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Transform into a Conduit for Divine Energy Now

Transform into a Conduit for Divine Energy Now

Strong and quickly morphing energies are bathing us in a high-frequency energy/light field from Mother Earth and Father Sky.

What we began on the full moon in July 2024 will now anchor.

(Our group was working with MOEL TY UCHAF STONE CIRCLE and bathing in intense cosmic light. This site has a history of UFO activity, and we could certainly feel why.)

The Earth is supporting our transformation by rising through us in a pillar of golden light and clearing out what is left to heal within us. The Sun, the Stars, and all our beautiful cosmic relations are supporting us by filling us with a much higher frequency than we have ever felt before. The Sky and Earth are being powerfully woven together because humanity, as a collective, has awakened enough to allow this weaving to happen.

This energy will flow through ancient temples, stone circles, and other ancient portal sites all over the Earth and then will unapologetically wash across the Earth. In other words, this is a very intense and glorious upgrade. Our human/spirit forms are becoming the bridge between Earth and Sky, between our Earthy Ancestors and our cosmic family, and with all the wisdom they carry. We are becoming conduits for the divine. Over the last year, the Earth's energy, ley lines, and sacred sites have notably amplified, strengthened, and grown exponentially. We can feel this energy now when we walk the lands around us. Many of you have already found sacred energy spots in the areas where you live. The Cosmos and our Sun are also immersing us in increasingly higher frequencies. Some may be able to see this cosmic energy as little sparkly lights in the atmosphere or see flashes of light, new colors, or alternative dimensions on Earth.

We are finding that our feelings of being overwhelmed and burned out are starting to evolve into a sense of being oddly numb, and we tend to judge this feeling as we feel we might be losing our empathy, purpose, or passion. But this is not so. This is part of the evolution process. We will begin to lose our "reaction" to 3D life events (positive or negative) as we hold firm to a centered frequency of pure balance. We have started to enter "Enlightened Neutrality" (this came to us in a message we received in England this past July).

This advanced form of divine presence, enlightened neutrality, might feel a little dull in comparison while we witness external chaos in the world. But we are now in the world and not of it. We might miss the excitement of the feeling of drama. But this state of being in enlightened neutrality will offer us abilities and unlimited opportunities that we have long envisioned. The Ascended Masters share over and over. . . feed the LIGHT, starve the darkness. Feed the LOVE, starve the fear.

Our "reacting" to worldly events is a temporary unbalanced state of being. It is hard on our physical bodies and hampers our connection with our higher self. We have been programmed to think that when we have "righteous anger" toward the injustices in the world, we are considered spiritually enlightened. However, this reaction has the opposite effect on the individual and the collective and only feeds the monsters against which we are fighting.

As we enter Enlightened Neutrality, we will feel profoundly grounded and gently balanced, becoming effortless peace in the storm! We become self-regenerating because we use the creative force of the universe appropriately and in the way it was always intended. It is not about avoiding the chaotic storms in the world but simply not reacting to them. This time is about maintaining our divine balance amid confusing chaos. It is about maintaining our spiritual truth in a world projecting a matrix of illusions. It is about starving the darkness by not feeding it.

This time, for us, is not an "explosion" of higher frequencies but rather an "implosion" of light into the self. We have learned everything we need to know with our mechanistic minds; anything else is now considered intellectual entertainment. The universe is asking us to put our spiritual knowingness into action with the wholeness of our beingness. This means all our wisdom and knowledge are now ascending from our noisy and crowded minds and are awakening into our timeless and unlimited creative hearts. We are becoming unbound by past programming by simply ascending into our full divine presence. The goal is to anchor our divine hearts into the material world without suffering contamination by outer illusions, dramas, or chaos.

Over the last few years, many people have felt that their spiritual beliefs have disappointed them, and this was because we were expecting to be "saved" from outside of ourselves. Of course, we had been programmed to rely on outside energy for eons. No one told us we could be self-empowered. Yet we have grown this past old programming. We are not as lonely as before and have lost interest in much of what the outside world offers. We have become self-reliant and need little confirmation from the outside world to know our truth. We just know; we know without question! We are self-contained light generators of pure unlimitedness.

The next step for humanity is working together collectively with those we resonate closely with, doing this with unity and oneness, where we are all honored for our unique gifts. Humanity is now choosing many paths and projects that it wishes to continue forward with. We are learning to speak and live authentically with others of different mindsets without losing our truth. In all our diversity and gifts, we are learning to accept each other and finding ways to work together in oneness with peace and balance. Any manifestation created together that works with anything less than these new principles will not be sustainable for very long.

This time is about bringing our incredible self-contained, sustainable, self-generating light and adding it to something that becomes greater than ourselves. We can see this all around us. There is lightness of heart and spirit working from a spontaneous and unpremeditated energy in the work we are doing now. This gives me so much hope in my heart. Our work is no longer anchored in time-tested techniques or processes or needs extensive, complicated, occult knowledge that can only be understood by a spiritual intellectual. This time is for all of humanity, not just the spiritual elite. We are manifesting purely from the heart, intuition, and intention. This is not really "work" for us anymore, nor should we treat it as such. It is becoming naturally who we are. We are accelerating our self-contained inner light by adding it to a collective goal, which brings us another step closer to self and global mastery simply by living and acting from the heart.

I'm writing today to remind you that if you feel oddly bored, stalled, or uncomfortably neutral while observing all the chaos and illusion around you, you are not off your spiritual path because you no longer have an emotional reaction. YOU are the new path and the way ahead for humanity. We are beginning to embody enlightened neutrality.

It has been a really intense and crazy couple of months. Collectively, we feel like we have reached the summit of a huge mountain. We feel like we successfully ascended through this most recent phase in our evolution. And look at you! You are here doing it! What a time to be alive!


Love Donations are greatly appreciated and help me continue to offer messages freely as spirit calls. You may also send your gratitude and support through the ethers. These help me cover monetary and energetic expenses for posting these messages to you. Thank you very much! 

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Completed and posted on 5.18.24

Copyright © 2024 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 Ph/Fax:928-282-4622 -- Email:  website: www.AlunaJoy.com

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