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Unraveling Dissonant Energies

Unraveling Dissonant Energies

I am a very prolific dreamer. My dreams have a wide range from reviewing past experiences, to creative endeavors, to multidimensional explorations, and so much more.

These dreams are often very lucid and carried over into my daily life. Other times I am aware that I was very busy in my dreamtime with no memory of what I was doing because its expanded consciousness is beyond the mind’s capacity to comprehend. Quite often I’m able to consciously interact with my dreams while remaining in the dream state. I have come to realize the gifts of dreamtime which are as important, if not more so, than my awake time when my human mind is running the show rather than my intuitive knowing.

Last night, during a very lucid dreamtime, I was transported to a past episode of my life that had been very challenging. I felt totally present in my body experiencing all the dissonant feelings and emotions running through my body from that time period. Instead of attempting to blip out of the discomfort of the dream, I allowed myself to linger there, feeling and experiencing every nuance as the neutral observer, wondering why now? Why re-experience these emotions after so many years?

Still in dreamtime, I called forth my Soul to engage in conversation, asking what the purpose was in reliving this episode of my life. I was instantly informed, “These are emotions you had tucked away because you were not willing or prepared to see the truth. It was appropriate to do so at that time, for it served you well in dealing with the eventual outcome. However, now that you are able to “see” the truth, all dissonant energies are being released from your body without the need to interpret or engage with them. An open heart and mind with a simple breath of Grace is all that’s required to cleanse your body of ALL dissonant energies.” Thus, I took a deep breath, and with a gentle exhale I fell into a deep sleep.

Upon awakening in the morning, I felt SO much lighter and at peace, as if a burden I did not know I carried had been put to rest. I also felt a bit woozy, in need of finding my new footing as much of the foundational webbing connected to these errant emotions was also dissolving.

This is not the first time I have experienced teachings or healings during my dreamtime. But this is the first time I felt the full emotional sensations in my body as if the timelines had merged.

Indeed, that is what many of us are experiencing. . . merging timelines. Timelines that are not linear, as we have come to believe. Timelines that are in the process of disentangling from past, present, and future all in the NOW. Timelines that are unraveling and releasing all dissonant energies.

Each of us are experiencing this in our own unique ways. Some are unconsciously experiencing recycled events as a way of releasing the old. Some are consciously releasing dissonant energies during meditation. Others, like myself, are doing so in dreamtime.

We are all clearing our energy bodies and our energy fields to embody the fullness of our Divinity. As the Divine we have the ability to do so with Ease and Grace. An open heart and mind with a deep breath of abiding Grace is all it takes.
Blessed BE!


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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