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Dodging the Arrows

shining arrow by lisa iris1Art by Lisa Iris - www.lisairis.ca 

A while back, someone had said something to this effect: “No one talks about the consequences of shining one’s light.”


Make no mistake folks, when you bring light to a world of darkness, your light creates chaos.  Creates it.  No doubt about it.  I chuckle at all the lightworkers who talk like chaos is “bad” or undesirable in some way.  Creating chaos is the reason why we’re here.  We didn’t come here to “fit in”.  We sure as hell didn’t come here to just leave everything to continue going down the destructive path it had been on.

Dual meaning of Chaos = Crisis or Opportunity.  Which do you choose?

Yep, people’s “little demons” will be SO ticked and yep, they may lash out at you.  Your light is shining into another person’s darkness, stirring the pot.  And that IS desirable.  By stirring their pot, your light has provided them an opportunity to see all that sludge at the bottom of their pot, to give them half a chance to know they have some healing work to do.  And I say “your light” as opposed to “you” stirring their pot because there’s a good chance that you may not even have to say or do anything with some folks, just being in the same room might be plenty enough.crystalwind

And yep, their darkness will come out and shoot arrows at you.


Like the second of “The Four Agreements”:

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Those arrows flying at you are not about you.  The “archer” may not be consciously aware of that… but you can be.  Now that you know, there is no reason FOR YOU to allow it to be about you, ‘cuz it’s not.

Don’t engage with them from the same re-active energy that they are.  As an old friend and their spouse used to say about arguments “Remember the rule – only one crazy person at a time.”

And I say “from the same energy” because your INTENTIONAL ENERGY is what matters.  You may or may not engage in discussion with them. And ya just might even “speak their language” right back at them.  If someone comes at me speaking *sshole-eze, (like Chinese), well, I figure that’s the language they understand.  And hey, I just happen to be fluent in *sshole-eze… lucky for them.  But I come from a different energy, a different Intention and you can bet I’m coming from a conscious intention while their re-active energy is more often than not unconscious… at least on this matter… that they are re-acting to.crystalwind

And that energy matters.  Your Intention is the biggest part of your whole exchange with people.  And don’t think they won’t detect the difference.  They might even do so consciously.

Perhaps at that point in the interaction a wry smile (breaking the “dead pan” gaze ) or a wink would be in order. 

Let their arrows fly right on by and just beam love at this person.  Yeah, easier said than done.  Do it anyway.  lol

If you do “allow” their arrows to hit you, then you know that you yourself have more to work on, if you’re still taking THEIR schtuff personally.

And when such things no longer bother you, you’ll know you’ve reached quite a milestone in your healing and self-empowerment process.  Let’s toast that achievement in advance.  Cheers!

Artwoprk Copyright 2017 CrystalWind.ca. All rights reserved. Do not copy or reproduce without written permission.

by GAF

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