Gentle Giants
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- Written by AndEl

Human beings are so busy running around trying to improve on themselves. Making themselves stronger, more attractive, richer, healthier, more intelligent, better educated, more appreciated, more successful, more spiritual, more worthy…..and yet, that is all a complete waste of time.
Because if they are not acknowledging the existence of their soul. All the trying and doing and fixing gets them….nowhere.
People are beginning to recognize that truth. They are becoming more unsettled. Even if they get close to achieving their goals, they still feel like something is missing. And then they blame themselves. They think they haven’t done enough, or have done the wrong thing. Or they blame it on fate or the economy or the government or their genes.
Or just bad luck.
Isn’t it interesting that we tend to do the same thing when we feel that this embodied enlightenment isn’t working the way we had hoped. We go into self blame, or victimhood stance.
But in truth, it is a much more difficult transformation than any of us imagined.
We have done nothing wrong. There is no one to blame. But we can begin to feel like it’s just not fated for us this lifetime. It can feel like an impossible dream.
Those of us who are in the forefront of this transformation into divine human are a pretty tough bunch. We could be called gentle giants. We are gentle-natured, filled with love, but we are also giants in our field.
We are way past the new agey pep talk or airy fairy concepts about enlightenment.
We are not interested in sugar-coating this experience. We have been through the darkest of dark. Our lives have fallen apart. We have done what feels like endless processing, and we have been allowing spirit to come in closer and closer. Yet it feels at times that we have very little to show for it. At least in the tangible.
But we do know that something is happening, and the evidence is we are feeling more and more detached from our old selves and this world we live in. We are beginning to acknowledge that we have a live-in partner that doesn’t feel doubt, or fear.
We know something is happening because we trust our own wisdom over others, even above those we may have once revered. And we definitely trust our own voice over those we considered close friends or other intimate relationships.
And we are caring less and less what others think of us in general.
We are not swayed by guilt. Or by other forms of manipulation. We see it coming a mile away. Well, not always. Sometimes it sneaks up on us. We spend some time with someone, and later say to ourselves, “What the f**k was that???”
But we are not so interested in dissecting our issues. Because we know now that they are really not our issues. What a relief! Imagine all the time, energy and money we are saving on that project?
Many of us are adept at that, aren’t we? We can probably recite verbatim all the bodily conditions and their emotional origin. We have Louise Hayed the crap out of ourselves and others.
But, have you noticed that even knowing the causes or the origin of these issues, emotional or physical, doesn’t do much in moving them out?
And that’s because this is not a mental transformation. We are not trying to psych ourselves out, or change our beliefs or our old patterns as the human.
And that is precisely why we are so frustrated at times. We keep jumping back into action, even if it’s mental action. And unfortunately, this process doesn’t work that way.
The most difficult part of this process is the mind wanting to maintain control. It loves dancing with fear and doubt and hopelessness because those are familiar emotions. And those emotions have had a hold on us and have been resident in our cells for a very long time.
Not one of us going through this embodied enlightenment could say with conviction that it will work out the way we had hoped it would. In fact, we are not 100 percent sure where it was even supposed to go. Along the way we changed our expectations. Especially as we went deeper into the experience and it began tearing at the very fabric of our lives.
And the deeper we go, the less people in our everyday lives we can relate to. We may try to explain to them who we are and what we are going through, but we see their eyes glazing over. For every physical or emotional discomfort we are experiencing, they have a ‘logical’ or medical explanation.
So we realize that we can’t get the type of support we desire from anyone who is not going through the same process. We begin to feel like we are surrounded by grammar school children in terms of soul growth or degree of awareness.
So it can get quite lonely. But, being giants in our field, we use that too, to harness our own inner resolve. It’s the perfect opportunity to depend even more upon our own Divine Presence.
Because what also distinguishes us from other humans is that we recognize our soul, and in that recognition, we feel whole and complete. We are not searching outside ourselves for the love and approval. That’s profound.
And that makes us even more sensitive to those who are still wanting to extract that love and acceptance from others. And if they are not recognizing that they are also a soul, they will absolutely be doing that.
We realize that we do not need or want to be the source for others to feel better about themselves. We can’t afford to be the lifeline for anyone. We know intimately what it takes to be an ascending human. We know that others are going to have to go through their own transformation, in their own time.
We are in the process of discovering the deepest and most authentic way a human can love themselves. It takes a giant in their field to pull that off.
Art by Maria Chambers
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