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Master Kuthumi: Vibrations and Interconnection

Master Kuthumi: Vibrations and Interconnection

I AM Kuthumi.

I hope that our talk today will be informative for you and will make you see the things you are used to observing around you in another way.

I will try to provide you with an insight that is as close as possible to the view that the Ascended Masters have of what is around you as well as the current situation in the world.

I feel that I have intrigued you. In many Messages of ours, we constantly talk about the vibrations and about the need to raise those vibrations. That abstract assertion has quite a concrete manifestation in your physical world. And if you made the effort to be more inquisitive, then you would find out that the data of your secular science have deciphered the phenomenon of raising the vibrations long ago. If the results of the scientific research became widely known, then this would inevitably lead to a burst of your consciousness. So, you are intrigued even more, aren’t you?

I affirm that many scientists of the world have the data at their disposal concerning the change of vibrations of human cells under the influence of the lifestyles that humans lead. These vibrations impact human health, particularly the organs and systems.

Everything can be measured. And there is a scientific explanation for everything. I myself participated in the transmission of many scientific discoveries to your world, working with biologists and biophysicists.

The vibrations of your cells vary greatly depending on the food you eat, the conditions you live in, whether you have any addictions, and even whether you are inclined to listen to music containing disharmonious vibrations. Living in large cities leads to a sharp decrease in the vibrations of cells. Therefore, no matter how you try to reach the next stage of evolutional development while living in big cities, you will not succeed. The urban infrastructure is capable of producing a rumbling of a low frequency that extends hundreds of kilometers around the big cities and dozens of kilometers around the smaller towns.

Therefore, the spiritual achievements that you allegedly have living in large cities only provoke our smiles. You have to be very ignorant and completely unaware of the mechanism of spiritual processes to dare allege that your spiritual level is high while you live in any big city.

Living in a city makes it impossible to raise the vibrations of your cells, even under the condition that you lead a righteous way of living, you do not smoke, you do not have alcohol and drugs, you do not eat meat, and you do not listen to rock music. Everything is interconnected in your world, and you are a unified system with everything that surrounds you. Therefore, your cells cannot have vibrations higher than the allowed maximum of the vibrations of the city. And this level of vibrations can be measured.

When you move to live in a clean and quiet place, the vibrations of your cells increase and you get an opportunity for spiritual growth and advancement. I am talking about true spiritual advancement.

You may think that all the efforts related to your spiritual growth that you make while living in big cities are in vain. Nothing is in vain. You cannot immediately reach those vibrations that are inherent in the hermits in Tibet. Your organs and systems will not be able to withstand that. But advancing gradually along the spiritual path, you will notice that continuing to live in large cities will become impossible for you, and you will more and more resemble a fish cast out on the shore.

Everything can be changed, but it is necessary to know what to aim for and how to achieve it. As a whole, society is not ready to accept these simple truths that I am telling you. Therefore, we can only wait until you ripen and become ready for the next stage of evolutionary development.

It is necessary for you to change your way of living. It is necessary for you to change your habits. It is necessary for you to change your consumer attitude toward nature.

A person with low vibrations creates conditions for millions of parasites to live within him or her. And the population of Earth is almost completely full of parasites. That is the cause of illnesses, lack of strength, and the desire to live.

Do you know what the reason for your state is? It is your attitude toward nature, toward all Life, toward everything that exists together with you on Earth. The Law functions wisely. Your parasitic attitude toward Earth and nature causes a predominance of parasites in your organism. And exactly as you can get rid of the parasites inside of you with cleansing procedures, in the same way Earth will eventually be forced to conduct cleansing procedures. And you alone are to blame when, after consecutive disasters, those individuals who are not ready to part with the parasitic status of their consciousness will be washed off the face of Earth.

The next stage of evolution presupposes sensible cooperation with Earth and with everything that exists on it. However, you will need to work out the karma that has accumulated by the rapacious and barbarian attitude toward nature with illnesses, cataclysms, and man-made catastrophes.

The burden of the return of karma can be worked out by more and more individuals ascending to a new level of consciousness who will then be capable of realizing the oneness of all Life.

Now you are at the turning point. And humanity has been balancing at this point of its development for two hundred years. Each time our interference helped to postpone the unfavorable development of the events. However, today I came with a specific purpose to give you the keys so you can overcome the crisis in your consciousness as painlessly as possible.

Otherwise, more and more often you will have to hear in the news that the consecutive cataclysms are taking place here and there. Here and there entire cities and continents are washed off the face of Earth. And you will get used to it, and it will seem to you that it is natural and that it has always been this way.

The memory of humanity is very weak. And many do not even remember what happened yesterday, not to mention a longer period of time.

In order not to part with you on a sad note, I am inclined to tell you that there is a probability of a favorable development of events on Earth. However, this probability can be realized only with the help of humankind.

I AM Kuthumi.

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email.

In 2004 I was granted a Messenger’s Mantle of the Great White Brotherhood and received an opportunity to bring the Words of the Masters to people.
During the years 2005-2020 at certain periods of time I have been receiving Messages of the Ascended Masters in a special way.
I am very happy that with the help of many people the first Messages I received have been translated into English and the English-speaking readers can become familiar with them. The only thing the Ascended Masters want is to spread their Teaching throughout the world.
The Masters give their Messages with the feeling of great Love.
Love has no limits.
There are no boundaries between the hearts of people living in different countries, there are no boundaries between the worlds.
The boundaries exist only in the consciousness of people.
The Masters appeal through me to every man living on planet Earth
From Siberia with Love,
Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina

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