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VLOG 62: Eclipse Series Secrets You Need

VLOG 62: Eclipse Series Secrets You Need

The Company of Heaven - VLOG 62: Eclipse Series Secrets You Need
March 11, 2025


Astrologers around the World are proclaiming with wonder and awe the opportunities we are all being given this year due to the extremely rare Celestial alignments happening throughout this System of Worlds. That alone is remarkable, but because of the shifts of vibration that have taken place within each of us recently, we are being blessed with even more Life-enhancing opportunities at this time.

During this month of March in 2025, we are experiencing several very powerful influxes of Light. The March Equinox is always a wonderful opportunity for us to receive more Light and this year everything will be greatly intensified by a very powerful Eclipse Series.

On March 13, 2025, we will be blessed with a Total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. On March 20, 2025, we will experience the March Equinox and then on March 29, 2025, this two-week Eclipse Series will be sealed with a powerful Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The Company of Heaven is reminding us that the 40-day purging process we successfully accomplished during the latter part of 2024, literally Transfigured the grossly mutated and tar-like substance of the psychic astral realm of illusion into a Gossamer-like Transparent Veil. That dense tar-like realm of illusion, which was miscreated by our fragmented and fear-based fallen human egos, had blocked Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth from receiving the full benefits of the Celestial alignments that have blessed Mother Earth since our fall from Grace. Gloriously, that is no longer the case. The full benefit from the rare alignments that we will be blessed with in March of this year and FROM NOW ON will now reach each and every One of us unimpeded.

Since the completion of our 40-day purging process on the December 21, 2024, Solstice, we have ALL been receiving higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force through our elevated Holy Breath. This is a Gift from our Father-Mother God, the Source of ALL That Is.

Now, as we prepare for the March Equinox and the powerful Eclipse Series that we will be blessed with this month, the Company of Heaven is taking us to the next level by assisting our I AM Presence to assimilate higher 5th-Dimensional Frequencies of God’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity than we have ever been able to safely receive at a cellular level.

If you have the Heart Call to participate in this wondrous opportunity on behalf of yourself and ALL Life evolving on this blessed Planet, please join with me and Lightworkers around the World now. And we begin.


I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God. In Loving Gratitude I Breathe my newly elevated Life Force and Prana. I AM consciously aware that with every elevated Holy Breath I take, my I AM Presence is Consecrating my thoughts, feelings, words and actions with Light and Love in appreciation for my Gift of Life.

My I AM Presence is One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. As we Breathe our Holy Breath in unison, our I AM Presences merge into One Luminous Being of Light that is cradling Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her within the Divinity of our Unified Heart Flames.

As One Voice, we send forth a Clarion Call asking for assistance from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. Their welcome response comes from every corner of the Cosmos including: our Father-Mother God, the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.

We are One with ALL of these magnificent Forces of Light and through our sincere Heart Call, they have joyously come to help our collective I AM Presence anchor into the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth the highest frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have ever received.

As we prepare to anchor this unfathomable frequency of Light through our Holy Breath, we accept and know that the Light of God is exponentially expanding through Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This influx of Light has allowed Mother Earth to Ascend into NEW Celestial and Cosmic Coordinates. Earth’s adjusted position in the Universe will allow Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth to safely receive the higher Solar Light Codes for the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage.

Now, on this sacred and holy day, through the Divine Intervention of the entire Company of Heaven now gathered in the atmosphere of Earth, we invoke from the very Core of Creation the most intensified frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity that Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth have ever experienced. As we prepare to receive this influx of Light through our collective I AM Presence, our spiritual brain centers are being recalibrated and our mental bodies, superconscious minds, conscious minds, subconscious minds and physical brain structures are being raised into brand new levels of the Enlightened State of Christ Consciousness.

Now, all is in readiness. Beloved Father-Mother God and the Mighty Elohim, we ask that you Breathe brand NEW frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity through the Holy Breath of our collective I AM Presence.

With every Holy Breath expand this Divine Light through our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Spines, our Twelve 5-Dimensional Solar Chakras, our Acupuncture Meridians, our Acupuncture Points, and our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Strands of DNA. As this occurs, we ask that you simultaneously expand this Transfiguring Light through Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System and the new 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Record Keeper Crystals pulsating within her Meridians. Now, to begin this activity of Light I exhale deeply and I Breathe In:

  1. I AM Inbreathing the Sapphire Blue 1st Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of God’s Will, Power, Protection and God’s First Cause of Perfection.

On my Outbreath this Sapphire Blue Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Yellow-Gold 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Enlightenment and Christ Consciousness.

On my Outbreath this Yellow-Gold Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Pink 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.

On my Outbreath this Pink Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Crystalline White 4th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Purity, Renewal, Restoration, Resurrection, Ascension and the Immaculate Concept.

On my Outbreath this Crystalline White Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Emerald Green 5th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Illumined Truth, Healing, Inner Vision, Concentration and Consecration.

On my Outbreath this Emerald Green Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Ruby-Gold 6th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Grace, Devotional Worship and the Manifestation of Christ Consciousness.

On my Outbreath this Ruby-Gold Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Violet 7th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of God’s Infinite Perfection including: Mercy, Compassion, Cosmic Forgiveness, Transmutation, Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Transfiguration, Glory and Oneness.

On my Outbreath this Violet Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Aquamarine 8th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Clarity, Discernment, Understanding and Perception.

On my Outbreath this Aquamarine Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Magenta 9th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Harmony, Balance, Assurance and God Confidence.

On my Outbreath this Magenta Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Gold 10th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.

On my Outbreath this Gold Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Peach 11th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm and Joy.

On my Outbreath this Peach Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

  1. Now, I AM Inbreathing the Opal 12th Solar Aspect of Deity and the Divine Qualities of Transformation and Transfiguration.

On my Outbreath this Opal Light is secured in the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth.

Now, from this moment forth, these NEW higher frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity will expand within the Core of Purity in every facet of Life on Earth with every Holy Breath we take.

Beloved Father-Mother God, Solar Logos, Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity, we thank you for the assistance you are giving to Humanity and Mother Earth during this momentous time and we are Grateful for the opportunity to serve ALL Life in this wondrous way.

And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.

God Bless You, Dear One. I look forward to being with you next week.

Patricia Cota-Robles


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©2025Patricia Diane Cota-Robles.

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