Unity Connected Realities or Separation Disconnected Realities?
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- Written by AndEl

When the dynamics of your realities start to shift and change, how well do you shift too in order to adapt for intentional continued expansion to occur?
About a month ago we activated "adaptive algorithms" for how our realities would now play out. About a week or so ago we were shown that the dynamics of our realities are about to dramatically change. The constructs, infrastructure, directions of realities are all birthed, built, managed and maintained from within. It takes awhile to see how all works in conjunction to all things here. .
Part of Diamond Light Code Consciousness is the ability to see the dynamics of all, how all correlates, how everything affects the whole, the intricacies of all that is involved, how all of the pieces and parts fit together, how all expands and contracts, re-configures when it does and fits back together again.
Everything is a breathing, living organism here. Realities are too. It takes unity, love, openness and full contribution by each of us for things to work. If we contract down, go small, pull away, go unconscious, then flow stops and this affects the dynamics of everything. When you can see how you are connected to all, how you are the nexus, how all emanates out from you, how all is created by what you do and do not do, you start to realize how important and affected everything is.....
Each holds great responsibility for themselves. Through embracing this from within us, we can consciously affect the whole through our openness or unconsciously affect through disconnecting.
Now, when it's time to shift dimensionally, we intentionally disconnect from that which we no longer desire to experience/have in our own reality world. This disconnection is necessary for every reality shift to occur. When we do desire a reality, we connect from inside to that. This life and love that we breathe from within us is what creates that, sustains that, feeds that and breathes life into that to also birth and grow. We nurture that which is important to us, we give it love. Realities are no different here. If we do not, then they too will die/fall away/dismantle/dissolve.
In Unity Consciousness, realities are a whole new ballgame, for first we must unify inside and then where we desire to create vaster realities and build the foundation for the NEW, the bigger picture, the grander realities, we come together for this. Because realities are now ever changing, ever transforming, ever shifting, then as a living breathing organism, all parts of the whole are too. WE make up this living, breathing, eco system. Our connectedness is what created it, birthed it and it's what will cause it to grow and thrive or disconnection can cause it to die. Now, our NEW EARTH REALITIES are like single living breathing organisms all dependent on all. All responsible equally, all affecting everything vibrationally and it takes great responsibility by each in order to maintain these new realities here.
The intricacies of how realities work here is beyond anything our little human mind can comprehend. We only see "our picture" when we are little humans. When we are expanded and connected, we can see the overall picture and how all works in sync, how all flourishes and supports everyone and everything. When we go small and disconnect, then we separate off from being able to be a part of this, until our heart opens back up and we come back online again.
Many are about to go through the unthinkable in order to evolve into a higher frequency bandwidth of existence. Perceptions skewed by distortions, suppression that will cause shut-down until all life has been drained out, disconnecting to feel alone, confusion when the mind is strong, loss where nothing else would get each's attention before.
Energy must move, must flow, must create... energy now re-shapes all realities like never before, because ENERGY is who we are and left unattended, left to scatter about, left not focused or honored will take a form of it's own. Energy requires our direction, requires our focus and our ability to direct it how it needs to be. Energy running through your physical bodies awakening absolutely everything to be cleansed, purified, transformed, released. Energy in it's PUREST FORM is POWER, yet in it's most suppressed state is VOLATILE, in it's not managed/unmastered state is destructive and can destroy (perception too, for all things occur exactly as they are meant to, yet the unconscious has no choice and the fully conscious do).
REALities take FORM in response to each. What we do/don't do, what we transmit out (un)intentionally this is what CREATES. For humans, it's about what everyone "does", for us it's all, what one does, does not do, what we do/do not do.... for us it's the whole picture that matters, the bigger picture and how everything is affected by all, for us it's how each dimensional reality is affected vibrationally by everything, this is what we all are responsible for.
Human aspects are unaware of what they are affecting, unaware of the other dimensional timelines that exist and unaware that this every moment right here CREATES. They exist in "time" and separation and focusing on the physical world. We are vibrational beings, aware that our every moment vibration affects the whole, that this vibration creates realities and we shift our vibration intentionally to shift to a timeline that we DO want to experience and we let the rest fall away.... dealing with the ones that directly affect us/our realities, constantly re-aligning vibrationally...
These increased frequencies are affecting realities on a whole new level, because we have more access to the bigger picture now. We see how all is affected in grander ways and how it's all of our responsibility to continually push through our human'ness/dissolve it and continually step-up, continually pay attention to our contributions to the whole, continually pay attention to how we are affecting realities by that which we create/allow/transmit out, continually re-assess everything, continually take the blinders off (veils), continually re-focus, continually open up more to re-connect deeper from within, continually re-evaluate ourselves and our entire existence here.
Old Earth was built on foundations that collapse. NEW Earth is built/constructed on foundations of love, unity, respect, INtegrity, kindness, consideration, support, full-commitment/invested interest, contribution and more. These foundations do not collapse anymore, because our foundation from within is pure, strong and solid. Where it is not, this becomes visible and we deal with it ourselves.
The Galactic Re-Gridding Project took us all to a whole new level, one that is challenging energetically on a daily basis just to incorporate all of this into our entire BEing here. Each of us an integral part of what is to come, receiving exactly what we are vibrationally contributing through our own energy, focus and physical world things too. Human's hold back, separate off and don't care what/how they affect... that will create a disconnect for that being, yet the whole now will no longer collapse, because the foundation has been formed, the strength is in the connection, love, respect for all as one.
We are now looking at disconnected realities vs. inner connected realities. What is required to BE A PART OF AN INNER-CONNECTED REALITY is more than the human aspect is willing to do. NOW, each will experience exactly what they need (Soul's choice) in order to make this choice, continually until they fully come on-board. Where one is not sure, then a human experience is activated to play out.
I will share more where I can, as I'm constantly re-calibrating too. These "dropping density" frequencies and continually re-balancing new magnetics is challenging for our bodies and we have to learn to maneuver through it all differently, constantly. Our little human will emerge when there is something for us to see/deal with, then it's up to us to deal or we are forcing suppression/contraction and our bodies cannot take this anymore. Energetic hiding is no different than physical hiding, our bodies/soul will only tolerate this for a bit, then they will start to shut-down/die for they cannot sustain on suppression/going small... this sucks the life out of everything... this dimensional timeline/reality and all others too.
Disconnecting from one gridwork (the old matrix) and re-connecting up to the NEW EARTH CRYSTALLINE MATRIX takes everything we've got. Everyone a GridKeeper/Gatekeeper, each will start to understand as they start to experience everything ENERGETICALLY NOW.
BEcoming a Fully Conscious Energetic BEing with an obsolete physical body form, means continual upgrades, re-calibrations to bring your physical body fully online. Your entire existence will change. It will be nothing like you "thought". Each must learn a whole new way of existence. Challenging is an understatement for the human, yet this is the point. These challenges are your tests to see what you will do, how you will react/act, where you will disconnect/go small or where you will intentionally open up more and expand beyond. Everything will show you how human you still are and where you transcend these limits from within. Everything will show you what you are made of.... Everything will show you what is truly important to you, what really matters and it's not going to be like you "thought".
You will not be able to survive in a disconnected state. Your body will shut down, wither up and die. Your full consciousness is what breathes life through your cells and connects you UP to a gridwork that will support you, help you sustain a whole new reality not fathomed possible before....
This is our NOW. Not a "one day". If you desire a different reality, it will all be on you to do something from within you... this is how all works here. You MOVE ENERGY or you let it just do it's thing. There are times that we pull away and we don't "do" anything, because we are in the middle of a huge upgrade process that can last hours, days, weeks.... the more human, the longer this process takes until we shift out of being human and realize that the process is complete and it's time for us to start moving energy again.
Offline, online, disconnect, connect. obliterating or stepping back...this is how our realities work here. WE can see what is appropriate and how to affect realities at will. Just one of our many gifts and super abilities here.
Dynamics of realities shall dramatically shift. How this plays out for each of us it totally up to each of us and our own full un/consciousness here. ♦
Every timeline is affected by y/our every breath. Do you really get the magnitude of all of this? ∞
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder, Key-Code Holder & Guardian of our NEW Earth
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