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Sanat Kumara: The Future Of Mankind Depends Only On Your Efforts At This Moment In Time

Sanat Kumara: The Future Of Mankind Depends Only On Your Efforts At This Moment In Time

I AM Sanat Kumara.

I have come.

No matter how difficult the circumstances are on the planet, We rush to your rescue. And every time we meet, we extend Our helping hand.

Without fail.


Through the worlds.

Today I have come to answer the question that many of you ask either in your thoughts or aloud. This question is literally hanging in the air above the planet. This question is, "What should we do? Is there a way out of this dead-end that mankind has come to?"

Beloved, I tirelessly repeat that there is a Divine way out of any situation, and there is a Divine solution for every problem.

If there was no way out and no solution, then We would not spend so much effort and energy to come and bring Our Words to you.

Now I would like to remind you that an unprecedented number of light-bearers are incarnated on Earth at the present time.

There are 144,000 incarnated light-bearers ready in their potential to reach the level of Christ Consciousness. You know that this is the level of development of human consciousness where people can unite at the highest level possible. In essence, this level of consciousness is as close as possible to the Ascended Hosts.

At this level of consciousness, the true unity of light-bearers in Spirit is possible.

This is the level of consciousness of the Community of the Holy Spirit. This is the level of consciousness of the Brotherhood of Light on Earth.

And this is the level that you must attain!

As soon as 144,000 light-bearers attain the level of Christ Consciousness and unite in a spiritual Brotherhood on Earth, the situation on the planet will change almost instantly.

Why is this not happening yet? Why are the light-bearers unable to unite?

I can answer this question.

The problem is in you yourselves. When the Spirit of Unity, Brotherhood, and Love sprouts in your hearts, you rise in your consciousness to the level of Christ Consciousness.

Each of you had such moments of enlightenment, inner bliss, and Joy.

However, the problem is in maintaining such a state of consciousness for as long as possible - first for an hour, then throughout a day, then for a week, a month, a year.

A moment will come when this level of consciousness becomes natural for you, and you will not want to part with it under any circumstances. No temptations of the world will be able to lead you away from the Divine inner Path.

Now, let us think together: Why are you unable to maintain the high level of consciousness despite all your efforts?

There are forces that act in this world. We call them opposing forces. The task of these forces is to not allow the transition of mankind to a new level of evolutionary development.

These forces act both from within you and from the outside. That is why, beloved, it is difficult not only to stay at the appropriate level of consciousness but even to attain it for a short period of time.

What is the solution?

Only conscious daily efforts to advance toward God!

Only persistency!

Only devotion to the Will of God!

You must clearly understand that the future of mankind depends solely on your efforts at the present moment in time.

You need to unite under the white-and-blue flag of purity and devotion.

All light-bearers!

Remember that the ability to unite and collaborate is a sign of growth of Christ Consciousness.

The energies of the Age of Aquarius are the energies of collaboration and cooperation.

That is why everything that opposes the energies of the New Age will be swept away.

This is an inevitable process.

That is why you are given the Teaching about choice.

You yourselves choose whether to follow the Path of evolution or to vanish like last year's fallen leaves.

This is your choice.

And this is your responsibility.

God can do absolutely everything.

Yet, He cannot interfere with your free will.

If you decide with your free will to follow the path into the abyss, then that is your choice and your responsibility.

Only 144,000 light-bearers, already incarnated, who are able to maintain the Christ Consciousness, will change the world.

The vast majority of those who are reading these lines have the potential to become Christ-beings.

There is a plan, and there is a direction of movement.

Every day, remind yourself and everyone who is near you about the need to maintain the highest level of consciousness as possible!

Every day, unite under the white-and-blue banner of purity and morality, devotion to the Will of God, and aspiration towards the bright future.

I wish you success on your Path into the Eternity!

I AM Sanat Kumara. Om.

I AM Sanat Kumara. OM.

Submitted to CrystalWind via Email For Re-Blogging. 

In 2004 I was granted a Messenger’s Mantle of the Great White Brotherhood and received an opportunity to bring the Words of the Masters to people.
During the years 2005-2020 at certain periods of time I have been receiving Messages of the Ascended Masters in a special way.
I am very happy that with the help of many people the first Messages I received have been translated into English and the English-speaking readers can become familiar with them. The only thing the Ascended Masters want is to spread their Teaching throughout the world.
The Masters give their Messages with the feeling of great Love.
Love has no limits.
There are no boundaries between the hearts of people living in different countries, there are no boundaries between the worlds.
The boundaries exist only in the consciousness of people.
The Masters appeal through me to every man living on planet Earth
From Siberia with Love,
Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina

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