Side Effects
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- Written by AndEl

Most of you at one time or another have taken medicine for one thing or another. You have also probably experienced some type of side effects from those medicines or drugs.
Even taking natural substances and supplements can cause side effects after a period of time.
What’s happening is the body is reacting to the medicine or substance, and creating a whole new set of symptoms. You have probably heard the saying, the cure is worse than the disease.
It can be very frustrating because you wanted some relief from the symptoms. But in the body’s wisdom, it is trying to tell you something. First by presenting the symptoms. And then if you ignore the message, and try to approach the cure with an array of drugs or even a battery of natural remedies, without addressing the energy behind the symptoms, the body will deliver a stronger message.
It’s trying to tell you that there is another way. There is a more direct way, to release the illness or the imbalance.
There is nothing wrong with using products to relieve pain, and to stabilize the body. The danger is that it becomes easier to just keep medicating the symptoms and not address the energy discord that created the problem.
And in my own experience, when I ignored the messages from my body, and tried to deal with just the symptoms, another thing even worse cropped up somewhere else in my body to deal with.
It’s almost easier to put our faith in a product than in ourself, and in our body’s ability to rebalance itself. But we are discovering, often in frustration, that it’s not working so well.
This isn’t about rolling our sleeves up and psychoanalyzing ourselves. It’s really not even about finding the reason for the imbalance. Most of those are inherited, and many are just from living here on planet earth where we tend to pick stuff up from others, from mass consciousness.
It really is a waste of time and energy trying to figure any of that out.
It’s really about allowing our Christ consciousness to do all the rebalancing. But we as the human need to really allow it. Not say, yeah, I’ll allow it, and then run around trying to find a cure.
When I get scared about a physical condition I will sometimes go to the doctor, and he or she would tell me the nature of the problem….at least from a medical standpoint. It usually puts my mind to rest. Because it was never as serious as I would imagine it was. It was uncomfortable, even painful, and it was something that made my life more difficult, but at least I felt better knowing what it was.
Now, I am not one to go get regular checkups or blood tests or colonoscopies. There are some things I would rather not know. If something really is right there, in my face, and it triggers fears, I will go just to put my mind at ease.
You know…if it ain’t broke.
We can spend an inordinate amount of time, energy and money trying to keep our body together. But, at the end of the day, our body is just going through a total transformation. And this embodied enlightenment is new to the physical body.
Interestingly, our light body, which is in the process of integrating with our physical body, is our real body, our soul’s vessel. And it is also new to our light body to integrate so intimately with the physical body.
So there is an adjustment period for both the physical body and light body.
Meanwhile, the physical body is getting conflicting instructions. It follows the most predominant consciousness. One strong set of messages it gets is from the old ancestral system, and the other is from the Christ consciousness and the light body.
It’s pretty depressing, isn’t it?
But those of us in this enlightenment trajectory have moved light years on inner levels. We are not the same being we were even a short time ago. We know it. We feel it in our bones.
We also knew on a soul level that we were inheriting issues…some of us more than others…and that it would be uncomfortable as the light triggered long-standing illness.
On a soul level we also knew that we were capable of moving energies. It’s what we do. And there are lots of stuck energies that we inherited that need moving, but it’s not to try to do it from our human personality. That will leave us feeling defeated.
So I came up with a system called A.R.T. Which is simply to allow, relax and trust. Sounds easy enough, and you don’t need a doctor’s prescription for it. Oh, and it’s free.
Ironically, those are reasons why most people would not follow that system.
I find it so interesting that if a bottle of bovine colostrum is supposed to reverse the aging process, it will fly off the shelves at a price you can’t afford. It’s easy to buy into the health game. A product is seen as the cure because of the hype and the exorbitant pricing. And it may even work…for a short time.
But long-term it won’t work if the energy imbalance isn’t addressed.
And generally, underneath every imbalance is fear. And fear is the opposite of love. It’s been said that people die from fear, not diseases. Fear is not who we are. But we have been hard-wired, as the human, to respond to life with fear, for survival purposes. It was a type of warning that we need to protect ourself from unwanted energies.
Over time fear crystallized in our bodies in the form of dis-ease. Our body took on our emotional imbalances much like our beloved pets do. Those imbalances became part of our DNA and were carried down from generation to generation.
Consequently we may have inherited grandma’s varicose veins, or dad’s high blood pressure. Or not. But the predispositions are there.
Those of us who are undergoing the light body process have become aware that some of these predispositions have been triggered. And even other ailments that have been buried in our cells for a long time.
So the problem is we tend to think we are going backwards, or we have done something wrong, when in fact it’s a sign that we are moving closer to our enlightenment.
We tend to compare ourselves to other people who seem to be healthy, but they are not going through this life altering process.
Someone asked, which symptoms are ascension related, and the answer is, all symptoms now are ascension symptoms. From the smallest to the largest. Anything that is not compatible with the light body will be triggered to be released.
And the less we interfere with that natural process, the better. Trying to figure out the cause, whether it’s physical or emotions, puts us in our mind. And, as soon as we are in the mind, we stop the flow.
If you can imagine a stream that is flowing into a larger body of water, and then damming that stream with rocks. Now the flow is halted and even gets flooded. If we can imagine the stream as our emotions, and that if we allow them, they will flow into the ocean of love and acceptance.
But if we attempt to impede them, they will get backed up and create more problems.
If any emotions come up now, whether they are anger, sadness, grief, guilt, or any other dark feeling….it’s best to just let them flow, to acknowledge them. And if we do not try to suppress them, or analyze them….and especially if we do not try to make them our truth……we allow the natural process of integration and recalibration of body, mind and spirit.
And really, sometimes the best medicine, aside from large doses of self-acceptance and love, is a nice massage. The body really appreciates that.
Art by Maria Chambers
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