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Astrology As A Key To Understanding Your Inner And Outer Experience

Astrology As A Key To Understanding Your Inner And Outer Experience

I love astrology, because it operates as a very sharply-cut key to understanding your inner and outer experience of life. The symbols of the planets, signs, and houses in my birth chart show me the underlying archetypal patterns that run through all of my experience.

That’s why it’s so helpful to pay attention to what’s happening astrologically within my own chart. It points me to the areas being highlighted for personal attention and work at any given time, so I can continue more easily and effectively with the process of embodying the full potential of my soul.

So it is that I come to this year of 2022 during which my North and South nodes of the moon have been well and truly spotlighted by (so far) three of the four eclipses occurring on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. So my personal soul journey has been somewhat mirroring the wider world’s. In 2022 the south node of the moon, where past life wisdom is stored and karmic business is released, entered Scorpio. The nodes are always opposite each other so the north node of the moon, which is the doorway to choosing a better future and our collective soul’s goal, entered Taurus.

In your personal chart, the house and sign of the south node shows you where you feel comfortable because the territory is familiar and well-explored. There is accumulated wisdom here, but often you’ll want to stay there simply because it doesn’t challenge you or push you into the more uncomfortable and unknown growth zone! To activate the north node which is where your greatest evolution potential lies, you must consciously choose to make the effort and focus your will on developing the qualities indicated by the house and sign it lies within. I’ve spoken more generally about this in an earlier article Back to the Garden, but if you’re interested in reading more deeply about astrology then my favourite book is The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas.

In a very general sense for the world, Taurus and Scorpio are concerned with sex, death (transformation), money, and power. Taurus rules the health of the body which must be cared for and respected, and this includes the body of the earth itself too. Well yes, it’s easy to see how that’s been playing out globally! Scorpio highlights issues of power, corruption, and secrets which are asking to be transformed from ego-based to higher consciousness-led. These eclipses offer both an opening to release and heal these old worn out approaches, and also the necessary insight and revelation to enable it. The truth will out!

In my personal chart, the south node lies in the 12th house of unity with the divine and the spiritual realms (also a tendency to want to escape reality and daydream), and the north lies in the sixth house of the body, the practical tasks of everyday life, and a sense of self in collaborative relationship with others. I like to think, and I believe my life choices so far have supported this thought, that I’m heading quite nicely in the direction my soul has chosen for its best development. I’m using my accumulated understanding of the spiritual realms and the unconscious in my work to help others take responsibility for their health and that of the earth so they can experience the simple joy of a better life every day. So far so good! I’ve also had to learn to ground into my body and be fully in the world instead of wanting to float away into the much more comfortable higher realms all the time!

And yet, these eclipses have obviously been emphasising that there’s still more to know and do about pursuing this trajectory. In particular I’m finding I’ve been given a lull in work demands. That’s meant I’ve naturally been focusing more time and energy on basics like my own health and self-care, seeing to the practical everyday needs of cleaning, cooking, tidying, and home administration around money and resources. When these things have been attended to I’ve had space to explore questions arising around that Scorpio south node. Things like:

  • Where do I turn to escapism to avoid dealing with the difficult realities of life?
  • What do I lie to myself and others about?
  • Am I taking enough responsibility in caring for the planet, my health, freedom, and other people?
  • Am I still secretly wishing for someone else to save me/society/the world from disaster and destruction?
  • Where do I still hold on to control of myself/others/situations/outcomes?
  • Am I afraid of embracing my own fullest potential and, if so, why?
  • Where am I resistant to change?
  • What shadow aspects do I still need to identify and integrate?
  • When do I not tell the truth and for what reasons?

These are huge questions, but as with everything in my life I believe I’ve chosen to engage with them so that I can then help you do the same with the benefit of my experience. Perhaps, then, I can make the path easier for you so you don’t have to make the same mistakes or stumble quite so painfully at similar obstacles. I have no illusions of myself as anyone particularly special, but I do see a significance in the fact that in this unprecendented time of potential evolution for the better, my personal birth chart mirrors the astrological energies being activated on the collective stage. As within, so without, As above, so below. I’m made for these times, I chose these times to push myself and humanity as a whole to become the best it’s possible to be. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m aiming to be more transparent and “real” in my writing and sharing these days, with less separation between the spiritual and the simply human aspects of myself.

So I’m also using my spacious days to ask how my work (sixth house) might need to adapt to facilitate this current transformation and awakening more effectively and helpfully for you (12th house). How can I make it easier for you to apply higher consciousness and awareness in everyday life? Can I bring people together to collaborate and so be able to have more effect in the world? If you have any immediate answers to these questions, then please do let me know as I’ve chosen to serve you in this way.

If you haven’t already, then take a look at your own chart to look at what signs and houses this year’s eclipses have been happening. It will point out your role in these evolutionary times, show you where you’re being invited to stretch and grow and raise your consciousness. Should you need help in understanding what this all means for you personally, then I’m here as always to guide you and I can include exploration of the very telling North and South node as part of your reading or healing session with me.

Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive Tarot reader, spiritual healer and teacher, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Welcome page.
Credit: here

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