What if Your World Changed Overnight?
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- Written by AndEl
We all define the world around us in different ways, some through power, money, status, emotions, family, career, religion, politics, etc. For as many individuals as there are in the world, there are ways to perceive how the world operates. But, what if we have been wrong this whole time? Have you ever tried to picture what the world would be like, without some of those things you have come to rely on today?
This is a question of getting to the heart of how you define the way you interact with the world, and reaching deep down to the collective agreements that we have all participated in with the Oneness of all. What if things did not have to be the way they are now? What if totally different (and even better) options were available to us? What if everything you thought was true, wasn’t so? These are powerful questions to ponder on.
Each one of us, through our upbringing, family history, peer influence, and media programming have a set of ideas, beliefs and morals that we base our understanding of the world on. They are often a part of how we see ourselves. At different times in your life, you will call into question each one of these. This is a natural, and some might say essential, part of the personal/spiritual development process. How else can we decide what is true for us, if we don’t question that truth to begin with?
That being said, the process of dismantling the core foundation of your world, can be the source of super intense emotion. This is where the help, empathy and guidance of others can make a difference. If you are reading this article, you are a forerunner/pioneer/wayshower, and a part of what you have chosen to be here for, is to be a guiding light for others whose world is at the precipice of change.
There are many ways that this guiding light role can be accomplished; through encouraging words, healing modalities, the wisdom of experience, and also guiding each person to go through the process in their own time, in their own way. Each individual is their own best teacher, but they can also need the encouragement, guidance and assistance of others, especially in times of tremendous change. Another way that you can assist, is by teaching others about discernment.Discernment that comes, not only from knowledge, but also in trusting your own intuitive antenna. In knowing how to discern what truths are your own, from what you had been taught as a reflection of another’s truth.
Yes, each person is entitled to their own truth; to speak it, to live it, to be it. It is so much more powerful to do so, when you can come to the awareness of what your truth really is. That is to discern and differentiate programming, from the knowing of your Soul. We are all in the process of increasing our light quotient, and working at enhancing the upgrade of the body system. This is all part of the grand design, as we move into the new waves of energy, they are increasing, enhancing and guiding our upgrade process. They work hand in hand; as above, so below. We cannot will one to occur separately from another, they are interconnected, just as our own life, thoughts, healing, beliefs and so forth are connected to the Oneness of all.
So, ask yourself the question. What if your world was to change overnight? What if the systems you rely on today, were so different tomorrow that you did not recognize them? This is not about fearful anticipation, this is about trusting that this is a process we (as in Oneness) put into motion long ago. We already know what to do when it occurs, but we do need to remind ourselves that perhaps we had assumed the permanence of things like government, money, relationships, spirituality, beliefs and so forth. All is changing, and in order for us to best navigate that change, it is quite helpful to examine what things/items/people/beliefs are at the central core of your personal beliefs. What if that central belief was wrong? How would your world change because of it? Be open to looking at this process for yourself, even if you have done it before. It will be enlightening for you to find your answers, and also assist you to help others to do the same.

Credit: yoursoulmission.com
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