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Galactic Federation: Equinox 2025 Cosmic Meeting Changes Earth

Galactic Federation: Equinox 2025 Cosmic Meeting Changes Earth

Spring Equinox 2025: Large Cosmic Meeting

Holy water energy

The Galactic Federation of Light opened the great Cosmic Assembly of 2025 last night. I will share some of my experiences. As always, these are extraordinary encounters, during which my consciousness expands further through everything that is shared. The loving radiance of these light beings was overwhelmingly beautiful. How I miss this on the material Earth—if only everyone could feel it...

Secrets of the Oceans' Knowledge

Ashtar said: "The wisdom of the water will be revealed when the secrets of the ocean are unraveled, for the life in the deep layers of the ocean holds vital knowledge for the future of Earth.

Inner Earth

This journey began with a smaller gathering in the Inner Earth. Ashtar took me along, and before everything started, we met in the Holy Temple, where the energy is raised to an extremely high light. The collective is then initiated and aligned. So beautiful and gentle, yet immensely powerful, loving, and heavenly... well, I can hardly describe it. Everyone you meet looks at you with loving eyes, and you feel deeply welcomed.

Why the Inner Earth this time?


There is a connection from the Inner Earth to the ocean floor. From the Earth's core, one can travel to all these beautiful places. All of this remains invisible to the human eye. Soon, this knowledge will also be revealed, and its emotional value will be recognized. The feminine energy will play a major role in this process. The formula of the Holy Water will then be (re)discovered and utilized to ensure the purity of the planet.

Holy Portals Disrupted

But... the holy portals through which the light beings teleport and undertake trance journeys are being disturbed. The surface-dwelling human is getting closer and, out of curiosity, trying to uncover everything. For quite some time, expeditions to Antarctica have been undertaken. The cave systems are being explored. We wish to welcome them in our own way, but they do not yet have the consciousness to experience this. The coarse material cannot yet "see" or "hear" the subtle ethereal.


There is a small group of power holders who, driven by greed, wish to engage with this and expand their dominance. Most of those in Antarctica are there on assignment and travel along with these expeditions out of ignorance. Scientists and many others complete this adventure, alongside military operations. Unrest has arisen from this group, and this approach to penetrating the Inner Earth is not the right way.

Power of feeling

The power of the heart-brain and emotions are now becoming very important, and some know this. They seek to unravel this secret in a domineering manner. Some have already made contact with us—Light Beings and Lemurians—from a certain level.

Anti-Christ & Artificial Intelligence

They crave knowledge of wholeness to complete their research. You could say that the unfolding of the water element serves as a powerful counterbalance to bring artificial intelligence into equilibrium. The water codes are resurfacing, and the fall of Atlantis is bringing old souls back to this place to resume their lives from before the collapse. This is not progress but a continuation of something that was brought down.

They aim to invade with advanced technology and disrupt the water element with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence could become the symbol of the anti-Christ in this era. It could permeate everything and eliminate the human capacity for feeling.

Lemuria & Anti-Christ

Knowledge of water is highly cherished in Lemuria. They carry ancient wisdom and wish to pass it on to humanity in peace, so that humanity can ascend safely. Earth is the planet of emotion and water—a vital element that cannot simply be forgotten, and science is beginning to realize this. Water holds immense creative power; many new beings are born from it. Even a new human begins in the amniotic fluid within a mother’s womb.

Feminine Aspect

Water is thus a crucial element for the new Earth, and this awareness is not well understood by earthly scientists. A missing link has emerged in their research. The feminine aspect carries this secret knowledge within, and when the time is ripe, it will all be revealed. That time has now come. A look back at ancient cultures where the water element played a role will come to light, for they held great respect for water.

Water: Intuitive Ability

Water is connected to intuitive abilities and dreamtime. You may start to ask why this knowledge has disappeared and why the feminine element on Earth has become so subordinate. The dual world consists of two elements: the holy light and the holy water. A beautiful example is the rainbow in the sky, a sign of connection between these two extremes: "The water droplet in the cloud refracts the light, and a rainbow appears. So beautiful."

Symbol: The Rainbow Serpent

The rainbow symbol is very ancient, and like all symbols, it has been blended with other meanings, causing the original knowledge to fade slowly.

The feathered rainbow serpent Quetzalcoatl is an original primal being with divine creative power. The planet Venus, the radiant morning star, is connected to this.

Rainbows symbolize the connection between masculine and feminine energy. The coming together and reunification of these opposing parts bring healing where imbalance reigns. It is the creative power of restoration. Prana, or life energy, purifies and nourishes everything in the body and the planet alike.

Holy Portals

Continuation of my experience: "I suddenly found myself in a cave system, in a very large hall, within which was a magnificent portal, so tall and wide. Impressive. Teleportation here occurs both horizontally and vertically: downward and upward. There are plasma portals, like those in the sun. But also entirely different ones...

These connections to other dimensions must not be forcibly broken open by humans. That will not be permitted, and they—the Lemurians and other groups of starlight beings like Ashtar—will prevent it. The humans of the surface world are welcome in a different way. This world will be sustained from a very high frequency. When humans with an ignorant perspective disrupt this, it can harm the humans, the caves, and other small beings in the physical realm."


This is a symbolic name for everything that seeks to tarnish the divine. The anti-Christ emerges in the end times, so that this aspect becomes visible and can be redirected toward a good balance. Let chaos be chaos and connect with the Light in your heart. Your original codes will open this year—don’t let yourself be too distracted.

During this spring equinox, the Lemurians, cosmic starlight beings, and many other universal creations discussed how they will protect this barrier, so that humanity does not destroy itself. Warnings have already been issued to those who attempt this.

Cosmic Portals

The portals of light, activated by the sun and providing passage for lightships, are now also being strengthened. There are safe connections from the inner Earth to these portals. They carry many sacred codes to grant access to those who wish to connect from a place of peace.

Trance Journey

Through dreamtime and other states of consciousness, experiments are being conducted on Earth to reach these portals in the wrong way. Without a guide from the Light, this is not advisable, especially not under the influence of drugs or hallucinogenic substances. Usually, you are invited, so you can safely undertake this trance journey.

Those who regularly astral travel also carry the knowledge of journeying through the light portals, but this only applies if they can ascend to the higher frequencies. Those who impose everything from a forced atmosphere (military adaptations) will only be able to travel in the lower realms.

Ashtar: Let the light of the heart flow through in the codes of the holy water ... becomes one with everything. Then you see me and my brothers and sisters of the light appear in your heart.

Arthura Hector

©Arthura Hector www.ashtar-rose.com All rights reserved.


Ashtar is a consciousness with a very intelligent ability, contactees include George van Tassel, Tuella and many others.
Ashtar is an ethereal light being, a loving intelligence and he consists of pure Light and works with the healing Rainbow colors. From a wave of love I have to meet Ashtar. This revelation of the Light opened my cosmic consciousness. When this happens  then he opens the veils. The true memory who you really are comes to above. Once man was a beautiful being with a lot of Light power and special talents. The memory of an Earthly Paradise is no fantasy and is hidden deep in the heart of everyone. A very intense desire now arises to reunite all of this into wholeness again. ©Arthura

© 2025 CrystalWind.ca & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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