Your Complete Horoscope Guide for March 21 - 28
- Details
- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

For the week of March 21st thru the 28th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
There is something both magical and trepidatious about March. Its eclipses, the retrogrades, the proximity of the major planets with the Nodes. And then there’s Neptune waiting in the wings to enter your sign next week. This is that feeling like you are swimming in a sea of uncertainty, of waiting for the other shoe to drop, of not being able to see your hand in front of your face. And yet here we are. And there is nothing more to do, but to put one foot in front of the other, trusting that it will bring you where you need to go. And that’s despite you having no reason whatsoever for believing that to be so. And as we stand here between the Lunar Eclipse of March 14th, and the Solar Eclipse of March 29th, we are in that unique liminal space which can feel a bit like the eye of a storm. Some things seem to be fading, as others are germinating in the stillness of this space. And even if we can’t necessarily see where all this will lead in the end, we are still asked to proceed as if we do. Some will feel overwhelmed with chaos, change and activity. Others, particularly those Aries people born on or around the upcoming eclipse on the 29th, could feel as if their very life force is being drained. But right now you are in the veil between the eclipses with change and incomprehension tend to converge. And all we can do is walk through to the other side.
This weekend we have the inferior conjunction of Venus, in which your ruling planet enters the heart of the Sun. The retrograde phase has been drawing you into the past, perhaps in some very significant ways. She has been trying to show you the pieces of your life that remain unfinished, and need to be gradually released and unloaded. It is important to do this inner work, in order to make room for better things to take root. For as Venus enters the heart of the Sun it aims to plant new seeds, with hopes that it will find purchase and space within which those seeds can take root and grow to fruition. These are seeds of love, of joy, of satiety, beauty, hope and kindness. All that wonderful Venus stuff that makes our lives more meaningful. And just to remind you of your why, Venus returns to Pisces on the 27th to show you precisely why this is so necessary right now. This will also allow you to connect with your own inner gps system, which includes connecting with that spark of divinity, wonder, meaning and conscience within. For it is this spark that will lead you where you need to go from here. And it will also show you who is here with you, partaking of this journey and walking with you along the path of life.
The first leg of the retrograde journey with Mercury always asks us to slow down. We need to do this in order to connect with ourselves, to reflect, consider and reassess. And that’s not always so easy to do when Mercury is also in the fiery and active sign of Aries. When in this sign it often feels as if there are people to see and things to do. And then Mercury just stopped, and gradually turned its attention within. We do this important work in order to process and make sense of the past. This coming Monday, Mercury will then enter the heart of the Sun. If you have heeded the trend to slow down, you are more likely to reap some of the benefits of the cazimi Mercury, which can include illuminating insights and creative ideas. And sometimes all it takes is a shift in consciousness in order to see solutions, and gain a better perspective. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself drawn to the mysterious, or wanting to unravel a puzzle or problem. The cazimi Mercury can help you find the solutions you are seeking, and sharpen your focus. This is when truths are revealed, and discoveries made. And the deeper you dare to go the more will be revealed. Inquiring minds simply need to know.
In a world where so many seem to be licking their wounds, it may be helpful to pause and take stock of where you are, and from where you came. There is a certain appreciation that can be had when you stand in that liminal space between the eclipses. And this particular space just feels riddled with so much insight and understanding, there is plenty to go around. As we continue to reminisce, reflect and unearth events from the past, you are also processing all of the events and decisions that have brought you to this place in time. There may have already been some mishaps in communications, and with Mercury still in Aries, perhaps saying things that could later prove to be regrettable. Words have this way of being unleashed. However, do pay attention this week to what comes up in your mind and heart. For as Mercury and Venus enter the heart of the Sun this week, they can shine a light on some of the pieces of your life. It may still seem as if you are trying to make sense of the insensible, but these insights are crucial to realizing the truth of the matter. We stand here in the void between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, as if in the eye of a storm. Some things are fading, while in other ways we feel inexorably drawn in a certain direction. Go with it. For if you trust it, it has the ability to lead you through this crazy eclipse season, all the way to the farther shore.
There are opportunities this week to connect with others, to share meaningful experiences, and make powerful contacts. This would be especially so with those individuals who share common ideals, beliefs and goals as you do. There is an intensity that can be found in this liminal space between the Lunar Eclipse on March 14th and the Solar Eclipse on March 29th. An intensity that cannot and will not be ignored. It’s almost as if we are being inexorably drawn in a certain direction, or towards specific individuals. It could even feel like you are on a mission, with a sense of purpose and resolve. And you will not be deflected from that goal. A sense of self-empowerment arises when we find our place in the scheme of things, and are allowed to take control over the destiny of our lives. The more in tune with your inner sense of purpose, the more empowered you will feel to not only transform your own life, but to be in the position to maybe even transform the lives of others. Whatever it may be that is calling you this week, pay attention, for there is likely to be a lot more revealed, in its own time, and in its own way, if we heed that call.
There is an expression an old co-worker of mine would often say: “The faster I go, the more behinder I get.” That’s kind of what this first leg of the retrograde phase could feel like. Mercury retrograde and in the sign of Aries is inclined to rush through things, only to have to do them all over, or blurt out assertions that then fall to the ground in a tangled mess. However, when Mercury stationed on the 15th, it was asking you to just stop and pause, and take a few steps back. This week, your ruling planet Mercury is entering into the heart of the Sun and consequently disappearing from the night sky. But also, as Mercury enters into the heart of the Sun it is taking things a little deeper. So be prepared for some illuminating insights. Nobody loves conundrums more than Virgo, and with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all sextile lord Pluto, you might get the answers you are seeking. This is a great week to investigate, research, study and explore new avenues of inquiry, to look at things from a deeper perspective, or uncover facts that had been hidden from view. What we learn is not only interesting, but also empowering, and can even bring the capacity to transform your whole point of view. This is the beginning of the next Mercury cycle so think in terms of meaningful ways that your life could be improved moving forward.
As your ruling planet moves into the heart of the Sun this weekend, take some time to acknowledge those things, people, and experiences that move your heart as well as your soul. Who are the people and things that currently fill your life? And to which of these do you feel yourself inexorably drawn? Like a moth to a flame, or filings to a magnet, you can see your attention, your moods, and your heart being drawn in a certain direction, and you may even feel helpless in holding it at bay. When Venus is retrograde it is trying to get you to connect with what your deepest heart’s wants, needs and desires are. There are those things that we are obligated to. But there are also those things that we almost feel like we could not survive without if we were but to have that one person, that one thing. As Venus enters the Sun, she will disappear from the night sky for a bit, as she plants new seeds of longing and desire into your heart. Then next Thursday, she will return to Pisces for some unfinished business there. When last in Pisces, she was trying to get you to connect with your innermost needs. To your very heart center. And she will now return to finish the job. This is important. For as she connects with these heartfelt desires, these will then serve as your lodestar going forward, and lead you through the veil of uncertainty many are now finding themselves in. Give your ruling planet the space and time to do her good work. And allow her to lead the way.
Along with the rest of the wounded walking, Scorpio comes limping into this liminal space between the eclipses where we begin to harvest the results, rewards as well as the consequences of the past. Like an albatross hanging around your neck, it can often feel as soon as you make headway, you have to turn around and start all over again. That’s okay. Your ruling planet is still out of bounds, and testing the limits of your environment, your strength and your resolve. However, that too will begin to regain its equilibrium after Mercury and Venus are direct again. In the meantime, take advantage of the out of bounds Mars, to test those limits. See how far you can reach. How far you can go. At some point you will find that you will have to pull back. You may even be stopped in your tracks. But not quite yet. In the meantime, use the retrograde Mercury and Venus to plant new seeds of desire and ideas for the months ahead. In the beginning of their cycles this is when we come face to face with our most important priorities, needs and values. This week is the beginning of their new cycles, whose seeds are being planted within your mind and heart, setting the tone, as well as the primary focus, for the months ahead.
As we slip into that liminal space between the two eclipses, the Lunar Eclipse on March 14th and the Solar Eclipse on March 29th, we find ourselves confronted with ourselves. And perhaps some important decisions that have to be made. This may be about the things that you are obligated to take care of, vs. the things that you really want in your heart of hearts. At the same time many are feeling like their lives are permeated with loss, as what used to be so familiar, or a part of life is now fading away. And other things seem to be emerging and taking their place. This fills you with uncertainty about the future, even as you are being asked to have faith, and take that next step forward, as if you know what you are doing. We all are. And this can be disconcerting, as you don’t seem to have the usual tools with which to navigate. However, with Mercury and Venus entering the heart of the Sun this week, you are not being asked to look outside yourself for guidance, or to reach for those once familiar tools. Rather you are being asked to look within, and connect with your own heart and mind. For it is what you find there that will serve as your lodestar moving forward. Connect with it, and trust it, and allow it to lead the way.
There is nothing more exasperating for a Capricorn then to have to walk through this current veil of uncertainty. It is not unusual to find ourselves in this state when we enter that void between the eclipses. It can feel so unpredictable, and like we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. But this is all being exacerbated by the presence of Neptune casting an eerie fog over the proceedings. As a result it seems impossible to see our way forward. We see images on the horizon that we think are there, but then only prove to be illusions. You may wonder what has happened to that solid ground that you had been accustomed to having beneath your feet. Instead you are presented with uncertainties and quicksand. These times require faith and trust. Faith that you are being led precisely where you need to be, and trust that you know how to get there. And this is true, even if you have no reason to believe it is so. There are going to be a few shifts ahead, and as they occur clarity will resume. In the meantime, you are going to have to just put one foot in front of the other, confident that you it will bring you through the veil between the eclipses, and through to the other side.
This week Mercury and Venus will both enter the heart of the Sun, and as they do so, will disappear from the night sky. When they do return they will reappear as morning stars, heralding the beginning of a new dawn. But for now they are planting seeds within our hearts and minds. Venus is planting seeds of longing and desire into our hearts this weekend, setting the tone for her next 19 month cycle. While Mercury is planting seed ideas in our minds in the days after, setting the tone for what our prevailing mind set will be for the next 4 months. These are indeed seeds of new beginnings, planted in the veil between the two eclipses where things are so changeable and yet uncertain, because we can’t see all the consequences of the actions and decisions being made. And yet we cannot help ourselves. We are entering a new era, and with that new era come new expectations and new awarenesses. And in some way we are all being inexorably drawn in a certain direction in order to find our places in the new scheme of things. It is uncertain. And yet we are being asked to proceed as if it is not. And there is nothing we can do, but to proceed, until we reach the other side.
This is an important week for Pisces, because it is the last week that Neptune will be in your sign. It will come back again briefly before it is finally done and through. But even as it enters Aries on the 30th of March, you will begin to see the tides already shifting. Saturn has already been trying to relieve some of the mess that Neptune left behind these past few years. And there is still much more to be done in that regard. Just know that what Neptune had been veiling these past 13 years, can no longer be ignored or denied with Saturn bringing up the rear. In the meantime, we are all being tasked with planting new seeds in our hearts and minds this week, as both Mercury and Venus enter the heart of the Sun. Like a bright light, the Sun will illuminate our most prescient desires, needs and prevailing thoughts that will be foremost in our minds and hearts over the months ahead. The space between the two eclipses, can often be filled with uncertainty. This is all the more so as both Mercury and Venus move back to make another conjunction with Neptune who has been master of ceremonies for some weeks now. Neptune has this way of casting a veil over the proceedings, that makes it very difficult to see our way ahead. And yet at the same time, we are being asked to trust the process, and connect with those seed ideas, thoughts and desires that are being planted in our midstreams, and the faith that these will bring us precisely where we need to be, even if it doesn’t look like it right now.
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