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Unlock Your Destiny! July 14 - 20, 2024 Forecast

Unlock Your Destiny! July 14 - 20, 2024 Forecast

Discover what the stars hold for you! Explore the astrological forecast for July 14 - 20, 2024

7/15  ::  Mars (passion & purpose) ~conjunct~ Uranus (freedom & liberation):
This energy is a volatile mix but can be directed constructively. When these two get together, it can provoke you to be completely intolerant of restrictions and gives you an undeniable urge to break free in some way, shape or form. It’s time to do things in a completely new way. Uranus is the Awakener and Mars rules who you are and what you want on one level, and your Sacred Masculine on another level (that is the part of you that gets your ideas out there, negotiates on your behalf & holds good boundaries). This is a break-to-realign moment but in an initiatory way (rather than a growth moment). It’s time to start a new path, passion or purpose that is born from within. This is a brand spanking new beginning for you (personally) and one that may even surprise you, let alone those around you, so stay loose yet alert. If you have a solid sense of Self and are clear about your deepest desires, then this energy is just what you need to finally (and permanently) break old limiting patterns of behavior which no longer suit who you have become. If you do not have a solid sense of Self at this time, then this energy will wake it up for you and help you see where change is necessary and where only you have the power to make that change. You will have considerable energy, so you should direct it consciously or into a project of your own making, something that you created, something truly unique and that will ultimately reflect the Truth of who & what you are. At its worst, it is violent thrashing, reactionary and indiscriminate destructiveness.

7/18  ::  Sun (energy & essential Self) ~sextile~ Uranus (freedom & individuality):
This activation serves as a gateway to a deeper sense of personal authenticity and awakens the potential for deep, profound insights that come through mundane, everyday affairs this week. Whenever Uranus is in the mix, expect “ah-ha moments” to abound—those sudden bursts of inspiration or unexpected clarity that have the power to shift perspectives & stimulate new consciousness. These revelations hover at the edge of your awareness, waiting to be invited in and harnessed for your own greater good. While eventually, you will need to ground these breakthroughs in tangible forms, for now, the energy encourages a deeper exploration of the possibilities bubbling at this time. Where in your life could you benefit from a dose of freedom & liberation? How might you infuse more Light into your own Being, rhythms or daily existence? Moreover, this energy fosters a commitment to more conscious, authentic living, where pretense becomes untenable, both for yourself and others. Be mindful that truth can unsettle those who prefer to maintain the status quo, but the shadow of this energy is selfishness & rebelliousness. However, rather than resisting change, embrace it as a sign of growth and evolution.

7/20  ::  Mars (actions & choices) ~sextile~ Neptune (dreams & visions):
This energy propels your dreams into action! It is the perfect time to contemplate your true desires and assess whether your current path aligns with your larger life-goals. Your instincts & intuition can be particularly sharp, enhancing your alertness and readiness to act on received insights. The guidance you are receiving aims to steer you toward a more enlightened strategy for manifesting your Truth & Purpose. Additionally, this phase is conducive to tangibly assisting others in realizing their dreams as well. It carries the spirit of the volunteer—idealistic, and devoted to catalyzing positive change!

7/20  ::  Mars Enters GEMINI (until Sept 4th):
Gemini has to do with any upgrade in the social/collective consciousness and it activates wildly new ideas & different options, while Mars is the Actions & Choices planet. Mars moving into Gemini will kick off some additional energy around who you are, what you want and how you go about getting it accomplished. In this case, it is all about how you make choices, what you want to be a voice for and how you express your personal desires – which will have a tremendous impact on whether they manifest or not. So of course, Mars’ usual aggressiveness will only be appropriate under the right circumstances. Otherwise, keep in mind there is power in the spoken word so be more expressive, play with language and discover new ways to express who you are. You will also have access to some brilliant intellectual creativity so activate your innate curiosity about life and allow your imagination to guide you sometimes.

This will also be a time and energy that allows you to do more personal processing than usual. The focus will be ‘all about you’ as it were, so investigate your own Nature. Ask your Self questions – do you still want what you say you want? Are you pursuing what you really desire or settling for what’s available? You have probably heard me say to never make your Nature “wrong” – your Nature is your Nature and you’ve come to learn how it works. So for the next 2-months, explore new ideas & possibilities and experiment without attachment when you can. Keep in mind the Shadow of Mars in Gemini is fighting with words or being split or divided within, so be mindful of that in your Self and others.


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2024 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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