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Sabbat Rituals by Crone
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- Written by AndEl
Sabbat Rituals by Crone
Pagan Sabbats
Pagan Sabbats
The celebration of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. It is the celebration rebirth of the Sun, which is the promise of spring and life even on this the darkest day. Therefore some consider this the New Year. The burning of the log is to give the Sun strength. Mumming (plays) such as "St. George" is a Pagan survival, it represents the rebirth of the God. Wassailing is also a Pagan custom. The Roman festival of the Solstice was Saturnalia, which lasted from December 17th to the 24th.
IMBOLC - Cross-quarter day- February 2
February is a purifactory month, bonfires are held now. In the Christian calendar this festival was converted to the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin (Mary). Candles for the following year were purified in the western church - therefore we get the name Candlemas.
The celebration of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. Day and Night are equal length. It is a time for planting and celebrating the first signs of fertility and rebirth. Symbols of Ostara like eggs, chicks, and rabbits have been adopted by Christians in their Easter holiday. The word, Easter is from the goddess Eostra, Ishtar or Astarte.
BELTANE - Cross-quarter day - May 1
May Day. Beltane celebrates the Marriage of the Goddess and the God, the goddess is thought to conceive the Divine Child at this time, to which she will give birth to at Yule. The maypole dance is symbolic of the union of the goddess and the god. Pagan Handfastings occur at this time.
The Summer Solstice a celebration in honor of the Sun-God. Traditional Pagan activities of Midsummer is to leap across bonfires to promote fertility of animals and crops.
LUGHNASADH (Lammas) - Cross-quarter day - August 1
Also known as Lammas, this is the first of the three Harvest festivals. The first fruits of the annual harvest are reaped, and the days grow shorter.
The Autumnal Equinox is the second of the Harvest holidays. Mabon is a time to recognize what we have and to begin preparing for the coming winter.
SAMHAIN - Cross-quarter day - October 31/ November 1
Death, the third of the Harvest holidays, the ending of the cycle, death, but with the hope of rebirth and the New Year. The traditional time for the annual slaughter to ensure food throughout the winter months. Take this time to remember departed ones. In some traditions the end of the year. The separation between this physical world and the spirit world is thin. Halloween customs are a part of this element of death, the thin line at this cycle and remembering the dead and the hopes of rebirth. On this night Magic is more powerful.
December 21
by Crone
The Altar:Use a white altar cloth, with boughs of holly and pine. Add a goddess figure on the right and a god on the left, and any other adornments you favor. Use as many unlit green candles of any size as comfort and safety dictate, with matches nearby. Begin the ritual in near darkness, grounding and centering with these words: |
The darkness is upon me On this, the shortest day. The darkness is upon me Yet I know it will not stay. Alone in the darkness I cast my fears away. The darkness is upon me Yet I know it will not stay. |
Cast the Circle with bough of holly or pine, or use your wand or athame. | ||
Without the dark there can be no light. I honor the dark on this longest night. |
Face each direction or move to the altar for that direction. | ||
Come spirits of East, of chill wind and air Come spirits of South, bright spirits of fire Come spirits of West, of frozen ice chill Holding roots and buds in your womb, warm and deep. |
At your main altar invoke the deities. | ||
Empowering goddess of dark and light, Consort god of warmth and cold Goddess and god here tonight Now to me my path is clear |
Magickal WorkingThe night is dark, the sun is gone, (Scott Cunningham) On shortest day and longest night |
Move around your Circle or your altar, lighting candles slowly and deliberately. As you stand before each candle, think of an event, experience, issue from the past year that has brought darkness into your life. Release that darkness by lighting the candle with these words: | ||
Through warmth and light Comes the force of power. This light comes to me In my darkest hour. |
Go from candle to candle repeating the lighting, the thoughts, and the words. Pause now in your brightly lit space, enjoying the light and warmth of the candles. Know that this light is around you and also within you. Know that you can call forth this light to empower yourself in any darkness that may befall you. When you are ready, proceed with these words: |
Bright are the sun, the stars and the moon. I know that the light will return to me soon. Cold, dark and fear have been driven away By the joy, warmth and light that I feel now today. So mote it be. |
Leave the candles burning until after you have opened the Circle. | ||
Lady and Lord, my thanks to you. The Circle is open but unbroken. |
© October 2009 Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
Source: The Controversial Cauldron Yule 2009 Email Witches Newsletter
February 2
By Crone
The Altar:Use a white altar cloth accented with a red drape, and decorated with greenery. Place the Brighid’s Cross you made* at the center to represent the goddess. Include a potted flower, just beginning to rise from the earth, and in your chalice, pour a bit of milk. Have a white libation bowl available. Light a large white pillar candle and votive candles in a mix of red or green, and keep them lit till you snuff them following the ritual. Add your usual altar tools. Have a broom nearby. If you use direction altars, place some red and white and greenery and candles on them as well. |
Grounding and Centering:The warmth of Brighid’s hearth embraces me. The light of Brighid’s flame guides me. The strength of Brighid’s blessing protects me. |
Cast the Circle by moving deosil with your broom, making sweeping motions, chanting as you go: | ||
I cast the Circle and cleanse today Sweeping the last of winter away. Regrets from the past I sweep away, too. As I move forth to begin anew. |
Invoking the directions and the goddess. You may do this at your direction altars or face the directions while standing at your main altar. | ||
As creatures of earth awaken today Brighid, of fire and flame so bright, Three Brighids--Maiden, Mother, Crone, Earth and Water, Fire and Air Fire and Air, Earth and Water |
Magickal WorkingImbolc is a time of new beginnings, of new growth. It is a time of divination to see the direction of that new growth. Hold your Brighid’s Cross in your hands as you focus on the directions you have come from in the past year. In your own words, ask the Maiden Goddess to show you the direction that is best for you in the coming year. See that direction clearly in your mind and know that this is the time to set off in that direction. Pause and reflect on the message She sends you. |
When you are ready, chant: I give thanks for unknown blessings Already on the way. I give thanks for unknown blessings Already on the way. (Dr. Christa Landon, editor Pagan Institute Report, Twin Cities) |
Now thank the Goddess for Her guidance. In Her honor, take a sip of milk from your chalice. Lift high the chalice, bring it down and pour a bit of milk into the libation bowl with these words: | ||
My thanks for what You have let me see. I know my direction is now up to me. I will follow my path. Blessed be. |
Opening the Circle:Air of East that is Her sweet breath I thank you for your presence here. Brighid, Maid of fire and flame Although You leave my Circle here I go forth refreshed. Blessed be. |
* Create your own Brighid’s Cross as a meditative exercise, meditating on what the past year has held for you and on the direction you see for yourself in the new year. You can do this as a part of your grounding and centering, or you can do it prior to setting up your altar for the ritual. How to Make a Brigids Cross
January 2010 © Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
Source: The Controversial Cauldron Imbolc 2010 Email Witches Newsletter
March 21
By Crone
The Altar:Cover your altar with a plain white cloth. Put a pair of candles one black and one white in the center of your altar and either on its four corners or on direction altars, if you use them. The only color should be bright spring flowers, either in a vase/bowl, or scattered loosely on the altar. Your garment also should be of bright pastel shades. Create a large yin - yang symbol from paper or fabric for the center of your altar. Add other altar tools of your choosing, such as goddess and god figures, a censor with incense, wand, athame, etc. |
Grounding and Centering:Morning star comes out at night, |
Cast the Circle using athame, wand, or one of your tall spring flowers to channel your energy, with this chant: Today marks the balance between dark and light. I will keep them in balance and both in my sight. |
Invoke the directions and deities.Spirits of the East, spirits of air, Spirits of the South, spirits of fire, Spirits of the West, spirits of water, Spirits of the North, spirits of earth, |
Magickal WorkingOstara is a time of new awakening, of increased light, of fertility— spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. It is a time when the Earth is renewed, refreshed, and reborn. Take this opportunity to renew yourself in dedication to the Goddess and the God. Be reborn in your commitment. Light the remaining altar candles with these words: |
O Mother Goddess, O Father God, Answers to all mysteries and yet mysteries answered In this place of power I open myself to Your Essence. In this place and in this time I am changed; From henceforth I walk the Pagan path. I rededicate myself to you, Mother Goddess and Father God. |
Rest for a moment, silent, still. I breathe your energies into my body, commingling, blending, mixing them with mine, that I may see the divine in nature, nature in the divine, and divinity within myself and all else. *Adapted from Self Dedication Rite By Scott Cunningham |
Opening the Circle:Dismiss the directions and deities with thanks. I thank you for your presence, North. Lady and Lord, it’s joy you bring My Circle is open. I move forward from this place Balanced, renewed, refreshed Into the beauty that is Spring. |
February 2010 © Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
Source: The Controversial Cauldron Ostara 2010 Email Witches Newsletter
May 1
by Crone
The Altar:The altar should be a riot of bright colors—altar cloth, flowers, candles, all in joyous colors. Include the usual adornments: goddess and god figures, corner candles, wand, athame, etc. Adorn yourself also in bright colors,a bright smile,and a crown of flowers and ribbons. You and your altar should look like a celebration! |
Grounding:Joy to the world! |
Cast your Circle by scattering flower petals or new green leaves with this chant: Joyous Beltane; joyous spring! |
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Face each direction as you invoke the spirits. Join me spirits of the East, bringing the dawning of a Join me spirits of the South, bringing the warmth of Join me spirits of the West, bringing splashing waters Join me spirits of the North, bringing forth the |
Invoke the Goddess and the God: She walks in beauty like the night God, today is your time, too. |
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Proclamation: Now between the worlds I stand |
Magickal Working:Fertility can be of the body, or of the mind, or of the spirit. Identify area/s of fertility for yourself for the coming year. On a piece of paper write down your top three plans, dreams, visions for your future. Read them aloud and meditate upon them. Holding the paper in your hands, chant these words: I ask that your fertility |
When you are ready, fold that paper thrice, sliding it beneath your altar cloth. Later, as you put away your ritual tools, put that paper under your pillow. Sleep on it tonight, and tomorrow morning put it in a hidden place to take out and view at Beltane next year. | ||
Dismissal of directions: Earth and Water, Fire and Air Dismissal of Goddess & God: Oh, great goddess of joy Oh great god of hope |
Open your Circle by walking, skipping, or dancing around the Circle widdershens (counter clockwise) holding high a wand, athame or long stem of flowers. |
*Three Dog Night (c) Copyright 1970 by Lady Jane Music
April 2010 © Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
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June 21
By Crone
The Altar:As at Beltane, the altar should be bright and colorful, as should you. Place flowers on the altar and wear them in your hair. Dress the altar in your usual tools and adornments, and be sure to include a small cauldron, burning charcoal and bits of wood. Have a small bowl of loose seeds of any type close at hand. |
Ground and center with these words: This longest day is a source of joy. Cast the Circle with a wand, athame, or stalk of flowers: The Wheel moves on from dusk to dawn. |
Invoke Directions: From the East comes wind, cool and clear. Isis, Istarte, Diana, Pronouncement: In the middle of summer |
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Magickal Working:Stir your cauldron to create flames. Take the bowl of seeds in hand, and slowly cast three small handfuls of seeds into the flame. With the first handful say: Prosperity! With the next say: Protection! With the third say: A bountiful harvest of my dreams! Pause as you watch the flames turn to smoldering embers, meditating on your dreams, and the prosperity and protection you seek. See them coming to you. When you are ready, chant joyously: God and Goddess, now I see |
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Dismiss Directions and Deities:
Thank you North for your presence here. Thank you West for your presence here. Thank you South for your presence here. Thank you East for your presence here. Loving Goddess of this hour Strong God of this special day My thanks for your presence here today. The Circle is open but unbroken. Blessed be. |
January 2010 © Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
Source: The Controversial Cauldron Litha - The Summer Solstice 2010 E-Mail Witch's Newsletter
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August 2
by Crone
Lammas is one of the greater Sabbats of the Witches calendar and in the Northern Hemisphere is celebrated on the 1st August (in the Southern Hemisphere the equivalent Sabbat is Imbolc). Traditionally Lammas is a celebration of the first fruits and first corn harvest of the year, when as a result of the union between the Goddess and God the land gives up its bounty. As summer turns to autumn and the plantings from spring begin to wither and die, they drop their produce for our use and seeds for a future harvest.
The Altar:Cover your altar with a cloth of red, orange, gold and yellow. Have an abundance of flowers of the same color, and wear those colors yourself. Add in some fresh fruit and vegetables of the season. In addition to your usual altar items, include a smoldering cauldron and a small loaf of bread. |
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Ground and center with these words: I am blessed. I am thankful for all that I have. I give thanks. I give thanks. I give thanks. Cast your Circle with athame or wand: With a grateful heart I purify This sacred space between earth and sky. Invoke Directions: Spirits of East Let your breezes gently caress all that I do. May my harvest be plentiful. Spirits of the South Bring your light and warmth to my endeavors May my harvest be plentiful. Spirits of the West Your waters are my liquid life. May my harvest be plentiful. Spirits of the North I celebrate the abundance of your good earth. May my harvest be plentiful. Invoke Deities: Father Sun, come into my Circle. I thank you for your strength, For your energy, For the food we now harvest. I thank you, too, for your sacrifice As the days begin to shorten. I know you will rise again. Mother Earth, come into my Circle. I thank you for fertile soil, For nurturing, For the food we now harvest. Walk with me now As the days begin to shorten. Give me strength in the dark Till the Sun will rise again. Pronouncement: I am between the worlds, Beyond the bounds of time, Where day and night, Birth and death, Joy and sorrow, Meet as one. |
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Magickal Working:Just as the seeds have challenges to their growth, so do we all have challenges to achieving our full potential. Consider what limitations may be holding you back. For each one of them, name it and break off a bit of bread, dropping it into the cauldron. As your bread/limitations burn, whisper this chant: So mote it be. So mote it be. I am free of my limits. So mote it be. |
When you are ready, eat of your loaf. As the bread nurtures your body, let it also nurture your spirit. Think of your harvests, past, present, and future, and know how powerful you are. Know that blessings will continue to flow with increased strength into your life. Chant with vigor and joy: | ||
My thanks for this harvest, the first of the year. May its power be with me in all I hold dear. Dismissing the directions and the deities: North and south and east and west, All by Mother Earth are blessed. My thanks, directions, every one. You are blessed by Father Sun. My thanks that you did join with me. Go now if you will, for you are free. Mother Earth and Father Sun, I thank you for your presence in my Circle. I thank you for the blessings of the first harvest. I thank you for blessings yet to come. I thank you that I am blessed. I am blessed. Sing or speak the chant: The Circle is open but unbroken. May the peace of the goddess go ever in my heart. Merry meet and merry part And merry meet again. |
July 2009 © Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
Source: The Controversial Cauldron Lammas 2009 E-Mail Witch's Newsletter
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Autumnal Equinox September 21
By Crone
Altar:Use fall colors for altar cloth and candles: dark red, orange, gold, brown, rust. Include a spray of colored leaves, acorns, and pinecones. Add a cornucopia of fruit and vegetables, and a chalice of red wine or dark grape juice. (If indoors, have a small libation bowl.) Use goddess and god figures of your choice. Create similar smaller altars at direction points with a small bowl if indoors. Or place a candle and bowl at each of the four corners of your altar. |
Centering and Grounding: Focus on the altar with its bounty as you say: “I come in a spirit of joyful thanksgiving. I am blessed in knowing that I have enough. I am blessed in knowing that abundance is simply more than enough. I am blessed in my ability to share my abundance with those less blessed.” |
Use a wand, athame, or sturdy twig full of fall leaves or acorn clusters to cast the Circle, walking in a deosil (clockwise) direction with this chant: “My sacred Circle now I cast, Thankful for the harvest past.” |
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Invoking the Directions and the Goddess and the God: Move to or face each direction, lighting a candle there, then the center with these words: “Be with me East, bright spirit of Air. Bless me with knowledge, a gift so fair. Be with me South, with your spirit of passion. A dimming of Fire is now what I fashion. Be with me West, your Waters run clear. Emotions to balance at this time of year. Be with me North, the Earth firm and grounded. Guide me to follow the path that was founded. Gracious Lady as now you age I move into a darker stage. Please join me as I celebrate Before the calm that will not wait. My thanks for the harvest I offer to you At this second harvest I give you what’s due. In thanks I am festive on this special day Knowing the sun now is moving away. The days and nights are equal and then I ask you to help me find balance again. Gracious Lord your time draws neigh As the sun sinks deeper in the sky. Please join my Circle as thanks I give And as I seek balance each day that I live. The harvest is in and stored away And my vow is to honor you day by day. I am between the worlds, Beyond the bounds of time, Where day and night, Birth and death, Joy and sorrow, Meet as one.” |
Magickal Working:Mabon is the second harvest, a festival of thanksgiving, a time of balance, and a time for drawing back in preparation for the dark months ahead. Focus on the abundance you have now, balancing that with possible hard times ahead, and sharing it with those less blessed. Take up the chalice and sip saying: “I know that where I place my attention, there my energy will go as well. I know that as I focus on my worthiness of this harvest, I acknowledge my empowerment through the goddess and the god.” Pause to think about your own harvest—whatever gain, strength, prosperity you have brought into your life. Pour a bit of the wine onto the ground or into the libation bowl. “Lady and Lord, I share with you what I have, as I thank you for my abundance.” Move to the East altar. Sip from the chalice and focus on gifts of the mind you have received and that you can share with others. Pour a bit of the wine onto the ground or into the bowl, thanking the goddess and god for their gifts of the mind and pondering how you will share them. Move to the South altar. Repeat to the South your tribute to the East, this time focusing on your gifts of creativity and how to share them. Move to the West altar. Repeat the tribute, focusing on your gifts of the heart and how to share them. Move to the North altar. Repeat the tribute, focusing on your material gifts and how to share them. Return to the main altar and place your chalice on it. You have acknowledged gifts of your mind, your creativity, your heart, and your material gifts and you have considered how to share them. On this journey you have learned that true balance is in giving as you receive. |
Chant these words: “In thanks for blessings from above, I share my gifts as an act of love.” Opening the Circle: “North and South and East and West All by Mother Earth are blessed. I thank you for your presence here As I go through the ending year. My thanks for the insights you’ve given me In finding a balance that I can see. Lady and Lord, my thanks to you For helping me focus on what is true. Balance and prosperity Begin within, with you in me.” |
Take up the twig, athame or wand with which you cast the Circle, and open it by walking around widdershins (counter clockwise) with these words: “The Circle is open but unbroken. May the peace of the goddess and the strength of the god Be ever with me. So mote it be and Blessed be.” |
August 2009 © Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
Source: The Controversial Cauldron Mabon 2009 E-Mail Witch's Newsletter
October 31
by Crone
The Altar:The altar should be set with a black cloth, a smoldering cauldron, black votives at the corners or at direction altars, with a single white taper at the center. Adorn the central altar and direction altars with arrangements of dark dried flowers, reeds, and grasses. A figure of the goddess as crone should be present. (This can easily be made from a black scarf or cloth.) Wear a dark robe with a hood. If a loved one or beloved pet has made the transition to the Summerland during the year, you may choose to include a small photograph on the alter. Near the cauldron, have a bowl with a few short sturdy twigs and dried leaves. |
Grounding and Centering: Focus on your altar and the meaning of this season with these words: “Within the cycle of life, there comes a time when the light is dim and energy has retracted. It is a time to honor our dead and those in their declining years. It is a time to look forward to the life that grows ever out of death.” Cast the Circle deosil with athame or wand extended, repeating this chant: “Crone and sage, crone and sage,Wisdom is the gift of age. Hoof and Horn, Hoof and Horn All that dies shall be reborn.” After returning to the altar, invoke the spirits of the directions, lighting the black votive on the direction altar or on that corner of your main altar with these words: |
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Invoking the Directions: Spirit of East I do invite |
Spirit of West, of water clear Please join me; bring your presence near. I need your insight as I strive To reckon death, then be alive. I need your feelings deep and strong To move me like a sacred song. Spirit of North, of sacred Earth Be here through death and through rebirth. Nurture me in this awesome task Here in the dark, is what I ask. As darkness deep within is found, Please join me on your hallowed ground. |
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Invoking the Goddess: Goddess, Crone of the dying light, of the death of the year, |
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Honoring those who have gone on to the Summerland.If you have a photograph on your altar, hold it close, or hold in your heart a loved one who has made the final transition. If you have no one in your life who has made this transition, honor the many lives wasted in war and crime. Say these words: |
“Do not stand at my grave and weep When you awaken in the morning's hush |
Magickal WorkingSamhain marks the New Year. You have looked back at losses of the past. Now look ahead. As you look to the new year, you must look within. Take a twig from the bowl and holding it in your hands focus on a strength you have which you would take with you into the New Year. Say these words as you drop the twig into the cauldron: “I am strong and empowered by my ______. As this twig adds power to the flames I know my ______ adds to the strength of those I touch.” Take a dry leaf from the bowl, and holding it in your hands, focus on something of yourself you would leave behind with the passing year. Say these words as you drop the leaf into the cauldron: “Be gone from me, ______. I have no use for you in my life. As this leaf turns to ash in the flame, so _______ burns and is gone.” Light the white candle while focusing on an attribute or skill you wish for yourself in the coming year. Look into the flame as you say these words: “My wish is for ______. I know a wish alone will not bring this to me. I am empowering myself here and now to take steps in the new year to create for myself this ______. I face the New Year with joy and love. Things to keep, to acquire, to be free of. To insure that the magick will come true I will help it happen in all that I do.” |
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Opening the Circle: Thank you Goddess Crone for your presence here. I thank directions spirits all Thanks for her sweet breath which is air, I go forth from this sacred space So mote it be and blessed be. |
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* “I Am Not There” by Gwydion Pendderwen of the Faerie Wicca Tradition (1946-1982)
© October 2009 Darkhairedcrone Crone is an active member of the UU (CUUP’s) and has been a member of Email Witches since 2004
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