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Goddess of Creation: How to Heal Your Soul with Divine Guidance

Goddess of Creation: How to Heal Your Soul with Divine Guidance

This meditation is another deep, deep connection to your soul. 

I noticed something interesting when we were on the soul plane connecting with your soul.  I usually will see lots of aspects of me, in other words, the aspects of me living other lifetimes.  Now there are not as many.  Usually, it’s crowded and full, but tonight is barely half there. Is it a momentary thing, or are we merging our aspects back into our souls? 

Once we got into the All That Is, the Goddess invited us to create a space for healing.  We could lay down, and sit in a chair, whatever worked for each of us.  The Goddess then called in our soul.  For me, there was a sense of my soul essence or vibration standing at my heart sending light through me.  For all of us, it started with white light and remained predominantly that, however as we got to the different energy bodies, for some the light changed color. 

The Goddess then started with our physical bodies.  The white light of our soul, which is also the God source energy then moved through the physical body.  For most it was right where people were having problems and infused whatever that was with the light. In doing so, it transformed what was wrong into healthy organs, bones, or whatever was needed. 

From there she worked with the emotional, mental, spiritual, and crystalline energy bodies.  This is a powerful way to heal whatever you may need and in the process create perfect balance in your lives. 

Healing Through Your Soul
September 02, 2024

Nama Sika, Venia Benya        I AM the One, I AM the Whole

 I greet you, beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I reach out to embrace you in this now moment.

There continues to be multiple changes taking place upon the Earth, and it’s important for you to remember that the Earth is but a reflection of the Universe, just as the Universe is a reflection of the Earth. So, in those spaces in between there is energy and light, there is support for each one of you. A great deal of that is created through the space in which your own Soul resides.

So think about that for a minute. There’s that level of your Soul, and then the space of your Higher Self, and then you the person in this lifetime. Everything is interrelated. There is flow and movement that goes throughout. Let this be where you are in the now moment.

Create that ball of light within your heart center. As you do so let your focus go within your heart. The energy body can get larger or smaller depending on your focus. You may sometimes feel or sense a pulsation. Just as it is with your heartbeat there’s the pulsation of your chakra. It shines to the back, to the front, and then there are aspects that go in other directions.

Within the ascension process as we are in the 5th dimension and higher vibrations it’s all about your heart center. This is one of the reasons why I always work with this energy body while you are still here present in your everyday reality.

You then send some of that energy down. You sent it down through your Solar plexus, your Sacral center your Root center. As you do so, it then moves down. It goes all the way down into the Earth. As it connects with the earth plane your energy will spread out into different directions. You can feel Gaia. Sometimes it may feel as if it’s a heartbeat. Sometimes it may just simply be that presence of the Earth.

You allow that stream of energy to come back up. It once again anchors within your heart and then you send it up through your throat, your third eye, your head center, your crystalline energy body, and it moves like a beam of light from you until it arrives within the space of your Higher Self.

Look around at what this is. This is a space that you’ve come to in your everyday life. Whenever you go in, you ask that question, “Should I do this? Should I not? Should I go in this direction or that?” You’re coming here within the space of your Higher Self.

Sometimes when you’re working on a project, you may see that project set up within this space. So pay attention. Maybe you will receive an insight. I would then say send a breath of energy, send a breath of light just moving through this space. Let it clear out and then you can feel it more fully as your own vibration.

You send that energy even further up. It follows that thread of light until you align with your soul essence. As you arrive within this space you will automatically merge with that which is your Soul. Some of you may have a perception of the other lifetimes that may be happening at this time. For those of you who are accustomed to coming within this space, you may notice that you have less lifetimes than in the past. There is less energy that you need anchored on the earth plane as you move forward in this life.

I the Goddess, walk in and amongst each one of you. As my energy merges with yours we move into the All That Is. Look around at what this place is. It feels wonderful. This is what it is like to be in this high vibrational frequency. It is also a place that you utilize as a place of creation. Look around, see what is here?

I invite you each one of you to create a healing space for yourself. For some, it may be like one of those massage tables. Others it may be a place where you can sit in nature. Whatever it is that works for you. As you become comfortable within this space you become aware that an even greater amount of your own Divinity is making itself known to you. As you relax quietly within the space you begin to feel as if there is this beautiful white light that surrounds you.

 For some as this light surrounded them, they felt agitated. If this is you then take a deep breath as if you put your hands out to the side, know that your own Angels, your Light Beings which you work with on a daily basis are here with you, and they gently hold your hand.  I can feel many more of you calm down in that situation. This white light that surrounds you is filled with the essence of your Soul. This is created only for you. This will also take you into a place of absolute balance.

Let us begin with your physical body. Is there anything within your physical body that you have some trouble with? Is it an illness? Is it pain? Is it your joints? Whatever it may be. Allow your consciousness to go to that place within you. For someone who’s diabetic, perhaps you go to your pancreas. For someone who has been having respiratory problems, perhaps you go to your lungs. As you allow your focus to go to wherever that is within your body that stream of your white light of your Divinity follows your consciousness, follows your thoughts moving into that place. The cells within these organs regenerate.

As the white light illuminates this space it may move out into the tissues and organs around it providing even deeper healing to the area. For some, as that focused white light is working within you, you may go into a place of intense pain. Acknowledge what that is. Phew, let it go.

So many of you have chronic pain. You may not remember the exact cause of it, you just know that you’ve had pain for be it days, months, weeks, or for some people, years. Wherever that chronic pain is within your body let that white light of your Divinity move into it. It breaks up any density that may be there. It moves through bones, tissues, and ligaments illuminating and healing everything that it comes into contact with.

Let us now consider your emotions. This is a separate energy body that surrounds you. It is interconnected with your physical. However, we’re going to connect with the energy body that contains your emotions. I notice that some of you as you connect with this, it’s very heavy, hard, and dense. Through your focused awareness infuse that white light of your Soul. It has the ability to transition everything in an instant.

Once that has transitioned I’m sensing that some of you have golden or transparent indigo or just a different color that is now moving through your emotional energy body. It is as if this surrounds your entire physical body as you relax here in your place of healing. This is something outside of your physical body transitioning emotions.

As this clears out the emotions I can see that some of you are taking on emotions that are not your own. They belong to others. If this is the case then acknowledge whatever that may be. Phew, clear it out.

I just noticed that there were many of you feeling sad, anxious, and overwhelmed. However, it was due to things outside of you, things that you maybe saw on media, things that other people are saying to you, and when you clear out anything that is not a foundation within you, you find yourself sinking into an emotional balance.

Take another step. Move your perception so that you may connect with your mental body. This is again an energy field that surrounds you associated with your thoughts, your beliefs, and your reality. Are there any recurring thoughts that just keep going through your mind on repeat, again and again, and again and again? If so, let’s just pull those down from wherever they are, phew clear them out. What a relief. As you let go of that type of stressful thought process, it becomes calmer and more relaxed within your mental body.

Are there any belief systems that you’ve had either your entire life or for a while that seemed to be coming up against a wall? Is there something that you have believed was truth or was your reality whereas now it doesn’t feel the same or you don’t think it’s the same? That belief system comes from wherever it may be. Phew, clear it out.

Sometimes you might have a belief system or a reality that was a part of your karmic makeup into this lifetime. Meaning it came from another lifetime for you to resolve it in this lifetime. If there are any beliefs, if there’s any reality that is coming from you but in a different reality, time-space reality let that come up now. Just bring it up. Bring it up, bring it up, bring it up. Phew.

As that was released I noticed many of you kind of reacting in such a way as if to celebrate. You don’t need that anymore. That’s over, That’s done. We’re moving on to something new. That’s an exciting moment to appreciate.

Your spiritual body is going another step out and that’s actually been activated and working throughout this whole process. But if perhaps there’s something still stuck in; maybe a religious belief that you think is part of spirituality; that is your belief system but if there is a link over and your spiritual energy body has some old things that are stuck within here let’s just clear it out. Phew. There were actually quite a few people who had old energy in their spiritual energy body.

Look around now at that crystalline energy body. The majority of you have already been working with it and are familiar with this additional energy body, that’s part of you. But if it’s your first time become aware that there is yet another field of energy surrounding you and this one is the crystalline frequency.

One way of looking at this is you are most dense as your physical and with every energy body out you become more transparent. So that crystalline energy is the most transparent, the highest vibrational frequency of all of your energy bodies.

As you are looking at this crystalline energy, if you have any questions ask what they may be. As you’re opening to this crystalline energy body I invite you to literally open your consciousness to something that may be brand new to you that is going to help you as you move forward in life.

From your place in the center of all of this take a moment to allow your perception to be that which is physical and then that which is emotional. Perhaps discern any difference from physical to emotional. Perhaps discern if there is anything coming to your awareness from each of those energy bodies and once again, if you need to clear, phew clear them out.

You then take in your mental body, again opening your awareness to understand the various differences in these energy bodies. You then, for some of you, by the time we get to your spiritual it’s as if you are 6 feet out. So it can sometimes be very large and sometimes be closer in.

Now take a look at that crystalline body. As you are present with your consciousness in the center of all of this. As you align with each of these energy bodies until you arrive at that crystalline energy you have an open movement within your consciousness. So, from that crystalline, you just bring it as if bringing it in towards you. That crystalline energy is moving through all your energy bodies, creating an alignment and a balance, and then it comes down within you, moving through every energy chakra from within you. Not just those basic ones or those primary ones but to the energy bodies in your hands, your feet, your shoulders, it goes to the meridians of your physical body.

As that crystalline energy is moving within you, it is also bringing with it the balance of your emotions, your thoughts, your beliefs, your reality, your physicality, and everything that is a part of you in this lifetime. You feel it just moving. For some, it’s as if with the beat of your heart, there is a pulsation. For others, it’s like this slowly moving energy that is moving in and around you. In some of you, I can see that each energy field is a slightly different color. Perhaps that allows you to have a greater discernment. Just sit here and absorb receiving all of what this is.

As you feel yourself completing this process you get up from that place of healing, and as you look around, take note of the changes that have taken place within this space. For some, it’s as if you move from one place to another completely. For others, it’s as if you can see things that were always there, but you were unable to truly see them until this moment.

As these changes continue to take place on Earth it is essential for each one of you to be open to receive, to allow for these transformations to move through all of your energy bodies. As you do so, you feel better, you have greater perceptions, and you are much quicker to manifest. For some of you, I’m hearing it’s just a game changer.

As you continue to integrate all of this within your consciousness consider your life. Is there anything that you were working on at this time? Is there anything that you have been attempting to transition and yet you’re stuck? You are now in the space of who you are as the person moving forward in your life. Consider some of the closest relationships to you. Is there anything that you would like to transition or communicate to them? As you feel this it continues to move through you as it evolves.

When these changes take place in humanity it is up to you to make those choices of what works for you in your life. Sometimes others may fall away. Sometimes you actually helped them shift their own reality to a higher vibration because you now see them at their higher vibration.

In this beginning of this new reality that you have created consider your life without any pain, with no illness; with emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that are balanced; with that crystalline, translucent energy anchoring and filling up within you.

I heard someone say, does this mean I’ll never get angry again? Yes, you’ll get angry again. You’re human. Yes, you’ll get frustrated at things that are happening. However, the biggest difference is that you will move through things more easily. You will not get caught up and pulled down into what may be going on and every day you have the opportunity to begin anew. To begin in a reality that now includes love, compassion, and a strong physical, mental, and emotional body. A balance that allows you to see more potential than you’ve ever seen before. Just imagine what that means to you.

I invite you to join together as a group. It may be that you’ve left your healing space. It is always there for you. You can always go back to it at any time. For the now moment, you come together and you’re here together in a group, and as you do so notice how everyone is so different right now. Because as you look at the people that are in this group you see them as that crystalline energy instead of in the everyday reality.

As you are here within this group, send it into the center of living your life from the crystalline energies. You then see the Hologram of the Earth that comes up within it. It becomes infused with the intention from each one of you.

There are also other energies that are here infusing that Hologram. It rotates. It takes on a sparkle or an essence of its own. There is a stream of that that goes out into the Universe anchoring in those energies. The remainder goes down into the earth plane.

As it goes into the earth plane, it anchors within the center of the Earth and those crystals in that magnetic energy, and then it reverses and comes out through all the layers of the Earth. As it does so, your own transition comes up through that anchor that you have within the Earth. You feel it as it’s anchoring within you and you bring the remainder of your consciousness back down. It is also going up into all the plants, the water, and the Collective Consciousness. It’s made available to every single person on the Earth so that they may experience it.

As you bring the remainder of your consciousness back within you take this moment to take stock as you’re here on the Earth plane. What is your perception of your body? What about your thoughts or beliefs, your emotions? Sometimes, as you shift down into this everyday reality, you may fall back into the pattern and you may try to retell yourself, “Oh don’t forget we have pain. Don’t forget we’re sick, don’t forget.” And now is your time to say that is transitioned. I am pain-free. My physical body is healthy and strong. My thoughts, my emotions, and everything and every energy body is in a place of balance.

As you take a deep breath in, pull that crystalline energy down within you, and as you breathe out, send that crystalline energy back through all of these energy bodies. You can feel how it helps you to transition immediately.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

Our meditation this evening was a way of helping you to understand the transitions that are taking place. As we speak of this, some of these transitions have been taking place for many, many, many, many years, and a lot of you were doing it from that unconsciousness. It’s now moving from the unconscious into the conscious. The transitions that have taken place have been massive over the last, especially 4 to 10 years. So be aware that not only are you changing, but so are the people around you. Be aware that the means of communication are changing. But most of all, be very present within yourself and allow for all of your energy bodies to move back and forth in a place of balance.

Beloved know that I am ever with you.


You Can Heal Your Life - Goddess of Creation


Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this channel, but we ask you not take any portion of it out of the body of the channel and to retain this copyright message. For further information please check out our website: www.goddesslight.net
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