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Horoscopes: June 2nd Thru The 9th

Horoscopes: June 2nd Thru The 9th

For the week of June 2nd thru the 9th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Like a light turning on in your mind, Full Moons can be illuminating. Things that were previously hidden, or that you had not been fully aware of, could come to your attention. And the Full Moon in Sagittarius this weekend could even bring a few surprises and unexpected detours in its wake. Whatever new information you receive could even change your whole perspective. Be flexible. For there could even be some unforeseen detours. Just know, that if that is the case, it could prove to be fortuitous. Be willing to listen to all, but then process the information first before reacting. Sometimes it is necessary to step back and reassess a situation before making any judgments. Look for signs and omens in your everyday life, that will confirm whether or not you are on the right path. If you’re going off course, you may need to make a few adjustments, but in the end it will bring you precisely where you need to be, even if it isn’t originally what you had planned. 


Your ruling planet Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. This is a really long time for Venus to be in a single sign. This is due to its retrograde phase coming up in July, but if Venus were to linger anywhere for an extended period of time, this is a fine place for her to do so. For Taurus, Leo is a sign that you associate with home, family, and domestic pursuits. We will talk more in the weeks to come, but in the mean time, there’s a glorious Full Moon in Sagittarius this weekend. The Full Moon in Sagittarius each year can offer you an opportunity to reassess how well you have been handling your finances. Have you been successfully paying down any debt? Is that marketing campaign finally paying off in the way that you had hoped? Are people coming through for you in ways that you had not anticipated? Full Moons can be illuminating. And this Moon can show you what is required of you to invest your valuable time and resources in only the most productive ways. 


Way back in April when your planetary ruler, Mercury, stationed for its retrograde phase it did so within the bounds of Uranus. However, the conjunction was not yet completed. At least until now. Things that got delayed or waylaid during the retrograde phase of Mercury is now being given the green light. And like a sudden jolt, Mercury/Uranus can also bring the gift of insight and clarity. This could even help to reveal solutions where previously you only saw problems. This will be further highlighted by the expansive Full Moon in Sagittarius on Saturday. If your birthday falls on or around the Full Moon on June 3rd/4th,  or you have 10-16º of Gemini Rising, you will be especially sensitive to this Full Moon that can bring things to an unexpected conclusion. Astrologically birthdays are like new beginnings. But when a Full Moon falls on or near your birthday the new beginning requires you to tie up some loose ends first, or bring an old order to a final completion before you can proceed. This can include things like ending a dry spell in your life,  which can then open up all sorts of doors and opportunities that you did not even know were there. 


There is something wistfully compelling about this week’s Full Moon in Sagittarius. In the days leading up to the Full Moon, Venus in its last degrees of your sign is trine Neptune, dreamy, beguiling, and romantic, Venus/Neptune allows you to see more, hear more, feel more and sense more. It is trying to lure you away from the busyness of your everyday life that is being conjured up by the expansive Full Moon. Things could get amped up in work, or you might find yourself needing to jump through hoops over the weekend.  But that might be because you are running around tying up some loose ends. For this is a Moon that Cancer associates with a bit of clearing out. Clearing out that can then allow you to see things from a whole new perspective. It’s like cleaning out that closet so that you can finally see what you have. So, it can be with our lives. Clearing out the old stuff that’s preventing you from appreciating what you’ve got. Full Moons can also be revealing. If you are made aware of a health condition, or a situation at work, pay attention. This is a good Moon to make adjustments as needed. 


The planet Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. This is a really long time for Venus to be in a single sign. This will be due to its retrograde phase coming up in July, but if Venus were to linger anywhere for an extended period of time, this is a fine place for her to do so. Venus is our ‘lesser’ benefic planet who aims to leave trails of happiness in her wake. This week she enters your sign with a bit of drama and intensity but not without your best interests at heart. What is being revealed and/or culled out, is making room for better things to come in. Full Moons can amp up the intensity. And the Full Moon in Sagittarius this weekend, will do its best. But it can also allow you to see things from a higher perspective. Venus and the Full Moon are trying to shine a light on those people and things that truly bring you joy and happiness, and to illuminate back to you your true feelings in the matter. Nothing is likely to be hidden for long in the light of the Full Moon where truths are revealed, and events brought to their final conclusion. 


Way back in April when your planetary ruler, Mercury, stationed for its retrograde phase it did so within the bounds of Uranus. However, because of the retrograde, it does not complete the conjunction until this weekend. Right after the Full Moon! Things that had been put on hold due to Mercury’s retrograde can now finally move forward. In fact, things could appear to be moving pretty quickly now that Mercury is completing this conjunction. Plans change. Things get turned around when Mercury meets Uranus. But what it can also bring is the gift of clarity. Things come to light. And where you previously only saw problems you can now see solutions. All the more so with the Full Moon shining a light on the proceedings. Expect a lot of busyness at home where the Full Moon is likely to be stirring up all sorts of stuff. Full Moons are not just illuminating; however, they can also bring things to a final culmination. So that whatever had been marinating on the back burner can finally come to some sort of successful conclusion.


Your ruling planet Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. This is a really long time for Venus to be in a single sign. This will be due to its retrograde phase coming up in July, but if Venus were to linger anywhere for an extended period of time, this is a fine place for her to do so. For Libra, Leo is a very social sign. It brings the inclination to want to emerge into the world, want to expand your footprint, be more seen. Venus does enter Leo with a bit of drama this weekend, so be prepared. However, the long-term portent should reap benefits, even if it does attempt to rearrange your alliances. Especially those closest to home. The Full Moon in Sagittarius just isn’t having it with the neighbors and the fuss, and the commutes on the train. What the Full Moon in Sagittarius is good for is re-evaluating your opinion about a subject, or ridding yourself of old values and judgments that are getting in the way. Full Moons can sometimes be fraught with distractions and detours. But they can also bring a whole new perspective that allows you to see things in a way that you would not have previously considered. 


If you are going to have the planet Venus in a sign for an extended period of time, it may as well be in Leo. Venus enters Leo on Monday, where it will remain until October 8th. For Scorpio, Leo is a sign that has to do with things like career, reputation and status. And as the ‘lesser’ benefic, Venus can bring its own sorts of rewards and recognition while here. Meanwhile the Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius is shining a light on things like your resources, your priorities, and anything you value or posses this weekend. As a result, you could find yourself stepping back and taking an overview on what you are spending your valuable time, money and resources on. This Full Moon can also incline towards emotional buying or retail therapy. Rather, try transforming that impulse into an abundance ritual. Pick one small item that you really, really want, thinking of it as a symbol of all of the abundance that you wish to embrace moving forward. Then with heart-felt gratitude, send that same wish out to others, that they may also benefit from the abundant potential contained within the Sagittarius Moon. 


The Full Moon in Sagittarius falls at 13º of Sagittarius, and will most affect those who have their Sun, Moon or Ascendant at or around this degree (or are born between the 2nd and 8th of December). However, all Sagittarians will feel themselves affected by the Full Moon falling in their sign this weekend. All the more so with your ruling planet Jupiter so closely aligned with the North Node of destiny. Through the portal of the Full Moon, you could receive confirmation or sign posts along the way, letting you know whether or not you are truly on the path where you were meant to be. The Full Moon is shining a light on you right now, which can help you learn something about yourself that you might not have previously realized. This is also your opportunity to look at the results and ramifications of choices you have made in the past. This can bring you rewards confirming that you are on the right path. Or it can also reveal issues that still need to be worked on. Like reaching a crossroad at the top of a tall mountain, the Full Moon is giving you this vantage point, so that you will know which are the best choices moving forward. 


The Full Moon in Sagittarius is about adjusting to a whole new order in your life. You have come full circle, and some things are being brought to completion as a result. And as a result of the experiences of the past year you now find yourself a year older and a year wiser. And there still may be some remnants from the past year that need to be tied up before you can proceed. Like ghosts and wraiths from the past, things that you have long since outgrown, no longer need or no longer identify with, still insinuate themselves into your daily life. If that is the case, the Full Moon this weekend is here to remind you that it is time to do some house cleaning, letting go of that which you no longer need. Use the Full Moon in Sagittarius to free yourself up from old obligations, old clutter, and wasteful habits that are no longer relevant for who you are now, and the life you now have. It’s time to clear out the remnants of what once was, in order to more fully embrace, and look forward to what will be in the future. 


On Monday, as Venus enters Leo, it will oppose retrograde Pluto still in the first degree of your sign. This could bring into sharp relief those things that you are going to be needing going forward. Perhaps even something that you feel like you would not be able to survive without. In a way, Venus in Leo will help you sort out some of your most important priorities over the Summer months. But in the mean time the abundant Full Moon in Sagittarius is asking us all to sow an abundance of gratitude out into the world at large. But this can also be a moon of receiving for Aquarius, and can even bring the fulfillment of a cherished dream or a hope fulfilled. Something may come to a conclusion in order for that to happen. Full Moons are like that. They bring things to completion, in order to move on to the next leg of our journeys. They can also make you aware of things that you weren’t before, that allows you to reassess your hopes and aspirations for the future. As a result, many an Aquarius will be reconfiguring their gps systems before taking the next step forward. 


The Full Moon in Sagittarius, the glorious Strawberry Full Moon this weekend is a time for Pisces to shine and receive accolades. It can also bring you the consequences and ramifications for previous choices and decisions. Full Moons are like culminations. And as you stand here, you are being asked to make an assessment of all of the outcomes of your life. Some things may not necessarily be what you had expected. Others may be even more gratifying than you had hoped. But the Full Moon affords you this opportunity to see all the winding roads that have brought you to this place and time, while also giving you a glimpse into the future of what may still be. Something could come to light about your work, an authority, an elder, a boss or a parent. Sagittarius is a sign of abundance. Therefore, with an abundance of heart-felt gratitude for all of the things that have been brought to fruition over the past year, cast them out to the universe so that they may find fertile ground in which to grow. And for whatever changes you see yourself making in the future, may those too find solid purchase in which to take root and flourish within the radiant light of the Full Strawberry Moon. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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