Template Building For New Realities Continues
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- Written by Lisa Transcendence Brown

In December, we shifted to "Full Template Re-Writes" that occurs in phases and stages as we all go. Because "Template Building" occurs within our physical LightBodies (simultaneous with different dimensions of Gaia/Universally/Cosmically), the process is more in-depth, takes "more" and "longer" than before....
The Entire Linear Month of March focused on the "next phase" of NEW EARTH TEMPLATE UPGRADES/REBUILDS
Aloha Love Family,
My love goes out to each one of you... for your openness, your caring, your sharing, your embracing, your honoring and LIVING your highest everything too. Observing from a multi-dimensional level, there is so very much going on .... Each in their own current phase of their own journey, living/experience what is most important for "this now". Your "part" so very important, in "how" you play your own current realities out, as each affects the "whole" in various ways, all having purpose in the massive Transition of CONSCIOUSNESS EVOLUTION, that takes place in every way.
I'm not going to make this update long, as there's so very much involved. Instead I will do a "short update" and write/share more as is appropriate as we all continue/go. We each have "templates" in our bodies, that "create" our REALities here. These templates are the FOCUS of everything now, as they "dictate" the physical experience we have here.
These templates, on a human level, held the codes, the schematics, the programs, the structures (and more) "in place"... which were linear and construed of various things. All of our "human dreams" and beliefs, constructed of many things. Every human experience, every word, everything we were told/taught/learned and "believed", created the "illusion" of what all called REAL (ity)... and "then it's time to "wake up"... and all of this begins to change... (because it's supposed to)....
At this "point" (a Zero Point "marker"), we start to feel differently, see things we could not see before and our ability to "control" all the old ways, these won't "work" anymore....
Our whole LIVES start to "change" and "how we live and exist, undergoes great "changes" too. How we feel starts to "take over", which is an important cleansing process of Awakening, where all move from a "fixed thinking" real-ity to a "messy" feeling real-ity for awhile....
This is a part of a much bigger picture/process, where our cellular bodies and our body TEMPLATES are being "realigned" through electro-magnetics and "new codes" for "real"ities, housed in our "sleeping" (dormant) DNA and our whole BODY is waking up to "come online" with NEW EARTH REALITIES that will supersede all of the "old" of "before"....
When I said March was going to be HUGE and the whole month to "do" the immense re-writing process, I wasn't joking. We are STILL completing the process now.... as the NEW EARTH CRYSTALLINE AND PLASMA GRIDS start to charge up, as a Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper, I "prepare" to "come back online", with my body and own realities, after a whole month of dedicated service to the holding of these "new codes" fully, without the distortions of the old.... which is beyond important for us all to embrace/honor, however that presents for us. These "new" template re-writes, once "locked in" (almost there, yet not quite), will then take us into the "next phase", which is always accelerating to bring us all further online with much higher vibrational/dimensional REALITIES... where all is much higher aligned than all of our "before". Because we have so many templates for realities running, the process for "completion" is also much more vast.
All of the way up to the 12D template, each template undergoes an immense re-write process and whatever is relative for each. Keep embracing the beauty through PURE PRESENCE and Deep Sacred Connection. Everything else will present for you to CHOOSE what you will allow your realities to be. ♥
P.S. I'll send out updates more to support as I get to a place to do so. Stay tuned and keep shining your amazing Light too!
♥ Lisa ♥
I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you. www.AwakeningToRemembering.com
Source: here
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