New Quantum Pure Source Light - Plasma Crystalline LightBody DNA Activation
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- Written by AndEl

YOU FORGOT You Are Connected - It's Time To Wake UP to Remember...
I have light encoded this writing/recording (as with all that I do), to assist with activating your own Higher Consciousness DNA to awaken further from inside of you. This may put many to sleep, to activate and integrate, to travel, open up energetic portals to remember... as it works on a multi-dimensional level. Honor your body as your bio-electrical LightBody activates, as your energy body ignites to "move" more, to stimulate, clear, cleanse and re-tune for you.... drink plenty of clean water to assist your body with this high vibrational process... (Utilize this as often as you feel, as the more you do, the more you activate. This is a Quantum process, not a linear one). This will further activate your own Ascended NEW Earth vibration/consciousness for anchoring and embodying in your physical body/reality fully. Share this activation/post with others, as the Bridge to NEW Earth and LOVE that you are. ♥
I will make it available for free download soon as well. For now you can listen via the player. ♥
Close your Eyes, Quiet Your Mind and Open Your Heart to truly see
It is time for you to wake up and remember fully...
YOU FORGOT that you are connected
On a Soul Level, Star/Galactic, Sacred Energy Level
With each other, from deep within you and with ALL that IS
You "Lost" YOUR Connection, during your FALL FROM CONSCIOUSNESS
During your incarnation, your journey into your Separation, your chosen human experience
Into Your Individual You... disconnected and often self-centered
Focused on what "you" wanted, "needed" and what made "you" happy,
You FORGOT about everyone else and everything else
When YOU only cared about your human self...
As YOU must AWAKEN fully to REMEMBER fully
To RETURN to Full Consciousness and Full Connection again
Your Heart must open fully
For YOU to Re-CONNECT, with your WHOLE BODY
From deep, deep, deep inside of you
You must open up fully to FEEL, and SEE and REALIZE
That CONNECTION you LOST when you FELL
That CONNECTION AS Pure Source Light
That Connection AS Your Most Pure Divine Essence
That Connection AS ONE
When your ego dissolves and your purest form of you emerges from deep within you
You will Remember
YOU forgot what pureness is
YOU forgot how to truly care
YOU forgot how to treat each other and the Earth and Your Own Self
YOU forgot HOW to CONSIDER all things and each other as Love
YOU forgot how to be open and how to share
YOU forgot what it's like to truly deeply care
YOU went to sleep
YOU were disconnected
YOU were unconscious
They/That "out there" ... That's YOUR Reflection
Your Mirror
Your Vibrational Response
To what you transmitted out
To what YOU CREATED as "Real"ity
And NOW it's time to WAKE UP
To SHIFT your own REALity
To TUNE your own REALity
Through Your Own Vibration
Your Energy
HOW you treat your self and each other
Through your own fully conscious energy
By tuning your own thoughts to a Much Higher State of Consciousness
By tuning your own FEELings
By HOW you LIVE your Life and everything that you ARE and DO
YOU went to Sleep
NOW it's time to fully Wake Up
To Re-connect from DEEP inside
To Remember who you truly are and why you are here on this Multi-Dimensional Earth
To choose the Version (Old or NEW)
Unconscious: Fear, Judgment, Ego, Separation, Selfish, me-first, self-preservation, give power away, blame - or -
Conscious: Pure Love, Unity, CommUNITY, sharing, openness, caring, supporting, stepping forth & stepping up
For YOU to REALize that the "outside" is a vibrational response to your own programs & beliefs
and the Vibration you HOLD
Dictates your physical reality
So in order to shift/change your physical
You must go inside
to shift/change/tune vibrationally
THEN the external will do this for you in response...
It's TIME NOW to open your heart and mind fully
and let your judgment, your ego, your separation, your lack of power dissolve and fall away
Observe your resistance to full consciousness living
This creates your inner to outer suffering
Which will dissipate when you re-connect fully again from within...
You are here to UNITE
To BE the Anchor Point, the Gatekeeper, the Gridkeeper, the Bridge
You are here to "cross over" to the other side
To get off your ego fence
You are here to step-up
To come together
To Unite
You can't do this if you go small, dim your Light and hide,
You can't do this if you stay asleep
Play in unconscious ego games of separation still
You can't Live on NEW Earth
as long as you maintain Old Earth
as your REALity from inside of you...
Old Earth is Dying
NEW Earth has birthed
Continues to Birth
Continues to become Visible
All around you as you tune to "it" fully from within
To Reach the Vibration of NEW Earth
You must "vibrate" at the frequency to EXPERIENCE "IT"
Your heart, your mind, your body... all of your Energy
All must TUNE to your absolute HIGHEST VIBRATION
for all to become visible, for you to feel, see and experience
Your Body is the "SHIP" that brings you here
The Sacred Vessel for your Physical Body Ascension to occur
For NEW Earth to become your HOME....
It's time for YOU to REMEMBER fully.... NOW
It is time for you to open up fully and reconnect and allow.
♥ Aloha ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
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