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Passing of the Queen: Realizing our Sovereignty

Passing of the Queen: Realizing our Sovereignty

The death of Queen Elizabeth II has effected me far more than I would have anticipated. I am not British. I have no opinion of the monarchy.

What I am experiencing is the passing of a great woman who has surrendered her personal life of nearly 100 years to be in service to the people of her country.

My initial feeling was one of sadness, for her family and the global masses who are in mourning. The following morning, I sensed a void in the collective consciousness where she has held a balance of power with grace for over 70 years, longer than most of our lifetimes, amidst so much chaos within her own family and the world at large.

Indeed, there are those who have an aversion to the monarchy with movements to have the monarchy dissolved for a multitude of reasons. There are those who believe ruling should come from the people, by the people, rather than passed down through a particular bloodline. There are those who are perturbed their taxes are paying to support the excessive lifestyle of the royalty. And there are those who are simply looking for someone else to blame for the woes in their own lives.

The media, in true form, took this opportunity to express the negatives of the queen and the royal family, always anxious to stir up the next morsel of drama for the populous to feed upon. Some of the comments on social media have even claimed she was a dark being. THIS from light workers! At first some of those comments upset me. (Make no mistake, I am not a polyanna with my head in the sand, although I proudly wear a pair of rose colored glasses from time to time.)

Indeed, the duality of dark vs. light was part of my/our journey. But it has served its purpose and it’s time to move beyond after eons of time. THAT is why we have been called to be on the planet at this time!

My response to these comments is this:
Have we, as light workers, not gone beyond the scope of duality’s judgments? Are we still professing and feeding duality’s battles with the dark and light? Do we not realize that we each have the ability to go beyond duality? Do we not realize who we truly are as All-That-Is?

I read a passage on fb this morning by Thomas Skov Olsen that speaks to this with such profound clarity:

“Try to let this cloud over there represent me, and this cloud over here represent you. If that is how we see ourselves, then we appear as separate and alone, floating apart in a vast blue void. But the sky is what contains the clouds. The sky is as our common being, existence in itself, in which appears a patchwork of all the elements and all that which is subject to change. The sky, how ever, does not change, though it be night or day, or whether thunder, sunshine or rainbows display upon it, the sky in itself remains the same, unshaken and uncracked by lightning or quaking clouds.The sky represents our inner being, which is interconnected. We, that is, our togethernesses, our shared aliveness, which is without the biases of “you” and “me”, this form or that form. The sky is one sky, though it contains many horizons, whereupon the sun and the moon dawns and sets. In a similar way, life contains many lives, but is one life nonetheless.”
~ Thomas Skov Olsen ~

After reading this passage I have come to realize, each of us are like the clouds in a sky of ALL THAT IS. We are ALL Sovereign beings and creators of our own Reality. Whatever one is feeling or experiencing is personally theirs, to be honored as their own unique soul path without judgment.

As Sovereign beings, we each have the choice:

Which of those clouds do you want to interact with a conscious creator with ALL THAT IS. . . . and which of those clouds do you allow to pass by without the need to judge.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
Source Here

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