Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: March 17 to 23, 2025
- Details
- Written by Pam Younghans

ECLIPSE CORRIDOR: We are now in the "eclipse corridor," that fortnight between two eclipses—in this case, between the Lunar Eclipse on March 13/14 and the Solar Eclipse on March 29.
An eclipse corridor is a liminal space, a transitional or in-between zone that often brings up feelings of ambiguity and unease. Liminal spaces are the thresholds between different states of being; when we inhabit such a space, we might feel like we are in an altered state of consciousness.
As we move through this two-week eclipse corridor, life might seem surreal and we could feel untethered to reality. At the same time, there may be an intensified focus, perhaps because of a crisis that absorbs our attention. For some, that stronger intentionality may be due to a growing sense of alignment with our higher purpose, which magnetically draws us into specific actions or ways of being.
VIRGO SYMPTOMS: Although the Total Lunar Eclipse is now behind us— at least according to the calendar—its energies continue to move through us and could be impacting us in various ways. The Full Moon that accompanied the eclipse occurred in Virgo, which rules our overall physical health, digestive organs such as the liver and intestines, and the body's processes of digestion and elimination.
Virgo takes us through a process of purification, so many are experiencing "detox" symptoms in these days following the lunation. Physical signs could include digestive upsets, an overall weakness or fatigue, odd aches and pains, and general "flu-like" symptoms. Extra fluids and rest are of course at the top of the list for self-care if dealing with these symptoms. Eat lightly, exercise gently, and perhaps try ginger tea to help settle the stomach.
AN INNER CALLING: Virgo has a strong desire to be useful and productive and is motivated by a need to serve, to improve, and to heal. As we work with the energies of last week's Full Moon eclipse, we may receive insights into how we can best be of service in the world.
As we consider our options, it will be important to act in ways that feel resonant with us, rather than trying to live up to an idealized vision of what we "should" do or be. This process of making choices in alignment with our inner knowing was beautifully put into words this week by author and mystic Nicky Hamid:
"It is our path to learn to make choices in any given moment. Oscillating between two options is normal. You make your choice once you have moved to 'higher ground' within yourself. So why not sometimes, in Love and Peace, stepping out to share and do, and other times, in Love and Peace, stepping back, to watch and Be. We are learning to come always from a deeper 'inner' place of Being. The 'right' way for you, in any given moment, comes in your feeling of greater alignment to the LOVE You ARE.
"Lord Krishna presented two paths as optional, two paths of equal value: Warrior or Angel, making the choice for one or the other, in any given moment, without attachment to the results. Buddha pointed always to the place between, of equanimity. As a Warrior of Truth and Love, you must make choices and follow your duty (Inner Knowing) of how you serve your people. The whole point is to learn to always go to your Inner Sense of Equanimity."
ARIES EQUINOX: The Sun enters Aries at 2:01 a.m. PDT on Thursday, March 20. This ingress marks the start of a new astrological year, and is also the Equinox, when the hours of daylight and darkness are nearly equal in length. Symbolically, an Equinox is a time to reflect on where we may be out of balance, and to take steps to reestablish both internal and external equilibrium.
An Equinox is also a turning point, a time change. The Aries Equinox initiates a new season—spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in lands south of the Earth's equator.
To have an Equinox during Eclipse Season adds another level of emotional complexity and spiritual depth to our journey this week. The theme of endings and beginnings is emphasized by both events. And, we may be even more sensitive to and in tune with cosmic influences with the two occurring simultaneously.
There is always a sense that the veil between physical reality and the higher dimensions is thinner during Eclipse season. And, at the Equinox, Earth and her inhabitants are especially open to solar light and energies. This is due to the tilt of the Earth in relationship to the Sun at the time of the Equinox, and is demonstrated by the fact that there tend to be more auroras around that time, whether or not there are solar flares or geomagnetic storms.
Please be gentle with yourself and kind to others this week as we navigate these heightened energies. If you feel out of balance, remember to pause to breathe slowly and consciously, several times throughout the day. Connect with nature as much as possible, and attend to your body's physical needs.
ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day:
Sun conjunct North Node: The messages of our recent Lunar Eclipse are highlighted as the Sun conjoins the North Node. There is a strong call to be compassionate, to forgive, and to align with our Soul's higher purposes.
Mercury semisquare Uranus: Nervous energy may be higher today, and our thoughts could be scattered. With Mercury now retrograde, we are letting go of preconceived notions and opening to new information and higher insights.
No major aspects are exact today.
Sun conjunct Neptune: This conjunction represents an alignment with our Higher Self. Intuition and an openness to the cosmos are supported. Neptune is just about to leave Pisces and enter Aries, so is bringing home its lessons of compassion and forgiveness.
Sun enters Aries (Equinox): The new zodiac year begins at 2:01 a.m. PDT.
Venus sextile Pluto: We have an opportunity for greater depth, honesty, and understanding in our relationships with this aspect.
Sun conjunct Venus: There is a strong focus on relationships, finances, and values today. However, because Venus is currently retrograde, we are still gathering insights and perspectives in these areas, rather than making long-term decisions. The awareness we gain now will be used to greatest benefit after Venus goes direct on April 12.
Sun sextile Pluto: We are open to profound changes now. This aspect helps us feel empowered instead of overwhelmed.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a powerful year for inner growth and insights. Your writings or your art may be especially helpful in your process of self-discovery and self-understanding. While relationships could be a focus, you may discover that, in truth, your most important partnership is with yourself. The energies this year also help you focus on your higher callings, especially those that include a spiritual or creative component. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, conjunct Venus, conjunct Saturn, conjunct Neptune, sextile Pluto)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- MONDAY: Sun conjunct North Node, Mercury semisquare Uranus
- TUESDAY: No major aspects are exact today
- WEDNESDAY: Sun conjunct Neptune
- THURSDAY: Sun enters Aries (Equinox) at 2:01 a.m. PDT
- FRIDAY: Venus sextile Pluto
- SATURDAY: Sun conjunct Venus
- SUNDAY: Sun sextile Pluto
WEBINAR IN TWO WEEKS! My webinar on the second quarter of 2025 will be on Wednesday, April 2! The title is "In the Deep: A Prelude to Transfiguration." Please see the full description below, or register here: https://events.humanitix.com/pam-april-may-2025
DAILY ASTROLOGY: For my daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com.
NorthPoint Journal copyright 2025 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
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Posted with written permission from Pam Younghans.
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