Quick Meditation You Can Do at Your Office to Cope with Work Stress
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- Written by Daily Meditation

Workplace stress is a hidden killer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has sounded the alarm on the crisis. The government agency says that 4 in 10 Americans experience symptoms of stress at work.
According to https://www.stress.org/workplace-stress'); return false;">The American Institute of Stress, workplace stress is one of the hidden dangers in corporate America. Millions of workers in the country are suffering in silence as the demands of their job are continually increasing.
There are many causes of work stress, among them are:
- Increased workload
- Thrust into a position they feel they are not qualified to perform
- Demanding supervisors and managers
- Toxic environment
- Change in management
- Job instability
- Poor relationships with co-workers
- Culture of the organization
Doctors have found a link between chronic stress and diseases. For instance, the https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/stress-and-heart-health'); return false;">American Heart Association said that stress increases the risk of heart disease due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, inactivity, binge eating, and smoking.
It would help if you tried to find ways to slow down at work. Here are some useful tips for practicing meditation at your office to help you find your center.
- Find your safe space at work, somewhere where you will not be disturbed for a few minutes.
- Take five. That’s five minutes when you feel too overwhelmed. Before continuing with your task, close your eyes and concentrate on your breaths. The easiest way is to count your breathing (count one to inhale, and two to exhale). Repeat the cycle after you get to 10 counts.
- Instead of shunning the sounds, sights, and other sensations, acknowledge them and soak them in. It is a technique that will allow you to become more grounded. Once you feel a better connection to your environment, you find that the little things that used to annoy you before no longer do.
- For beginners, you can start with five minutes of meditation per day. Then you gradually increase the number of minutes until you can do 20-30 minutes daily. If necessary, you can space out meditation sessions in five-minute intervals throughout the day until you reach 20 minutes.
- You can also download some meditation apps to get you started. These apps will guide you step-by-step on the proper breathing exercises and other techniques.
- Practice mindfulness at work
What most people do not know is that of the 1.5 million estimated deaths from heart attacks in the United States, about 11,000 were the direct or indirect result of a wrong diagnosis. According to https://www.seattlemalpracticelawyers.com/'); return false;">Tinker law firm, if you feel that a doctor might have been negligent and this caused the death of a loved one, you can contact lawyers for legal advice.
How to Know if You Are Stressed at Work?
Stress can manifest in physical or mental symptoms. You should be on the lookout for the following signs that may point out that you are under pressure:
- Migraines
- Heart palpitations
- Muscle tension
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Lowered interest in a task
- Lack of motivation to perform well
- Increased number of days where you call in sick
- Feeling too overwhelmed
- Upset stomach
- Sleeping disorder
- Impatience
- A decline in performance
- Anxiety and depression
- Isolation
- Passive-aggressive behavior
- Declining relationship with co-workers
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