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Mary: Transformative Return to Learning and Enlightenment

Mary: Transformative Return to Learning and Enlightenment

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

I always carry a cloak with me. And I can surround each one of you with it, leaving all my Love, my peace, my Light. Wear this mantle and be balanced. Just balance.

My sons and daughters, review the lessons. Go back to your notebooks. Go back to studying. The times of teachings are over, but the teachings are there. Read again. Assimilate again everything that has already been said. Let me give an example.

At some point along the way, you learned something; that touched his heart; and you started to live what you understood, in your own way; the way you understood it at the time. But you were still on the lowest rungs of that school's evolution. Today, if you take all that material, and read it again or listen to it again, it won't be the same. Because you've already learned so much more.

So, that small point, from that distant time, starts to have another context. A bigger context, a deeper context. But the teaching is the same. Not a word has changed. So why the difference? Because you changed. Your consciousness expanded. Today you can see much further.

So, that way that you understood, that was not very well established, today, will be able to open new horizons for you. Don't think that everything that has already been said remains in time, in the past, because every teaching we leave reverberates in the present day.

Go back to studying. Come back so you understand each subject more deeply. And I would say that you will be able to absorb much more than you did back then. And you will be truly surprised by your ability to understand, to learn.

Unfortunately, some of you remain outside the classroom. And then, when someone leaves, they ask: “How was class today? What did you learn?” She always wants the other to pass on to her what she didn't want to waste time learning. Then put understanding in the other’s hands. Because it will be passed on to you within the other's concept. Not in yours.

At no point do you think about entering the classroom. No, you want everything ready. He wants his colleague to explain the material, without him having to spend time studying. Thinking this is easier. Thinking that this way you are not wasting time.

So I say to those, who are sitting outside the classroom, that you are not learning anything. Because you are listening to what the other is interpreting, not what your souls would make you understand. And on the day of the test, you will not have the knowledge to take the test. Because you didn't give yourself up to that moment in the classroom to learn. You stayed outside, playing, distracting yourself; living, as you say. And waiting afterwards for someone to give you everything ready.

So I tell you, you won't get anywhere. You won't pass the year. You will not learn the material. I am making comparisons here, my sons and daughters, as if you were students in a school. And I can say that this comparison is perfect, because you have had a long time to learn.

Many absorbed it. Many don't. Many arrived halfway. And precisely because they are halfway there, they want everything ready; They don't want to start at the lowest level, with all the learning that was done in the sequence that was presented, to learn. No, you want to start at the highest level. Thinking you already know everything.

You all went through school. Each level becomes more difficult than the previous one. So, how do you want to enter a higher level without having the base? Without having the lowest levels? You think you are learning. They are learning everything wrong. Everything is crooked. And they continue to stand outside the classroom, always asking others what to do, how to do it; because they don't know.

They didn't learn. They didn't go there from the first level to learn. They are lazy. Not in the real sense of life, but lazy in learning. They want everything at hand. They don't want to have work, they don't want to waste time reading anything, listening to anything. They want to have a slight idea of ​​what it is and that's good. But then they can't understand anything, because they don't have the foundation of the first levels.

It's my sons and daughters, the road is long. Anyone who started way back knows that the road is long. You know the journey wasn't easy. So you don't want to arrive from nowhere, and already want to be at the level of everyone, who has been there for a long time. Each one experiencing their own setbacks to get here.

Don't try to get ahead of everyone. Don't try to be better than everyone. Sit there on the first level. And study very quickly. Walk very quickly so there is time for you. Then you can answer me: “So that’s why I want to go up front, so there’s time.” No. That's not how you'll save time, because you won't have the foundation to understand anything. You will get it all wrong and you won't get there either.

The time has been given. The time to awaken has been given to many. And many turned their backs. At this moment, they are sorry, they want to make up for lost time. But everything, my sons and daughters, has consequences. You ignored it back there. Now they want to do everything quickly. It won't help. Everything needs to start at the beginning, so that you have the basis for understanding.

Many people need to realize that your time has not stopped. He continues to accelerate. So, nothing is frozen in time. So you don't want to think that you will enter now, and it will take the same time as those who have been here for so long. The process started way back.

I'm not saying you won't achieve anything. Yes, you will. Because every step towards evolution is never lost. And it will depend a lot on your dedication, your desire, your desire; you will get to where everyone is here now, quickly. But I tell you: There is a lot to be done, and there won't be time. But don't take it literally, it's no use anymore.

Take care of your evolution. Continue the walk. Nothing will be lost. You think it's not worth it because you won't have time. Who knows? It will depend much more on you than what is happening around you. So, continue. But don't want to join the front ranks, out of cleverness, out of laziness, out of not wanting to go through everything everyone else went through.?

So yes, I tell you: It won't help. Because you will have no foundations. You will place a pile of cards and the moment will come when they will collapse. Because it doesn't have a solid foundation. You skipped the base. Then you will lose everything. All your effort to stay where you shouldn't be will take you back there. And you will waste all the time you spent trying. So I ask you, wouldn't it be better if you went back to the beginning? At least I guarantee you that you wouldn't miss anything.

My sons and daughters, pay attention as you walk. We're not kidding. We are not giving you illusions. But you need to act as you learned. Stop wanting to be smart, and take bigger steps than are allowed. Stop standing outside the classroom asking people who leave class what happened inside..

Watch the class. Be part of it. Donate your time in class. Donate your ideas. Because you are not learning anything, you are fooling yourself, thinking that by studying the material with your classmate, you will achieve the same as those who attended the class.

Some don't seem to learn. They continue living their lives, normally, as they did. Then, when they remember, they want to join the game. Then they run to school and ask their classmates for the subject. They will learn nothing. learned nothing.

Think about it, my sons and daughters. You don't want to think that the walk isn't worth it. OK. It's worth the evolution. Whatever point you arrive at. It's worth your soul evolution. And everything that is for evolution is never lost. You may, even now, not achieve what you want. But you tried and evolved. And it will continue its journey towards evolution. Nothing will be lost.

Pay attention to that. Leave the cleverness to those who are immersed in the Third Dimension. Be wise, not smart.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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