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2025 Spring Equinox Power Shift

2025 Spring Equinox Power Shift

Spring Equinox: March 20, 2025, 5:03 AM EDT, Washington, D.C.

As your body begins to awaken to delightful spring aromas and you find you’re thinking about what you want to do this year, do you have any idea what’s going on in the world? Spring Equinox is the time to create intentions for what you want to create this year, yet reality flipped upside down last fall when Pluto went into Aquarius to remain there until 2044, the real opening of the fabled Age of Aquarius. During this winter, systems and individuals have been plagued by freefalls, thus many fear what’s coming next. In my Winter Solstice reading I remarked that when Neptune and Saturn in Pisces slam into Aries after the Spring Equinox, our deepest spiritual beliefs would begin to wake up. This is happening deeply and unconsciously, making us feel very dislocated because it is a cosmic evolutionary upgrade. Fine, but where on Earth are we going? What are we becoming?

The big question is how do cosmic cycles penetrate our minds and emotions? Specifically, how do the great archetypal forces—the Sun, Moon, and planets dancing in our galaxy immersed in its ride through the universe—entice our species to evolve? We are experiencing answers to these critical question because astrology is in a new Golden Age, a phase when we remember the value of reading, interpreting, and consciously using the powers of the archetypes living in our minds and hearts that resonate with cosmic intelligence—whether we know it or not.

The ultimate evolutionary development of the Age of Aquarius will be the fusion of science and spirituality. Left-brain development by means of science over four hundred years is complete, making us ready for a species-level participation in all the dimensions in the Universe. When I added the latest dimensional news to the introduction to the Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Alchemy of Nine Dimensions (2024), I noted that topologists have mapped our brains as receivers and interpreters of nine to eleven dimensions. This discovery—the Blue Brain Project—means we are waking up to cosmic consciousness as a species. This spring, Neptune and Saturn move into Aries in tandem, while Pluto in Aquarius demolishes the last elements of outmoded systems and beliefs. This combination will liberate ancient spiritual wisdom in our hearts and minds.

While we humans mastered science, we temporarily lost touch with our ability to perceive and communicate with higher dimensional intelligence. Our personal dimensional spectrums had to narrow for a while; however, faced with scientific fascism—artificial intelligence (AI)—we cannot give away our souls to regressive robotic gods. As Neptune and Saturn move into Aries, Neptune’s multidimensional genius will activate the incredible intelligence we’ve gathered for millions of years in the plasma records of the Universe; and then Saturn’s structural powers will teach us how to wisely create in the third dimension. Robots will never be able to create as humans can, and a terrific struggle over creative powers is highly likely this spring. Being in the Golden Age of Astrology means we can examine the Aries planetary and solar transits to see how to best navigate reality this spring.

The best source I’ve found that clearly describes the cosmic activation of our species is The Archetypal Cosmos: Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science, and Astrology (2010) by a cosmic explorer, Keiron Le Grice, who has been participating in a San Francisco Bay Area group that is birthing a new discipline, “Archetypal Cosmology.” Regarding the awakening of dimensionality in our minds, Le Grice notes that “this luminous transparency is one of the fundamental characteristics of the integral structure of consciousness, the evolutionary mutation that is now upon us.” This group of physicists, cosmologists, astrologers, mythologists, and therapists have integrated science and spirituality just in time, because Neptune and Saturn in Aries will shatter open the human mind as our consciousness opens to the Galaxy during 2025-2027; that I know.

It fascinates me that Kieron Le Grice’s integration of cosmology and mythology came about from his studies with the physicist Brian Swimme, one of my professors during graduate school. Swimme later joyfully introduced my own early cosmic breakthrough in The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light (1995). Arriving from different angles and modalities, we see that we are ready to be galactocentric, a leap similar to when we became heliocentric four hundred years ago. Astrologers continue to look at reality with the geocentric perspective after adding the heliocentric view, and now many astrologers and astronomers are examining the location of our solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy.

One of my best guides for considering how Neptune and Saturn in Aries will expand the perspective of our species has been David Wilcox’s The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle between Good and Evil (2016). Wilcox has deeply considered our true location in the “Interstellar Neighborhood.” The location of our Sun is in the middle of a gigantic “Tubelike Chimney of Plasma that Extends Up into the Galactic Halo, a spherical area of gas extensively described by NASA.” In other words, this is hard science. These tubes have been widely observed in other galaxies, and Wilcox thinks they are portals for travel when the alignments are right. I sense these interstellar travel portals will blast wide open when Neptune and Saturn move into Aries basically in tandem—Neptune merely 10 days after this Equinox, then Saturn in May can erect structures in our minds for Neptune’s new spiritual matrix.

These outrageous evolutionary possibilities are supported by Vedic scholar Bibhu dev Misra’s Yuga Shift: The End of the Kali Yuga & the Impending Planetary Transformation (2023). He has defined this moment in time based on the most ancient cycles in the Vedas. According to Bibhu, the Kali Yuga—the darkest phase of the 26,000 year long Precession of the Equinoxes cycle—ends at the end of this March, coinciding exactly with Neptune moving into Aries. Astrologers know by their trade that there are no coincidences, only synchronicities.

Well, what will it be like to experience the end of the Kali Yuga? You can hold your center with everything exploding around you! Try imagining yourself as a very quiet little philosophical mouse hiding deep in a heavily reinforced bank vault that hardly feels it when something nearby explodes a bomb—Ka Boom!!! The last time Neptune went into Aries was April 13, 1861, a scant 34 hours after the American Civil War ignited on April 12, 1861. As odd and intense events accelerate around you, pay close attention to the precious spiritual light in your heart as it balances with the equal dark by means of the Yin/Yang principle. Most astrologers are struggling to adequately describe the possible meaning and influence of the compacted transits in Aries this spring. Please go to the end of this file to absorb the visual impact of this gathering in Aries. Feel its potency in your solar plexus as you open your heart to understand its meaning. There is nothing to fear.

The Spring Equinox marks the moment the Sun moves into Aries, the most activated degree of the Zodiac. This Equinox is like a gunshot opening the gates to start a horserace because the solar Aries ingress is the energetic trigger point of the Neptune and Saturn Aries transits. The Sun is combust Neptune poised to enter Aries ten days later. Neptune/Sun conjuncting the lunar North Node is closely followed by Venus conjunct Mercury in Aries, both retrograding back to Sun/Neptune. This dance in Aries will inspire spiritual creations as well as direct your path in life by the lunar North Node that moves back through Pisces for more than a year. As Venus and Mercury retrograde back into Pisces, we will deeply feel our desires (Venus) and consider what we really know (Mercury).

Before Saturn enters Aries on May 24, Saturn will be close to the lunar North Node in Pisces in late April. This may infuse 3D with mysterious and astonishing new ways to structure realities that could be very energized by Saturn’s Aries transit— especially with Saturn and Neptune conjunct February 2026. The Spring Equinox Moon in courageous Sagittarius closely trines Neptune/Sun/Venus/Mercury— creating smooth flows of feelings and thoughts this spring. Mars in 20 Cancer trines Saturn in 23 Pisces, empowering the newly formed structures. And, Pluto the great transformer, sextiles Neptune/Sun/Venus/Mercury, and becomes the spiritual director inspiring a profound sense of Self that is supported by strong desires and clear thoughts. In short, it will not be easy to handle all the great changes coming, but you can if you remember to breathe and be grateful as you track your feelings and thoughts!

Spring Equinox 2025 is a profound moment to sort out your intentions for the year and then meditate to find your balance. Do not miss this special opportunity because the energy you create for what you intend this spring will hugely ease the normal stresses that will arise during a year of such profound evolution.

March 2025 Quarterly Astrological Update
Spring Equinox: March 20, 2025, 5:03 AM EDT, Washington, D.C.

Journeys Through Nine Dimensions
Barbara Hand Clow & Gerry Clow Astrology Predictions

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