When Time Shifts ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness
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- Written by AndEl

We have all noticed time speeding up. Or slowing down, depending on what mode you are in. When having fun and more in the present moment, time goes by quickly. When waiting for things to change, time can feel like it moves along ever so slowly.
Love and beauty, sacred eternal moments, where time seems to stop, are those shifts in consciousness, where the eternal present moment shifts and transforms your consciousness. Into a new level, into your Divine Destiny.
When we are in the present moment, hours may go as if no time has gone by at all.
Months can go by or even years and may feel like just a day. This is the changing of time, that this post is about.
When there is no difference in your awareness of what happened years ago to just yesterday, time as shifted in your awareness of it.
Lifetimes stream together in an endless stream of Light. Parallel worlds, other dimensions. ALL interacting and communicating without the TIME barrier.
This Shift and change in time is something YOU ALREADY experience at the higher dimensions. It is not new.
Your Blueprint is made up of Light Code keys, so to speak, similar to a computer, where all you have done, or are doing and will do, takes place through the activation and deactivation of these Light codes.
AT the HIGHEST level and dimension, ALL Light codes are fully activated.
The streaming of your consciousness in varying dimensions, reveals aspects merging or not merging, depending on the level and dimension you are currently streaming through. That embodiment as a living Light Stream, of your Original Light. Existing in the Highest and the Lowest dimensions, yet ALL at ONCE.
These are ALL accessed NOW in the present moment where they exist simultaneously with all other life plans you have, in other parallel worlds and timelines.
When time shifts for YOU ~ you enter a new phase of your Life Plan. You also ENTER no time ~ Your Original LIGHT that dimension, HERE and now.
Through the form that appears as if in 3D.
Which shifts the form. The Alchemy is undeniable.
The form embodies greater and greater Light.
Where once mastered, become ONE with consciously, your Eternal ORIGINAL Body of Light. This is what Ascension is.
IT is not about vanishing but about BECOMING in UNION with what you already and originally ARE.
IT Is linking up the inner computer codes throughout all Light Streams of you, into ONE cohesive WHOLE. Where the mastery is the alchemy. The mastery is the Original YOU who journeyed so to speak, throughout all dimensions of consciousness and united once again fully IN the form in 3D with that of all that you ARE at the highest frequencies of LIGHT.
NO time exists for you then.
Since in your form also no time exists, you are then able to exist in the form forever.
When you live and know it was all light anyway. Even the form. You realize it was JUST an adventure into the consciousness that once appeared in 3D to EXPAND into all that it is. All that you ARE.
It is consciousness expansion.
TO be able to unite 3D with all dimensions.
All parallel worlds.
IT exists already in no time, in eternal, in the GLORY of the ORIGINAL unique LIGHT that you are.
Noticing or not noticing if time changes for you. Is part of observing or not, as you are actually shifting in and out of dimensions. It all takes place anyway, even NOW.
It is not dependent on your current awareness. IT all takes place at the Higher levels.
You will remember and see all of this.
The COUNCIL of Overseers works very closely with the Blueprints and the Designs creating synchronicities that throughout the universe activates and deactivates based on the SOUL Blueprint.
Letting go of the concept of time, is welcoming home that inner child. Is letting go of concerns, of TRUSTING your Soul.
Of being guided, moment to moment. By a feeling, a knowing, trusting and living through your Heart.
Activating you NOW at the Higher levels, even as you breathe, ALL NOW. Shifting and activating ALL that you are ready to be shifted into. CONSCIOUSLY.
All NOW.
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