin in the woods. The initial urge will be to just get away. And sometimes we need to get away in order to find ourselves again. Sagittarius is a sign that Capricorn identifies with the past, with memories, some remembered, some forgotten. This is where we go to connect deeply with ourselves. Whether that be through meditation, reverie or literally going back to revisit the past. It is not unusual to do this during the retrograde phases of Mercury. This allows us to process events, and assimilate what you can from preceding events. And even if you are not able to go into your own self-proscribed retreat, use the time to sit with yourself. Acknowledge whatever feelings are coming up, but don’t necessarily act on them. This is a time for introspection, not action. At least not yet. Explore the past, but do not dwell on it. Rather explore it, and explore your own mind and heart, listen to your dreams, and then take that inspiration and gather it to you. It will serve you well. 


As Mercury enters its retrograde phase on Tuesday, where it will remain until mid-December, you may find yourself reassessing some of your associations. It is probably not necessarily the best time to hold conferences, speak before the public, or make major pronouncements on social media. What we say at these times might be difficult to take back again. However, it might be a good time to leave certain groups that are no longer serving who you are now, and may even be preventing you from being able to fully express yourself. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, is trying to help you to find your voice again. And anyone or anything that is standing in your way will not be tolerated right now. You may also find that there are issues with organizing get-togethers, or difficulties connecting with others on social media. Meetings are postponed or cancelled altogether. Friends may leave at this time, and others reemerge from the past. This is actually a great time to reconnect, and touch base once again. And there are often reasons for this. This retrograde phase of Mercury is about reassessing and revising. And as you move betwixt and between groups and associations, you will begin to see the benefits of doing so. For ultimately, this is when you are given the opportunity to reconnect with a dream that you once held in the past, but had put up on a shelf somewhere. Mercury’s retrograde is giving you permission to take it off the shelf once again, and give it another go.


If you are feeling like you are falling down a well of uncertainty, you are not alone. We are all being carried aloft on a wing and a prayer. But there are ways to make sense of the insensible. At least to the extent that you can bear with it. Being present is one tool. But another, and this is especially true for when Mercury is in its retrograde phase as it will be starting Tuesday, is to process and make sense of the past. Especially in terms of the choices and decisions that have brought you to this place and time. Mercury is in Sagittarius, which is a sign that you associate with your role in the outer community. That can include things like career, your job, what you do. But it can also be about the goals that you aspire to, the reputation that you wish to have, and the hats you wear when you are engaged in the world at large. And that can include those people who decide what hats you can wear; who make judgments about your position in life; and who have the authority to decide where you can go from here. All of these are going to be impacted by this retrograde phase of Mercury, which may compel you to want to stand back, and reassess where you are now. That can include all those past decisions. But perhaps more importantly, is that you are being given an opportunity to process all of the events that have led to this place in time. Process and then assimilate them, so that you can make sense of even the insensible things. And then lend deeper meaning to who you are, what you do or do not do, and your place in the world. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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