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Galactic Numerology Energy Map May 2024

Galactic Numerology Energy Map May 2024

Welcome to May 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of May 2024 and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.  

In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in May 2024.  See how this energy map helps set the stage for maneuvering and creating your life in union with what your soul purpose is for this lifetime.

Galactic Numbers embody an enlightened consciousness representing the wholeness and unity within the Cosmos.  Our energies encompass the evolution of traditional numerology - which has been a most useful tool with the positive and negative aspects of it within the world of duality.  This evolution of numbers out of duality - and into wholeness with Galactic Numerology - assists your soul’s expanding path into unity consciousness, bridging the way.  Galactic Numerology has come to Earth at the energetic request of soul’s desiring a new way to tap into the multidimensionality of what is possible to create from these high level Source Keys and Codes.

The significant and powerful astrological alignments and movements in the heavens greatly assist the momentum as we move into the higher-dimensional Earth. And here in this Energy Map, we bring specific highlights and key insights that flow from our vibrational streams with the Divine Cosmic Alchemy happening from and through Galactic Numerology. We take a brush stroke to the surface, to acknowledge some of the many events and expansions happening within the cosmos, with additional astrological alignments of note that you may desire to research beyond what we present here.

All of this is being transmitted to support you as you navigate upon your life path, and it is our JOY and delight to assist you.

In May 2024, astrological Taurus season continues through to May 19th, and until Gemini comes through on May 20th.

May as the 5th month and the number 5 - emerges in significant ways. Consider the five-pointed star's points: one above, corresponding to the head; two to the sides, resembling arms; and two below, mirroring legs. You, too, embody this star, existing within its cosmic embrace—this is your eternal union with the universe. See how the Number 5 is this type of energy for you - you as a star. 

Also, 5 symbolizes the celestial dance of Venus, weaving beauty and love around the sun, and it also represents the fifth element, Akasha. It resonates in the geometric perfection of the five Platonic solids and resonates musically in the pentatonic scale's five black keys of the piano. The sacred significance of the number 5 is deeply personal, shaped by your own understanding. When you integrate it into your life, it enriches your journey in a unique way.

In traditional numerology, the energy of 5 embodies change, adaptability, and embracing new beginnings. Through Galactic Numerology, this energy becomes a catalyst for awakening and transformation, urging you to heed the call of your soul’s design for this lifetime - for your life. Embrace change as a pathway to flourishing and prospering—invite new experiences, excitement, and freedom back into your life. By breaking free from patterns of stagnation or restraining your desires, you unlock doors to unimagined possibilities. This, Dear One, ignites a renewed sense of purpose and adventure for you.

The emergence of ascension energy and high-vibrational consciousness is undeniable as you are witnessing the energies already from these first 4 months of 2024, and now going into this 5th month of May, as they are stirring and awakening what lay dormant within you. What is wanting to wake up and be resurrected from that dormancy.

This resurrection energy restores you to wholeness, a process now more obvious than ever before. Your awakening asks you to embody your true essence fully, and to transcend the duality of fragmented existence that has gone on for lifetimes and lifetime - so you can truly embrace unity. Though the energy of separation continues to pervade in the outside world, it does not need to define your path, because your soul, your higher self, calls for the awakening of your divine nature.

As you awaken to the newness, tap into your inner knowing and see what it’s guiding you towards. Then, you’ll open so many doors in your life, and that creates the ripple effect out into the world. Everyone living the life that reflects the trueness of who they are – not what the outside world is dictating, that is the agent of change, that blows through the veils of illusions that have kept so many settling, dormant, and slumbering. That is all changing – and what are you doing to make that change happen for you?  How can you bring new adventures into your world and wake up to the JOY that is awaiting to spring forward for you?

May 1st is Beltane in the northern hemisphere - it’s the ancient fire ritual of celebration (also called May Day) to herald the time between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.  May poles, and the lusty month of May is about freedom and fun. And it’s also about celebrating nature and her emergence into bloom.  She moves quickly from seed to sprout and now to bloom. Celebrating the ancient ritual of Beltane invites a vibrant tapestry of traditions, honoring the fertility of the earth and the blossoming of life as spring reaches its zenith, with summer just ahead. As the sun's warmth permeates the land, groups come together in joyous gatherings, weaving colorful ribbons around Maypoles to symbolize the intertwining of energies and the dance of the seasons. Bonfires blaze against the night sky, while the scent of flowers and fresh greenery fills the air, awakening the senses. In this sacred time, the boundaries between the ordinary and the mystical blur, inviting a deep connection with nature's rhythms and to embrace the energy of renewal.

May 2nd is Pluto’s annual retrograde of approximately 6 months (this year until October 12th) in Pluto’s energy of transformation. During Pluto retrograde, you may find yourself reflecting on the power dynamics in your life, including issues related to control, manipulation, and looking at empowerment. It’s a time for inner introspection and uncovering hidden truths. Pluto’s retrograde encourages you to release what no longer serves, and to embrace change and growth.  There's a lot happening on the world stage, but the key to achieving your most profound transformation and making a meaningful impact on the world is to keep it deeply personal for you.

May 5th is the 5/5 Portal.  On this significant date of May 5th, 2024, a potent gateway is open, flooding the world with energies that stir dormant aspects within to awaken and come alive. Perhaps you've wanted to declutter and streamline your life, allowing the peaceful essence within to resurface. Maybe it's time for a slumbering friendship to rekindle, embracing the beauty of what is now possible in that relationship. Maybe it’s a relationship that has been waiting for awakening through encouragement, genuine and truthful sharing from the heart. Or it could be the perfect moment to embark on a passion project, one that ignites genuine excitement rather than just the obligation aspect of doing what is being done in your life. 

These portals are magnified energy days – harness their power, momentum and support. And, then watch your life blossoming into the fullness and newness of all that you desire. Perhaps look for 5:55 on the clock, and see where else it’s up, showing the number 5 to spark your awakening.

The mini-portal dates this month are 5/14 and 5/23, when you can ignite these amazing 5/5 Portal energies and feel the sparks encouraging and providing momentum to whatever you’re up to.  Perhaps marking your calendar or create a reminder to awaken something new in your life specifically on these days – and see what happens – watch the magic happen – because you are bringing consciousness and then action towards your desires. Awareness, consciousness and the harnessing of all that is made available for your expansion and evolution is the key, Dear One.

And as the Eta Aquarids meteor showers peak around this time (May 5th and 6th), perhaps harnessing the fiery sparks of awakening new states of consciousness that are presenting for you at this time. You’ll know - there’s something new coming in for you - and really allowing that to spark - paying attention to see what that is.

May 7th/8th - depending on your location, is the in the New Super Moon in Taurus.  With the sun and moon rising and setting together, the New Moon in the ‘darkness’ of it represents stillness, a void of beautiful space to just be and create without effort.  The creation can be the planting of the seeds through focused intention.  Being in this momentous and freedom-loving 5 month, then having this Taurus new moon helps to ground in and stabilize all that you’re up to.  This is creative freedom - to create, then rest, relax, enjoy, then go at it again, and savor all that you’re creating. 

So, maybe try some of this energy in your life projects: for example, in this new moon if you’re intending to clean up and organize the garage - just start moving things around, have fun with it, don’t think about it first, just go for it, move things around.  Then, perhaps taking a short break, sitting in a chair and observe and look at the whole picture.  Be in the heart space of creation not the mind.  Now, this may seem backward - like in the past you’d just look at everything and try to figure it all out - what goes where, but in this energy this month you know what you want - a clean and organized garage - just do it - so you can move on to the other things that you’re wanting to create.  

Use this Taurus energy - call upon it, use the 5 energy of freedom - call upon it, and do this garage project in a way you’ve never done it before - or whatever project you’re choosing.  This is a way to bring new alchemy into your life.  When you consciously engage these energies, you’ll be amazed at what you’ve gotten done in perhaps half the amount of time, and how it’s shaped into something you hadn’t thought of before.  You’ll have this Taurus energy creating the classiest garage that you’ll enjoy utilizing going forward - without upsetting the apple cart of resistance to change. Then, as you’ve gotten that done so efficiently and with much more ease than before, you can indulge in some self-pampering. Is this possible? Yes!  This is how you create from the higher dimensions and bring it into your daily life, Dear One - transcending time and space!

On May 20th, the sun enters the sign of Sagittarius bringing in a huge wave of life changing energy - big decision, new ways of living - finally out of the old energy. Sagittarius is typically associated with traits such as optimism, adventure, enthusiasm, independence, and a love for freedom. Time to put on your curiosity cap and explore where you’ve never gone before (where have you heard that before?), whether it be through travel, higher learning, or deep inner reflection and inquiry. This energy is not about mincing your words - it’s about straightforwardness and honesty and speaking your truth from your heart.

May 23, 2024, is the Sagittarius Full Moon. And with all of the Sagittarius energy, the illumination at this time is light on a new adventurous path. Have you been holding back these last couple of years?  Time to make those travel plans, look at the future picture and see what is showing up for you now and how you can release the slower energies and harness the excitement and joy about this bright future.

And ritual and ceremony are great in Full Moons – perhaps using fire, candles, crystals, sound – anything that helps you use physicality to send off all that you are desiring to complete. This Sagittarius Full Moon time is one of blossoming expansion. And, as Sagittarius brings this playful and joyful energy of this Full Moon, also known as the Flower Moon, savor the blossoming sweetness of you. Where can you bring more expansion to your life that is awakening in whole new ways, Dear One? Have a wonderful awakening month of May 2024.

We send our love, and our blessings are with you.

And our transmission is now complete.

Denise Ricard

Denise Ricard:

Denise is here in service as an Ambassador of Light and Love for the evolution of consciousness, and to co-create the New Seventh Golden Age, to realize Heaven upon the New Earth.

She assists Lightworkers and Starseeds to fully activate their Ascension blueprint by providing the most advanced encoded Divine frequencies from across the multiverse. This empowers them to embody WHOLENESS – to actualize the state of Unity into their reality, therefore creating a life that reflects their truth and joy.

She is the Galactic Numerologist and transmitter of Sacred Number Energies, Divine Channel and Intuitive Soul Path Coach, a Licensed Quantum Light Practitioner, and transmitter of Sacred Codes through Light Language in all of its forms.

From her Cosmic Lineages, she works in co-creation with multi-universal Divine Beings of Light: Intergalactic Councils, Angels and Archangels, Dragons and Elementals, Ascended Masters, Crystals and Nature in all her forms. This enables her to contribute to others from the highest and most optimal evolutionary energies available for their expansion.

Source Here

This article was submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Denise Ricard on April 30 - 2024 with written permission to reblog this article exclusively on CrystalWind.ca.  Stay tuned for more enlightened articles and teachings from Denise! 

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