Moving Beyond Fear
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- Written by AndEl

As a human being, we have based so many choices on fear. It’s been our climate on this planet from its beginnings. We came here to work through and transcend the fears that were part of our struggles in the other realms.
And that is what humanity is in the process of doing.
But we on the leading edge of embodied enlightenment have been facing some of our deepest fears, and transcending them. We are not projecting them outside ourselves onto any one else. We are learning also to not wrestle with them, but to just allow them to be there, but not react to them.
Not easy to do. We have been reacting to fears for a very long time. It’s our default. It’s familiar. We have been in worry and concern mode and it’s become the way we have identified ourself, and a way to relate to other humans.
Who are we otherwise?
We are told we are also the eternal, expanded presence, which includes our soul. And we are told that presence is naturally confident, clear and free, and loves us unconditionally.
As great as that sounds, we as the human resist it. For we have not been so close to this presence as we are starting to become. And it doesn’t seem to follow the same rules as our human self. The self that still tries to control things, and other people. Tries to fix things. Tries to make things better, like health and finances. Or relationships.
But we are discovering that we can’t control these things. That in fact some of these things seem to be going into chaos.
So we feel abandoned by this divine presence that is supposed to be with us. Except, we felt abandoned already, from a young age, by spirit. Now we are just recognizing it. We had to hide our divine self early on in order to fit into the world as it was then,
But our soul is here now with us. She never really left, but she honored our choice to keep her at arm’s length. And that is the difference between human and our soul’s love. Our soul won’t push herself on us. She’s not into manipulation and control.
So she is back now and wants so much to be with us. To share her love with us. To provide us with all our hearts desires.
And unlike most human type love, she’s not asking us to change… become more ‘spiritual’ or to make ourselves into a ‘better’ human.
This of course is good news to our human self. But it’s also troubling. It means giving up the control. Trusting that this other part of us has our best interest at heart. Especially as our life seems at times to be breaking down, we ask, if my soul truly loves me, why would she allow these things to happen to me?
And as we know it’s all too easy to go into victim mode. To essentially feel like a victim of this ascension process.
But what’s happening is we are seeing that we do have this guidance system, and it is navigating us toward our joy. We have to tune into it. And at the same time, as we do that, some things will come up that are not in tune with it. Whether it’s fears, physical conditions, financial, relationship. It stirs things up.
And the biggest thing that gets stirred up is fear. Not feeling safe. Whether it’s financially, health-wise, or emotionally. But underneath is the fears.
Years ago I participated in the firewalk with Tony Robbins. We were guided by him to transcend our fears, and move into our power. When it came time to take the walk across 12 foot beds of 1100 degree coals, what I noticed was that I still had some fear. I was not totally fearless. But now looking back, I realize that I was walking as my soul, and I was also my human self.
Transcending our fears is what is happening to each and every one of us now. But it’s not by trying to overcome our fears. It’s to acknowledge them as part of our human identity. And then to allow our soul to walk with us, through every experience. And we discover that we do not need to walk across burning hot coals to test out our soul. We do not have to endure pain or create drama in order to begin trusting whether our soul is there or not.
Transcending fear will set us free. It’s not disease or heartbreak that kills people. It’s their fears. As we release the fear we release the disease, or any other condition that does not bring us joy. But it comes naturally as we continue allowing our beloved partner, our divine presence, into our body and our life.
Fear not. Everything is going as planned.
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