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2025: The Year Everything Changes in Cosmic Alignment

2025: The Year Everything Changes in Cosmic Alignment


NUMEROLOGICALLY, a 9 year (2+0+2+5). Connected to the planet Mars, 2025 is a year of completion.

It is time to let go of what is no longer needed and tie lose ends. Major rearrangements are called for. We are being asked to do some serious soul searching and reassess literally everything in our lives. Some -or maybe a lot of, grief may be involved in releasing what we have spent the past 8 years building, but we should also rejoice in the fact that we are transitioning to greener pastures. For the new to emerge out of the rubbles, the old has to go! The more we embrace change willingly, the easier the challenges will be. This transformative year forces us to see permanence as illusionary and stay very present to the present. Selflessness, forgiveness, and humanitarian projects come to the forefront. We need to release the past without the comfort of knowing that an option is waiting for us in the wings.  Faced with a health crisis, a major move, the separation from a loved one, or an important job change, we may have nothing to fall back unto, yet this period of void tests our faith and readies us for a grander future more aligned to our highest destiny. The only thing we can be sure of is that even if we cannot yet see it, what is ending leads to the chance of a new, better beginning.

THE CHINESE YEAR of the WOOD SNAKE (January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026)

Typically, this is a year of cataclysmic events. The stock market could plummet. Wars could erupt. Rigid rules feel suffocating. Emotions tend to run hot, and if not contained, create devastating destruction. Self-righteousness and a feeling of superiority lead to disastrous consequences. Vigilance, lucidity, and control are essential this year. In the face of anxiety, torment, and the temptation of indulging in too many sweets, we should do our best to remain in balance in all dimensions of our life. Yet somehow, we manage to wiggle our way out of sticky situations with intelligence and elegance. Diplomacy and dialogue help resolve conflicts. Artistic endeavors are attractive. Our imagination, inspiration, and creativity are more developed than in previous years, requiring space and beauty to expand. Knowing how to express ourselves with charm and harmony, we are more free-spirited and intuitive than normal. With wisdom, a healthy dose of humor and relaxation, this can be a very prosperous year that encourages money matters and business initiatives. Quick decisions are encouraged and if we want to establish good relationships with others, we should learn to not be dependent on them.   


All the threshold (Jupiter and Saturn) as well as the transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune) except Pluto which just entered Aquarius for good in November 2024, are changing signs. This will result is a majorly transformed social landscape. We can expect new perspectives, original ideas, and a marked metamorphosis in our attitudes towards life. While we find our new bearings, there could be unsettled feelings. But out of the confusion will emerge a more dynamic reality.

Jupiter in Gemini since May 25, 2024, until June 10, 2025. This cycle places a heightened focus on renovating the educational system. Social media, traveling, learning, teaching, reading, writing, journalism, politics, how we communicate and relate to our daily environment in general could be intensified and come under scrutiny. The emphasis is on the exchange of information, the development of our intellect, and raising above small day to day matters in order to integrate larger, philosophical concepts. Our curiosity leads to new, dynamic ideas, but the will to follow through could be lacking. Too much information could create indecision or make us move forward in an erratic manner. The importance of positive thinking, looking at the silver lining of every dark cloud, and focusing on the outcome we do want, imposes itself as the most valid way of creating the reality we desire.

Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9 till June 30th, 2026. Family values are highlighted. On one hand, homelessness and hunger could become concerning, while on the other we face the problem of overweightness and the wastefulness of resources. Massive immigration could also create unforeseen problems. Religious ideals could come under scrutiny. Our charitable, protective, and nurturing instincts are more developed than usual, as are our intuition and imagination.

Saturn in Pisces since March 8, 2023, has been a strange zodiacal position for Saturn who is about as different from Pisces as can be. Restrictions and limitations dissolve. A renewal of faith takes place. We are connected to each other through compassion, tolerance, understanding, and wisdom. Artists are favored. We work in a more relaxed manner with great sensitivity to an invisible flow and are drawn to beauty. Following our intuition brings us serenity. It will re-enter Pisces on September 2nd, 2025, till February 15, 2026.

Saturn enters Aries on May 26, 2025, till September 1st, 2025. Cruelty could rear its ugly head. Impulsivity alternates with caution, and irresponsibility, with wisdom. Self-reliance, ingenuity, and persistence lead to great achievements if we exercise patience and self-discipline. A great cycle for daring initiatives and starting new enterprises.

Uranus remains mostly in Taurus this whole year until April 26, 2026 (Taurus). Changes in the financial system are afoot. By 2026, all paper money is likely to have shifted digitally. We need to free ourselves from debts and not live above our means. A time to simplify our lives, be financially independent, and do our utmost to earn a living doing what we love. Mother Earth continues to rebel against our abuse. Earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis could occur in the most unlikely places, in the most inopportune of ways, leaving much destruction in their wake. Honoring the Earth, spending quality time in Nature is important to remain balanced and grounded. It will re-enter Taurus on November 9, 2025, till April 27, 2026.

Uranus enters Gemini for the first time on July 7, 2025, till November 8, 2025. Change is in the air and at times, might be sought for its own sake. Interesting scientific inventions could be left to flounder due to nervous tensions, erratic actions, and a lack of persistence. Original thinking and writing lead to exciting, new ideas that challenge the status quo and open us to new visions. 

Neptune still remains mostly in Pisces this whole year until January 27, 2026. The health of our waters, oceans, lakes but also tap water continues being of concern. False information, the concealing of truth, stories passing as news, wolves disguised as lambs while innocents are being slaughtered, are rampant. Confusion reigns, misleading even the most educated. The structure of reality becomes very vague while the veil between dimensions gently dissolves allowing those who have eyes, to see beyond the illusions. It will re-enter Pisces on October 23, 2025, till January 27, 2026.

Neptune enters Aries for the first time on March 30, till October 23, 2025. Daring underwater explorations could take place revealing a history that had been previously concealed. A new approach to psychic matters could lead to a new worldwide spiritual awakening. Artistic endeavors could become both daring and provocative.

Since November 20, 2024, Pluto is in Aquarius for good until 2044. Power goes from a small elite to the masses. Resisting being governed by beings enjoying self-serving privileges, we seek true democracy. All over the world movements emerge led by people want to be a law unto themselves. A huge sense of freedom sweeps over every nation, accompanied by real progress in the fields of technology, science, and a deeper understanding of metaphysics. The sense that we are the ones we have been waiting for is starting to take its full meaning. 


  • Saturn Sextile Uranus (April 4, Aug 11)
  • Jupiter Square Saturn (June 15)
  • Uranus Sextile Neptune (Aug 28)


  • Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (23º57’) March 14
  • Solar Eclipse in Aries (9º00’) March 29
  • Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (15º23’) September 7
  • Solar Eclipse in Virgo (29º 05’) September 21

Mostly in the Virgo/Pisces axis, they are pointing to the need to create order out of chaos. Health issues will come to the forefront. Our spiritual beliefs will be questioned, and our faith tested.



No particular aspect.


No particular aspect.


Saturday 1: Venus retrograde (10º50’ Aries - 24º38’ Pisces) till April 12

Getting engaged or married, decoration projects, any beauty procedure, or financial investments should be postponed until after this period as we could regret our choices or things could develop very differently from what we had planned. A solid connection will survive the few challenge that may occur during this time, but it is not a good idea to start a new relationship which will most likely prove more than a little bumpy. We could fall head over heels in love with someone from our past, only to see the connection quickly dissolve or not be what we had expected it to be. Emotional insecurities could resurface leading to an unhealthy sense of dependency. However, an excellent transit to review our relationship history, get in touch with our deeper needs, and end a toxic alliance. Perfect also for reassessing our finances and getting clear on how we balance our income and our expenses.

Thursday 13:  Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (23º57’)

This eclipse is enticing us to put order in our lives. A dreamy quality permeates the atmosphere. We could feel hyper-sensitive and at times fall prey to confusion. Our relationships come under scrutiny. Mutual respect, consideration, compassion, and sensitivity are essential in our connections to others. We may have to assume new responsibilities while re-evaluating an old commitment with maturity and seriousness. Unexpected revelations may break an unhealthy bond while strengthening one that was true and solid. A crisis, a dream of running away from it all, a need to reinvent our daily existence that had been brewing for a while could prompt us to change everything in our lives and just pick up and move. A dramatic epiphany helps us become deeply aware of what we need to work on to achieve the fulfillment we seek.

Friday 14: Mercury retrograde (9º 35’Aries - 26º55’ Pisces) till April 7

We should beware of impulsive reactions, speaking before thinking, sudden temper tantrums, arrogantly feeling we are right, and jumping to quick conclusions without having all the facts in hand. Miscommunications may abound, we could unintentionally burn many bridges, and make brutal, as well as unjustified, accusations. The good side of this retrogradation is that we express who we are very unapologetically, display much courage in sharing our honest opinions, and state more than clearly our likes and dislikes. Between March 31st and April 6th, our thinking could become more muddled. Prone to creative imagination and daydreaming, we could want to escape reality. This makes us also more lethargic and philosophical. Spiritual matters are likely to be attractive. Psychic advice might be more confusing than helpful when not downright misleading. Best to keep our own counsel and rest as much as possible.

Saturday 29: Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries (9º00’)

Something may need to be released for something better to manifest. A longstanding issue finds a positive resolution. This eclipse is all about the courage to assert ourselves as we are. Self-confidence, the dynamic energy to start something new, and the dynamic desire to express our truth are highlighted. Our impulses may be a little too strong for our own good, but if we can curb our enthusiasm a little, exercise some patience, and gather all the facts before moving forward, we have every chance of succeeding in our endeavors. With a healthy dose of self-reliance, as well as a burning desire to innovate and start anew, an exciting fresh start is upon us.


Friday 4: Saturn Sextile Uranus

Respectful, yet not bound by tradition, we keep the best of the old while introducing the new. The need for freedom and discipline help implement practical and timely changes. Sudden changes and encounters lead to interesting experiences and unusual opportunities. Original ideas help us reorganize our lives in innovative ways. The people we were in charge of may show more signs of independence, allowing us to express our own unconventionality.


Sunday 4: Pluto retrograde (3º49’-1º22’ Aquarius) till October 13, 2025

An excellent few months to reassess our relationship to power. Self-destructive habits, addictions, and our need for control are recognized, giving us the chance to transmute them. Deep insights into the positive and negative uses of sexuality can surface. We are likely to reform outmoded social structures and expose the abuse of authority in humanitarian organizations.

Saturday 24: Saturn in Aries till September 1st

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.


Monday 9: Jupiter in Cancer till June 30th, 2026

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.

Sunday 15: Jupiter Square Saturn

Work opportunities require good planning, hard work, and discipline, but efficiency, patience, and effort help us achieve solid results. Our finances might be strained. Unexpected expenses may appear. Our desire for freedom is likely to be limited by exhaustion, heavy responsibilities, or an unforeseen challenge. Our need for security, self-control, and stability should be favored over sheer indulgence which may prove more destructive than constructive. Despite possible obstacles, we are required to exercise tolerance and cheerful dignity.


Friday 4: Neptune Retrograde (2º10’ Aries- 29º22’ Pisces) till December 10

Disillusions, confusion, and unrealistic expectations may cloud our vision. Psychic impressions may be misleading. We could fall prey to misrepresentations of reality and false news. Victimization, anxiety, even paranoia are possible during this time. Insecurities, feelings of loneliness, and depression may resurface enticing us to seek refuge in drugs, alcohol or daydreaming, none of which are of course advised. The best use of this period is to look within with honesty, work on ourselves, and seek enlightened spiritual advice.

Monday 7: Uranus in Gemini till November 8, 2025

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.

Saturday 12: Saturn retrograde (1º56’ Aries - 25º09’ Pisces) till November 27

A time to reassess our long-term ambitions, our social status, and our career. Responsibilities we had eluded could come back to haunt us. Duties and obligations may feel heavier than usual. We could experience rules and restrictions that cannot be avoided, requiring much discipline and seriousness on our part. Definitely not a time to break the law in any way!

Thursday 17: Mercury retrograde (15º34’ - 4º20’ Leo) till August 11

A great period to reassess past creative projects. We could complete a novel we had left aside or take up acting or painting again. Issues with children may surface. We could revisit the desire to give birth to either a baby or an expression of our own uniqueness. An old love affair may re-emerge enabling us to revisit our instinctive romantic attachments. Our emotions are likely to express themselves with drama and panache. A desire to be in the limelight could return.


Monday 11: Saturn Sextile Uranus

Kindly refer to April 4.

Thursday 28: Uranus Sextile Neptune

A period of mixed blessings requiring much discrimination on our part. While some discontentment, insecurities, and anxiety could permeate the atmosphere, sudden social changes, innovative humanitarian developments, unusual scientific discoveries, as well as the growth of spiritual and psychic awareness mark this time. A chance to explore uncharted areas of creative vision can open new doors. An unconventional business opportunity might create an idyllic situation. It is important that we use our imagination constructively. The people we meet are likely to introduce us to dynamic, new ideas.


Monday 1: Saturn in Pisces till February 15, 2026

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.

Friday 5: Uranus retrograde (1º27’ Gemini – 27º27’ Taurus) till April 13, 2028

A certain rebelliousness could take place. Our needs for freedom, authenticity, and expressing our uniqueness are stronger than usual. Not so eager to follow the rules, we are also more outspoken regarding our beliefs. We may change directions abruptly or resist the transformations that are being asked of us. In our extreme need for liberation, we may act in rather erratic ways, have much nervous energy, and lack focus. Marked changes in the financial system are to be expected. Transportation and communication disruptions are likely to occur. Interesting scientific developments, inventions that had been cast aside, innovations that had been discarded may resurface.

Sunday 7: Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (15º33’)

Despite intense revelations and dramatic changes in the global social order which could affect our social status, this eclipse brings peace and contentment. Heralding a period of expansion, prosperity, and increased spiritual understanding, it favors travel and education. Confident in our own decisions, we can look forward to a happier future. A sense of calm after the storm is settling in, allowing us to relax a little and start making new, dynamic plans.

Sunday 21: Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo (29º05’)

This last eclipse of the year is particularly powerful.  New situations, stimulating events, sudden changes are afoot, introducing exciting opportunities. Our authority, strength, and dignity force the respect of others. Ready to release self-destructive habits and use our talents to full capacity, we meet interesting people whose independence and willfulness make a positive impact on our lives. A person we haven’t seen in a while could re-emerge, enabling us to see with clarity how much we have transformed. If we manage to make realistic plans, something we have wanted for a long time could manifest exactly the way we envisioned it. 


Wednesday 22: Neptune in Pisces till January 27. 2026

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.


Friday 7: Uranus in Taurus till April 26, 2026

Kindly refer to the paragraph below.

Sunday 9: Mercury retrograde (6º49’ Sagittarius – 20º59’ Scorpio) till November 29

We may be more blunt and socially awkward than usual. Philosophical and political ideas are being revisited. We could return to university or complete a training we had left unfinished. Traveling to a place we hadn’t been to in a while could present us with unusual situations. We may reconnect with a foreigner, or resume learning a language we had abandoned the study of. Between November 20th and 29th, our mind will become more inquisitive. Previously unsolved mysteries may resurface. We could analyze the hidden meaning of everything we are being presented with and even in some cases create problems where there were none. A time to explore the darkest recesses of our personality and deepen topics related to metaphysics, shamanism, death or sexuality. Issues around loyalty, betrayal, and intimacy may come to the forefront, forcing us to examine our deepest motives.

Tuesday 11: Jupiter retrograde (25º09’-15º05’ Cancer) till March 11, 2026

We may feel that the rug is being pulled from under our feet. Issues around security, prosperity, and nurturing are likely to come to the forefront. We could be forced by social or political circumstances to travel or even move. Financial concerns may affect us emotionally. In our search for more peace, a deeper interest in inner work is likely to resurface. Our political adherence, philosophical beliefs, positive attitude, and spiritual faith are being tested.


No particular aspect.

Wishing you a powerful New Year!

Much love and light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.
Astrologer, Shaman, International Conference Speaker,
Author of the best-selling book Astrology for Enlightenment (Atria Books, Simon & Schuster, NY)

Kindly note that the days and times given are in PST (Pacific Daylight Saving Time). For Rocky Mountain Time (except AZ which is on PDT) add 1 hour. For Central Time, add 2 hours. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours. For Alaskan Time, subtract 1 hour. For Hawaii-Aleutian Time, subtract 2 hours. For Greenwich, add 8 hours. For Central European time (CET) add 9 hours, for Eastern European Time (EET), add 10 hours.

Submitted vi email.

Founder of the online Llankay, Munay, Yachay School of Shamanic Studies


The world is shifting. As old paradigms become irrelevant, we need the astrological insight and gifts that Michelle Karén provides for people worldwide, right now. Having predicted current global circumstances, she also holds the answers to help empower people. Michelle Karén is the author of the groundbreaking book, Astrology for Enlightenment, published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. 

Copyright © 2023 Michelle Karen Books. www.michellekaren.com

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The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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