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Full Moon in Gemini ~ November 25th 2015


The Full Moon is in Gemini on November 25th, 2015 at 6:44pm AST.

Culminating Manifestations and Realizations brought to the Light is what Full Moon energy is about. Energetic Peaks, brought to the Light within You, unfolds within you.

This Full Moon is a VERY powerful Full Moon ~ not a gentle Gemini Full Moon, to say the least.  Anyone with personal planets between 0 to 6 degrees of Mutable Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces or Air ~ Gemini, Libra or Aquarius will feel this Full Moon Even more powerfully.  There is a triple conjunction of Sun, Saturn and Full Moon ruler ~ Mercury~ in Sagittarius which emphasizes Mutable energy.  Add to this, the first of three Saturn/Neptune Squares powerfully impacting the energy, and what we have is no ordinary Full Moon.

Change ~ Transformation ~ Bring it On.

Mental Expression, restlessness, thoughts rushing through the mind, these are normal for the Gemini Full Moon. Increased mental Activity, communications, verbalization through INTENSE discussions, are the Norm.

When we add the impact of  Sagittarius in Saturn, we want to be very MINDFUL and present of reacting old patterns of Limitation, that may lurk in the recesses of our Subconscious mind, being brought up, to BE LOVED. This is Not a punishing experience, rather, an accelerated momentum, that releases, old outdated paradigms, that no longer serve you.

Stay Present, Love what Arises. Know it is there to serve you, as you Expand in your Consciousness Awareness, to BEING the LOVE you Desire. Loving yourself into 5th Dimensional Consciousness ~ there is no other way, but THROUGH ~ Love.

What appears as a Tumultuous Experience ~ is the Dissolving of the Old Paradigm within You.

Stay Present, Love what Arises, it is ALL You ~ Awakening you to More of the Eternal You, through the Intense Metamorphosis if Inner Alchemy. Bring on the Dissolving of the Old Paradigm within, and Enter ~ Heaven on Earth, Now.

Eternal Love and Bliss!


Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
To listen to my Activations, Invocations, Frequency Transmissions and Light Language:

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