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Ride the Chaos Wave with Purpose

Ride the Chaos Wave with Purpose

Well, we’ve really entered into the times of intense chaos that have always been predicted for these times, haven’t we?

The US has finally joined the fray in a very obvious way with an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate – which has only intensified the election frenzy that was already underway.

Although tremendous upheaval has reigned in other parts of the world for a while now, the US has finally entered more clearly into the arena of the spiritual battle for the Earth. After being almost completely invisible for thousands of years, this battle has at last become clearly obvious for those with eyes to see.

How are you Responding to it All?

But the question is: How are you responding to all of the hullabaloo flying around us since the shooting?

Are you getting caught up in it? Are you getting dragged down into the divisiveness that is reigning ever more intensely?

Are you allowing yourself to fall into angst, depression or anxiety about all that is occurring? Including what the assassination attempt might mean for the coming election? Are you sinking down even further into either unduly loathing or adoring a certain candidate running for president?

Or — are you remembering that you are here precisely for these times to rise above the chaos and the hatred, and instead bring compassion, peace and understanding to humanity?

Are you recalling that all low-frequency 3D institutions, ideas and agendas are needing to be exposed and expunged, because they cannot go with us into the higher frequency of the Fifth Dimension?

Are you remembering that this chaos has been long predicted to happen – and it is perhaps even needed – for the quantum leap into 5D to occur?

Are you aware that chaos pretty much always occurs when huge change is happening? Indeed, some scientists tell us that this is always the way nature works on this planet when a higher order of evolution is being birthed. Chaos is actually needed for immense change to occur.

It Ain’t Easy

But I know, I know. It’s not easy to stay detached and nonreactive to all of it – when so many warring opinions and conclusions are being thrown at us by every newscaster and podcaster out there.

We can’t shut it all out completely, even when actively avoiding the news. It’s flying around in the very air we breathe.

And it’s especially difficult when there are so many fascinating opinions and conclusions that have been drawn about the shooting: about the number of shooters involved, the number of bullets that flew through the crowd from every which direction. And the apparent stupendous incompetence of the secret service.

Of course, no intelligent person believes it was a one-crazed-man operation. The named assassin was obviously a patsy. But still – who was behind it all?

Was it a black hat or a white hat operation? Or maybe some kind of involved combination of both? And what is yet to be revealed? It’s all so interesting and intriguing.

And yet, if you’re wanting to finally find out the total “truth” of what happened at the shooting – do you really believe we will ever get it? Remember that the truth of what happened in the JFK shooting over 60 years ago has still yet to be officially revealed to the public.

The fact is we may never know what this current shooting was all about – except that it was probably mainly designed to create confusion and fear – something that has always been the goal of certain people on the planet who are still at least somewhat in charge.

So we have to keep all this in mind, as we learn to consciously respond to whatever we are told is occurring in the world.

Keeping Abreast of the News

Yet, at the same time, this isn’t to say we should simply stop following the stories about the shooting or anything else like it that will probably be occurring as time goes on.

We do have to stay alert and make important decisions when events begin affecting our lives. And we may still decide that voting is important, even if the whole greatly-flawed election system is doomed to eventually collapse. (Although some people say the election may end up not even  happening in the end.)

At any rate, what’s important is to keep remembering the big picture of what we are here for: to bring a whole new reality on board for humanity. We can’t sit back and wait for our so-called “leaders” to do this for us.

We need to consciously stay loose and free in our focus and actions at this point – and not get caught up in the craziness that’s occurring during this most volatile period of the Shift that is occurring.

Let’s keep remembering that we are Lightworkers, here to help guide humanity – even if it’s just through maintaining our high frequency of love – into a New Earth we have always yearned for.

Let’s stay above the fray, riding the waves of the chaos, without falling into the depths of confusion and hatred swimming around within it, as the Earth shifts ever more fully into the higher frequency of 5D.

This is our destiny. it’s what we’re here for.


About Vidya
As an author, energy healer, and licensed transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has had a passion for exploring the phenomenon called the spiritual journey for over forty-five years.  Along with experiencing her own journey, she has also closely studied it, as well as those of her friends, colleagues, clients, and students. Serving as a unique bridge between the worlds of psychology and spiritual awakening, Vidya acts as a “wayshower” to a wide spectrum of people internationally: from those who are just beginning their spiritual search to those who have experienced profound awakening.
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