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October 2024: Your Monthly Forecast Revealed

October 2024: Your Monthly Forecast Revealed

The theme for October is “Transition”

There are several definitions of Transition. The best one I found is: “A change from one thing to the next, either in action or state of being.”

Following on the heels of our theme for September which included “embracing change”, this month’s focus is on the transition time required to fully extricate from the past and migrate freely into the future and what we collectively decide to manifest for ourselves. It will not be an easy month as we navigate the “not knowing”, and cope with feeling out of sorts as the tried and true no longer works. Add restlessness, anxiety and concern about the future and you could get sleepless nights, ambivalence about choice and even some impatience and tendency to react negatively.

The upside to this month is that we are truly in a state of transition and there is no going back. What is evolving has already been set into motion and we, with our fear and attachments, are the ones standing in the way of landing in the right place, exactly where we are supposed to be.

The theme of trust is big this month as well. Choices made from certain clarity need to be held in trust that they are the right ones.

Transition means that we are not there yet. We are still in the process of moving away and out from under old structures and patterns and the new ones are not yet fully formed. It will be awhile before we actually see the results as physically manifested. So relax and enjoy the process with patience and trust in right timing. If you stubbornly hold on to the past and your idea of how it should be, you are in resistance to the transition and this will only cause suffering. You cannot hold the river flow back so you may as well get on the boat and go for the ride. We are offering our Ancestral Clearing Package of 3 online courses at 40% off this month to support you in this process.

The New Moon and annular solar eclipse on the 2nd set up the container for how the first part of the month either supports where we are or pushes us to consider what still needs to change. It is a good process around this New Moon to make an energetic inventory of what feels good and right in your life and what does not. Then without judgment, and from a place of neutrality, acknowledge and embrace the steps for whatever transition is necessary for you. This is very individual as some of you will be dealing with relationships, some with your own addictions, some with belief systems or attitudes and old patterns, and some with actual physical change such as moving location or changing careers or redefining how and for what you use your energy. Whatever the focus, just remember that you are not there yet, you are in transition.

The future is a co-creation and even though it has not fully manifested yet, bits and pieces will start showing up based on clarity of choice and willingness to accept and embrace those bread crumbs that have been showing up, either to release something old or move towards something new. We need to lean into what wants to find us in this new paradigm and plant the seeds of who we wish to be in this future.

It starts with observing your behavior and reactions to situations and experiences in your life. If you can be neutral, accepting and positive, you will remain in a higher vibration. If you succumb to judgment, negativity, feeling victimized and cynicism you will have a harder time reaching and staying in that higher frequency. Even when you feel out of sorts and confused around your identity, value and purpose, be in gratitude and always turn your attention to beauty.

Change is here whether you like it or not. The best thing you can do is make sure your own transition is going in the right direction, the direction of the truth in your heart about what matters and who you wish to be in the future. If you have not yet managed to let go of what needs to be complete, make a plan to do so and be committed to it even if the logistics will take some time. This will create the space for new ideas, inspiration and support to begin to enter your field.

How the month shows up:


This is a big month of change where, by the end of the month, you could end up not resembling the person you were at the beginning. The resistance to this level of evolution is likely to come from those closest to you especially those resisting their own need for change. Be patient with those around you but do not take anything personally especially when it is projection or judgment based on fear. You will need to set some good boundaries around your process of transition and to keep checking in with yourself regarding the path you are on, making sure you are still focused in the right direction. This is a pivotal month and the choices you make will have long reaching consequences so choose responsibly and not from some egoic reaction.

The opportunity this month is to finally have the courage to take the risk needed to step away permanently from what has not served you and to lean into new possibilities that are beginning to become clear. Follow your truth, trust timing and be willing to go for something new if it feels right. Building a foundation of more personal power is also available as a result of what is possible this month. Be conscious of separating yourself from others who are determined to stay in the fields of suffering, despair, negativity and cynicism. We are offering the Power Path to Good Boundaries and Protection online course for 40% off this month to help support you with this.


Relationships are highlighted this month especially around the new moon/eclipse time. It is necessary to reevaluate your relationships and what your role is, has been and should be in each important relationship. It will become clear if you have been in a position of enabling or if you have been overly dependent or if you are feeding a dysfunctional situation. Be aware as well of new relationships that are entering your life as they may be significant to your transition into what is next. Most relationships of value can be reset and rebalanced, however there may be some that simply need to be placed on lower priority.

The observation and study of your relationships is the surest way to see where your energy leaks are and where you compromise your personal truth. Focus on how you feel around certain relationships and if they are not aligned but still important (such as family members) put them on a shelf for a while. Relationships that are not aligned and not really important need to be released with respect, honor and completion. Always make it about you and not them when releasing a dynamic so you can avoid engaging in conflict arising from judgment and rejection. Use discernment when taking action.


The best approach to your wellness this month is to “keep a don’t know mind” about your state of mental and physical health and what is possible for healing and balance. Be willing to hold the space for miraculous disappearance of symptoms and daily changes in both energy levels and the condition of the physical body. Always remind yourself that you are in transition from one state to another, giving spirit room to bring in another experience of wellness.

On the other hand, there is something to taking responsibility for your well-being and not expecting someone else to fix you. Look to others in your life to support you in this and not necessarily to fix anything. We are in a time frame where your thoughts and beliefs carry a great deal of weight and can influence your physical reality including your physical and mental health. So stay positive, optimistic, keeping a “don’t know mind”, and doing what it takes to support yourself with upgraded self- care and what you know you need to be well.


Clarity, enthusiasm, inspiration, new ideas and a desire to forge ahead are all there at the periphery but not yet available to fully engage in. It may not yet be the time to commit to a large investment of time, energy or finances, but it may be a great time to sit with how this new endeavor is collecting wisdom, support, the right collaboration and the right timing.

It is best not to go after something out of a place of fear, lack or impatience. Sit back and observe change and become comfortable in the field of transition. This is a good time to evaluate the relationships you have around your projects and business. Some may need to be reset and perhaps more energy put into the ones that feel important to your future. In terms of finances and investments, don’t do anything rash however if something really feels right, go for it.

Transition this month may mean you have to let go of an old dream or even a current work situation that no longer serves you, and you may find yourself in transition as the new opportunity has not yet manifested. Be patient and focus on how you wish to feel once you have landed in your next step.


The environment continues to be intense, unpredictable and driving change. The aftermath of extreme weather situations is definitely producing a state of transition for those involved. Patterns of past stability and comfort no longer exist and the future has not yet shown itself. The shake ups experienced through environmental situations can lead us to resetting what is truly important in our lives and to open the field of new possibilities as we are forced to change.

Even if you are not being affected by an environmental situation, consider driving your change from an internal place of wanting to do things differently and experience your environment differently, perhaps with more inspiration or adventure or joy or enthusiasm. It is very important this month not to go into fear of the unknown but to embrace new possibilities as moving one to something different, perhaps better and definitely more aligned with spirit. We are all in this together so consider that whichever way you are experiencing transition this month, you are doing it for the collective as well as yourself.


October 1-7

The month starts out with some power especially regarding taking care of anything that is on the list to handle around communication and getting things done. It’s a good time to “catch up” with physical tasks before we move into a more pensive, dreamy state as transition energy hits us starting with the New Moon eclipse on the 2nd. There is a momentum almost pushing us to finish, accomplish, complete and prepare for something new. There is a sense of accomplishment possible during this time as situations resolve themselves, and more clarity is available about next steps. Just remember that we are in transition so we are not there yet and some patience as well as being comfortable in the state of not knowing will be necessary.

October 2

New Moon in Libra with an Annular Solar Eclipse is Wednesday, October 2nd at 12:49 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

The window of the eclipse path is from approximately 10 AM MDT to approx. 3:45 PM MDT with the peak very hear to the New Moon time at 12:45 PM MDT. This New Moon in Libra opens a portal to feel into a sense of what is coming, what is changing, and what suggests a new beginning. It is a good time to consider planting the seeds of new ideas and inspirations that have been percolating just below the surface of clarity for some time. Acknowledge that you are still in a transitionary time where resets and refinements could be a daily occurrence.

Libra is about balance and this New Moon has a particular focus on relationships. Reflect on where there needs to be more balance in your relationships, perhaps stronger boundaries, or looser boundaries, more acceptance, and ability to say no or to say yes, or even to reset what relationships need more or less priority. In your life. Through this observation you will also be able to see where your energy is going and where to re orient it if need be.

October 8-15

This is a time of reflecting on our resources and our relationships. What do we have, how are we using our energy, where are our energy leaks, what relationships need adjusting and where are we balanced or imbalanced in the giving and receiving, the doing and being in our lives? These are all questions to consider as they will come up during this time of transition. Watch for themes that you were working with way back 12-15 years ago as they may come back around. Perhaps you were on a career path back then and now you are diverging from it. Perhaps you were building some aspect of your purpose/service in the world and it is now coming to fruition in a way you never would have imagined.

As much as this is a time of transition, it is also a time when it is good to acknowledge accomplishments and experiences that are coming to an end with gratitude and pride. The ability to shed an old skin and step into something new is an act of power and courage. Lean into what is showing up, set good boundaries, and follow your own truth. There could be tension during this time especially around relationships, expectations and needing to be right. So, stay in your own lane and don’t take anything personally.

October 16-23

There is some intensity right before the full moon on the 17th. The energy can feel pushy and chaotic if we are not grounded and purposeful. Even if you do not have a good grasp of what is ahead, there are always tasks that can use focus and action. There is an opportunity to go into a deeper process of discovery of your inner truth and it is important to keep any doubt or uncertainty at bay as the energies and influences truly support you being exactly in the right place and where you need to be. So keep an open mind, an open heart and be present. Stay out of other people’s drama as you will likely have enough intensity of your own. If you feel ungrounded, it is a good idea to revert to smaller, more attainable tasks that give you immediate satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. There is no need to get caught up in the bigger picture especially if it is not yet clear. Focus instead on your immediate experiences and bring as much social play, curiosity and adventure into your daily life.

October 17

Full Moon in Aries is Thursday, October 17th at 5:26 AM Mountain Daylight Time MDT. More on this Super Moon will be sent in a Power Path update from our mailing list (click here to join)

October 24-31

We really feel the transition theme during this time however there is also a need to get off the fence and make certain choices and decisions that will support us in that forward movement into new territory.  Sometimes you truly have to close one door before another one opens. Nurture fresh ideas and insights with others and do things that stimulate the mind with new concepts and ways of thinking. With all this stimulation, you may need to take a mental break and meditation can be a helpful tool. Be disciplined about not going into worry and anxiety about other people’s issues as you really cannot resolve someone else’s process.

We are still in the field of “anything can happen” so be prepared by being flexible, secure in your own skin, spiritually, mentally and physically resilient, embracing change and being comfortable in the transition required to move from the past into the future.

Have a great month!

Join Jose for a helpful remote healing for the energies of this new moon/eclipse through a good clearing, wisdom and reset. Wednesday, October 2nd 7PM MDT

October 7
Join Lena live for Weekly Wisdoms. Set your week up right with suggestions, practices and a look at the week, its opportunities and potential challenges. Monday, October 7, 9AM MDT, 30 minutes of wisdom, 15 of Q and A. On zoom with a recording available for those not able to join live.

October 14
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena. 9AM MDT (click here to sign up)

October 21
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena 9AM MDT (click here)

Join Lena for a super helpful remote shamanic healing for this full moon. Wednesday, October 16, 7PM MDT (click here)

October 28
Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena 9AM MDT (click here)

© All rights reserved. www.thepowerpath.com

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files including lectures, music and/or sound meditations may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.



Lena is an internationally known teacher and shamanic practitioner. She apprenticed for 10 years with a Huichol Shaman from Mexico and has studied cross cultural shamanic healing from numerous traditions including the Amazon basin, Native American, Northern European and Siberian. Lena has taught and worked with individuals, groups, businesses and communities for the past 25 years, helping to bring shamanic nature based wisdom back into people's lives. One of her specialities is the woven song tradition of the Shipibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, the singing of Icaros or healing songs. The individual healing work with these energy patterns through song and other shamanic techniques has had a powerful impact on her clients. Lena is the co-author of the "Secrets of Shamanism, How to Tap the Spirit Power Within" and a contributor to "The Power Path". Along with husband and partner Jose, she is the co-founder and one of the primary instructors of Power Path Seminars and the School of Shamanism.

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