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Time Redefined: Insights from the Blue Avians

Time Redefined: Insights from the Blue Avians

The Blue Avians:

"Beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, we are always delighted to connect with you. We are the Blue Avians, 12th-dimensional beings who have chosen to nurture Earth at this time. We also love to guide you on how to perceive time correctly and understand its nature, as time is your key to navigating dimensions.

Your mind is often restricted in perceiving other realities due to a fixed, linear view of time. However, there is a key that can help you shift your perception. Tell yourself as often as you can, "There is only this moment," and use paradoxical statements like "Time goes backward" to challenge your mind. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about the past, imagine it as an alternative timeline that is also running and can be accessed from the present. When thinking about the "future," remind yourself that it does not exist but is merely a continuation of the present moment. Observe the infinite timelines, and as you contemplate them, invite new visions to spring into your consciousness.

Now, consider breaking your time-related routines. What if you no longer try to function according to what you’ve been taught about time? What if you go to sleep earlier, take a walk at night, or allow yourself a few hours of silence during the night? Break your time routine in the most creative ways. What if you do on the weekend what you usually do during the week, and vice versa? What if you sleep three extra hours in the morning? The routine you have created reinforces your perception that time is linear.

Next, observe that your body understands time cycles. Learn to rest in harmony with these cycles. For example, a natural cycle may start at 10:30 p.m. and end at 5 a.m. If you wake up exactly at the end of this cycle, your body and mind will feel more refreshed than if you sleep for 10 hours.

Learn to listen to your own time. Honor it and act in alignment with it. Change your relationship with time, and you will change your reality.

We loved connecting with you and hope to do so again soon."

Time Redefined: Insights from the Blue Avians
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The Blue Avians channeled by Octavia Vasile - What is your time?

If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings! 

Octavia Vasile Bio - Click Here

Octavia Vasile

I am a channeler, meditation teacher, and holder of a master's degree in Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. My spiritual journey began with encounters with Oriental teachings during travels to Asia, leading to a deep connection and remembrance. In India, I felt a profound sense of belonging, rediscovering inner silence and recognizing ancient teachings. Meeting great teachers, including Ramana Maharshi, has been transformative, guiding me and reminding me of my true self.

Source Here!

Please check this Link on Facebook: Pleiadian Transmissions of Light and Love
To book individual sessions with Octavia go here: https://www.holographicyou.com/1on1

This article has been published on CrystalWind.ca with written approval from Octavia Vasile!

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