Everything Happens for a Reason ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness
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- Written by AndEl

What if every single event, circumstance, and people, are all there for a reason. What if all of your Feelings are there for a reason, even the ones that you do not like or enjoy?
What if all the events of your life are playing out through a Universe (your Soul) that is the observer for you on behalf of the you that “thinks” it is separate, in order to help you unearth within you, an expanded awareness of the Eternal Love of You.
Would you then conspire to Know yourself? To observe yourself. To Be the investigator of you and your behaviours? Of your circumstances? Of your feelings? Of What is really going on, and what is it that you are Being Shown through these experiences?
It is liberating when we recognize, that every experience, is SPEAKING to us.
To awaken.
What if all the things you think needs to be fixed, only desires to be accepted. What if You already were you Soul and you didn’t know it.
What if the God ~ Soul of you, wants you to notice this.
And what if the WAY to know this, was through Loving all of your Experiences.
Love isn’t like, Love is unconditional Acceptance.
So that when that ONE thing happens again in your experience (that you don’t like) you Love it, instead of hating it, and then it never who’s up again. Because it was only there as a way of speaking to you, to SHOW you those areas that are not yet loved, within you.
So that you wake up, and BE the Soul of You. Be the Love of You.
I love all things that happen in my experience.
I no longer want to harm myself.
I don’t have to like what is revealed through my experiences ~ but I will trust and KNOW the Source of me (Universe, Soul, God) is showing me something. Showing me what desires to be Loved. Not pushed away, within myself.
When we face guilt, pain, sadness, as THE WAY TO love ourselves MORE, we see why it was there all along.
Those people we believed harmed us, were only the Gift Horses ~ of the Great revealing our Souls had planned for us. TO see what we were not loving within ourselves.
I no Longer want to hurt myself.
I no longer want to hide from what is revealed to me in all moments.
When I love, that is me uniting with the Soul of Love within myself.
When I judge and blame people, and not forgive people who played their role in revealing to me WHERE I am Not Loving myself ~ then I am not Loving myself.
I choose to love myself.
I choose to not harm myself.
I choose to See the Light of me everywhere in all circumstances as the way I am loving myself, and no longer harming myself.
I Live every moment as if I am my Eternal Soul. Even if I don’t know it yet.
I will love all parts of me, and all circumstances till I arrive at this liberated KNOWING.
The LOVED parts, become the awakened parts.
You are being consciously, glued back together, in awareness, THROUGH LOVE.
The separated parts, are the parts waiting to be Loved. To join the Love Party and Celebration.
The CONSCIOUS you that no longer desires to harm yourself, becomes the Observer.
And soon the Soul ~ AWARENESS of you is Awakened and Whole.
Restored to the knowing of itself, as the Eternal Being, that it is.
The DIVINE Eternal YOU. That is known within itself, as the Unconditional LOVE, Of All That is. And in this, do I hold you.
Eternal Love and Bliss!
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