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Starseed Symptoms and the Rapid 5D Awakening Process

Starseed Symptoms and the Rapid 5D Awakening Process

Starseed Symptoms Due To 5d Awakening and DNA Activations,

The Ascension evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with New higher earth energies, The ascending are all experiencing these changes in their own unique ways and in their own natural timing.

Ascension is a fast pace motion into higher conscious realms and it is for ever changing automatically as we go, embodying expansive light creation within the human self. As the ascending’s evolutionary process of awakening takes place, the self reaches a point where things feel more joyous, and peaceful within, feelings of source love energy light and extreme wonder.

This is Self’s meld and activation into divinity consciousness. Feeling whole, complete, liberated from false structures, living in truth, consciously aware of Akashic and ascension light team embodiment, the conscious meld of the entourage of all the selves combined.

Fully accepting, integrating and understanding the Self is made up of not one but of many. Recognizing the power house of multi-dimensional aspects within. Reaching this level of consciousness brings in higher awareness that the self cannot feel alone whether in human company or not. Feeling and cognizing the multidimensional embodiment of the expansive self.

Some ascending at this time may be:

Feeling In an intense pressure cooker energy within. This is the modification of adjusting to higher vibrational levels and is a temporary state of being as the self-adapts and adjusts to new versions.

Clearing Old patterns, behaviours and beliefs are coming to the surface in this next 17th October full moon in Aries, many ascending will be highly sensitive to the extreme and intense energies now activating and filtering into the planet. There will be many changes occurring within and at an accelerated rate, feelings of disorientation not knowing where self is at this time, feelings of inertia and a sense of feeling out of place in the outer world. The ascending are no longer in the 3D illusions, having well and truly moved on and into much higher realms of conscious awareness.

Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of the physical body may be felt. The physical is purifying and releasing blocked energies that once vibrated in 3D levels Recalibration is taking place as the ascending now vibrate in much higher conscious dimensions.

Individuals going through Ascension might be waking up between 2 and 5 a.m., a time when intense dream activity and subconscious processes are taking place unfolding in the deeper recesses of the mental planes. Less sleep through out is required as self continues to ascend.

Starseed Ascending individuals are balancing the Earth changes and this activates the awakening in many others. Heightened activity is occurring during deeper sleeping phases. Rest periods allows for integration, recovery from the adjustment process, and readiness for the next evolutionary phases.

The ascending may be experiencing Heightened sensitivities to surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are becoming barely tolerable. Sensory overwhelm may be occurring due to the intense energies of this next full moon resulting in an overstimulated system for a time. This is helping self to recognize the changes that may now need to take place.

Many ascending at this time are experiencing a restful ascension phase. Listening closely to the physical needs at this time as Constant down loads of Universal information and knowledge are integrated into the ascending being.

Some may be experiencing a higher intolerance for lower vibrational people places and situations that reflect the 3D nature, whether in conversations, dramas, dysfunctions, materialism, attitudes, societal structures, social media content, healing modalities, spiritual diverse beliefs in outer structures, political views, poor global leadership structure etc., etc.

The breakdown of Density based vibrational structures temporarily manifest as physical discomforts throughout indicating what is in misalignment with higher energies. This recognition propels the self towards moving away from lower energies made up of chaos, turmoil, negativity, illusions and dysfunction, higher self is now guiding the conscious self towards progressing forward in new earth energies based in truthful perspectives of higher self and conscious human living.

Some of the ascending collective may be experiencing a loss of appetite at this time. The physical body is adjusting to higher states of vibrational being. An increased craving for purified water at this time may also be apparent. Water assists greatly in stabilizing the humans auric fields and activates the increases in consciousness.

For others there may be sudden disappearances of friends, connections family members, past aligned activities, habits, jobs and residences. The self is evolving beyond what was once familiar, people and surroundings will change in accordance to conscious vibrational alignment. New Earth will highlight all that is not real as well as all that is real and truthful, this change in awareness will modify the physical internal structures accordingly.

During ascension processes at all levels There will be days when self may be eating more frequently while on other days not eating for extended periods. Alongside feelings of low blood sugar attacks, weight gain or loss may occur as the body requires a significant amount of fuel for the ascension processes currently under way. Emotionally there may be experiences of the yo-yo effect, feelings of ups and downs. The self-examination of individual emotions serve as a powerful release outlet, allowing for a profound clearing process to take place.

The ascending in various stages at times can temporarily feel that they are almost going insane, or think they may be developing a mental disorder, possibly attempting to work it out in a linear way by focusing on personality labels according to 3D perspectives and this will never work. Ascending self cannot be found in text books, chapters, labels etc. accepting that the self is experiencing a multitude of changes in complex layers and levels of the self, experiencing several conscious dimensions at once, expanding rapidly in conscious awareness and knowing.

During Ascension and in different stages Anxiety and panic episodes will be experienced, this will come up for transmutation only and be cleared out very quickly, these are possibly the last attempts for the ego self ‘s expression, system overload may be amplified at this time as multiple modifications and adjustments take place in the overall blueprint.

Many are now changing behaviour patterns that were recognized as a need for 3D survival mode only. This may bring up temporary feelings of vulnerability and powerlessness. The paradigm patterns and behaviours are clearing as a new mindset paradigm is birthing in higher conscious realms.

The outer 3D world reality is not in vibrational alignment with New Earth intentions on this planet, there is now an energetic and distinct difference in both conscious and separate parallel realities taking place on ascending planet.

Plans may suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different and unexpected direction during this time. This is a time of soul conscious awareness, higher perspectives help in balancing out internal energies. The soul is the embodiment of sovereign creation and knows the direction self needs to take. This is expansion energy activating within as the conscious self is guided into new conscious earth living. This buildup of full moon energy is breaking self-free from stagnant comfort zones, choices and lower vibrations.

During this time, the Self may also feel a strong desire to return Home, sensing that everything is coming to an end, and there is no longer a feeling of belonging in the outer world. These feelings indicate a return to Source Light energy, it is the conclusion of old and outdated cycles. Each ascending individual is reshaping the New Earth. Past self-contracts and restraints such as karma, are no longer binding, this is the liberation from outdated constraints and self-limitations.

Ascension stages may also bring on anxiety and panic episodes for ego self-expression and clearing. Behaviour shifts signal a move away from survival mode. Dizziness and flu-like symptoms may arise from energy shifts, emotional releases, and DNA changes. Physical symptoms like muscle spasms, tingling sensations, and rapid hair/nail growth may also occur.

Increased dreaming activity and intense full moon energy signify deep purging and consciousness shifts. Energetic changes include ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, and skin reactions related to emotional releases. Weight fluctuations and memory lapses can also manifest during this transformative process.

The Fifth-dimensional shift allows individuals to express their unique gifts and fulfill their higher purpose in the evolving New Earth reality, marking a shift towards higher consciousness and divine alignment.

Everything in new earth energy is available to the ascending self. New self-version is adjusting to the heightened self-awareness and potential, this is breaking down past barriers as the self-consciously expands into the quantum fields of infinite possibilities.

In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service

By Ascension LightWorkers. ©


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