Ascension Lightworkers: Unlock New Earth Ascension Secrets!
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- Written by Ascension LightWorkers

Ascending in new earth’s energy is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always were and always should have been.
In solitude, we face the one person we will always be with, ourselves. The world may change, people may leave, but we remain. To truly know the self is the only journey that lasts an eternity.
The Divine Plan is not to escape earth, but to bring Heaven to Earth. The Mind Is an Accumulation of the Past; once you Transcend the Mind, The Past Has No More Power Over You.
Starseeds, never beat up on yourself for what may seem like mistakes made in the past; they were all very necessary for you to walk that path and to learn those valuable lessons.
Ascending souls are loving souls. Never apologize for your humanity and your willingness to trust, to see the positive aspects in this global transformation. It is a precious gift to our world.
We are in the last week of March. April is going to gift us with lighter and benevolent energies; ascending ones are shifting into this next ascension phase now. Aries Season: These particular fiery planetary energies are activating a major Cosmic reset, recharging stagnate spaces and energy.
Solar Eclipse in Aries: 29th March Is a Sacred Passage Into the New. The solar eclipse is in the sign of Aries, bringing in conscious shifts and a deeper need for introspection, urging us to revisit unresolved matters and align with higher self-values, while also potentially bringing unexpected changes and challenges.
Solar eclipses are resets in the energy field or archetypal configurations, whereas lunar eclipses are culminations of emotional cycles that have run their course. Both encourage us to let go of past self-emotions and attachments, no longer serving higher learning, evolving into the new and into the True self.
Solar eclipses are important events in astrology that bring about significant unexpected changes in life; solar eclipses focus on opportunities for conscious growth alignment, transformation, resetting the mindset, creating positive changes in self.
April is a time of significant energetic shifts and opportunities. Expect deep sleeping and vivid dreaming, strengthening higher self-connection. The Light of the Cosmos is shining upon us, activating multiple light transmissions; higher vibrational frequencies are saturating the ascending human systems.
These particular light codes are manifesting planetary energies leading up to the powerful 4:4 Portal. This portal amplifies past energies and is a time and energy to focus on new earth manifestations.
As you navigate through transitions activating changes, endings, and new beginnings, know that you are now equipped with healing and higher conscious insights that empower you to move through this phase effortlessly. Prepare to witness the unveiling of many unresolved mysteries, fabrications, and illusions, representing a major global awakening drawing us much closer into the frequency of divine conscious light alignment.
Embrace the newly activated energies pulsating through the being, igniting a profound connection to the soul's true purpose, encouraging us to honour the true self essence. Feeling a deep-seated urge to align with the authentic self, guiding you towards significant lifestyle shifts and healthier ways of thinking, living, and being, to express and release emotions, transcending past self-impulsive triggers and reactions.
In this new ascension season and chapter, the focus shifts towards connecting with genuine souls on a path of true healing and authenticity. Whether in business, partnerships, friendships, family, all relationships, the emphasis is on aligning with light-minded individuals, genuinely dedicated to their inner work, emotional intelligence, pursuing their divine sovereign purpose.
Duality is a big part of the transformational cycle taking place on this planet; the dark and light worlds have completely divided and are now energetically far apart. In new earth energy, it is either an attraction or a repulsion with all people, places, and spaces; vibrational alignment in all areas of life is a strong attraction point of conscious awareness and existence. This will be extremely highlighted in all timelines moving forward. Free will and free choice holds all accountable in new earth energy.
This next stage of the journey transcends surface-level connections, now connecting with others who aspire to authentically Ascend and are committed to their authentic personal evolution.
Gone are the days of seeking external validation or striving to embody an idealized image of how success should look like in this world. Instead, the focus now resides in developing genuine connections based in vibrational alignment, authenticity, commitment, and sovereign loyalty.
Recognizing self’s inherent worth and valuing the depth of all self’s inner work, Many ascending are now raising their preferred standards and surrounding the self with resonating vibrations, creating the preferred reality state of being moving forward.
Recent Ascension Symptoms: include flu-like congestion symptoms, waves of nausea, third eye pressure, tension headaches, body aches, dizziness, digestive issues, difficulty balancing, extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, ear sensitivity, heightened emotions, dull head pressure, dental issues, gum issues, high levels of sensory overload and heightened sensitivity, accelerated dehydration, back/kidney pains, continued third eye pressure, sinus pressure issues, focusing on prioritizing self-care.
Embracing this transformational shift means stepping into a space where mediocrity in self has no place, and the pursuit of exceptional connections becomes non-negotiable. By upholding these higher standards in self, you are able to create a fertile ground for enhanced consciousness, mutual support, a collective shared purpose, connecting with those that nourish the elevating spirit to elevate collective consciousness.
Starseed activations are now unfolding at a rapid and an unprecedented pace, catalyzing a new era unlike anything witnessed in our solar system and earth reality.
The Love Revolution of New Earth is taking shape as we collectively embrace living from the heart space with increasing ease and grace. Within our Family of Light, a shared consciousness is emerging, paving the way for a collective shift towards multidimensional existence.
In loving and devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers. ©
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