Message from Anastasia: Gods Love Light Spreads
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- Written by Jahn J Kassl

The light of God's love spreads over the earth! People experience a touch through light and they get life back. The time of darkness and the era of suffering are over. Lives in this certainty, because this world is now grasped by this truth and immersed in God's grace.
JJK: Since the 131. Light reading Has a week full of personal activities. Apart from two short messages, I have not been able to write anything since then. I already had concerns whether Anastasia would ever report to me. Today, after waking up, Anastasia was present. This thought went through my head: "What should we write, there are 10 such wonderful books of you - which I all really devoured years ago - and there is nothing more to add." I have become tired of thinking, I fell asleep again in the dream in a dream in large letters the sentence "The light of God's love spreads over the earth!" to receive the following conversation as a reference to the following conversation.
Anastasia: The light of God's love spreads over the earth! People experience a touch through light and they get life back. The time of darkness and the era of suffering are over. Lives in this certainty, because this world is now grasped by this truth and immersed in God's grace.
I'm Anastasia and I'm with you now, Jahn,
I am among all people who strive for the light, with all heirs of life, everyone who live their love, fulfill their heart and want to revitalize their earthly existence with the divine spark. I am with you, beloved people, now, in the time that produces so much hardship and goodness, now, in the time that demands the answers, now, in the time that is unique because you are unique and because you are unique.
The big change
The big change has been used and so you will also be transformed. The spiritual consciousness awakens and you are reorganized, even if it is hardly aware of many people: your being - during sleep as well as in waking state - will be used with high, light and loving frequencies.
Your souls heal, your hearts become sensitive and your thoughts clarify. You will be reorganized for a large conversion. This is part of the preparations for what is now in a light -full and nourishing, uplifting and fulfilling seam and getting closer.
Do not negate the negative future scenarios, but reacts to it by joyfully shaping the change and by gearing yourself on the light and love of God.
If you want to go down, you will go down. If you want to rise, you will meet according to your will. Everything is in the divine order - to recognize it is now your job, and to live in this, that's what I invite you to you in this message that is transferred by Jahn.
To be safe with the divine order to live in the flow of the divine, in the abundance of God's abundance, this is the simple way to choose and go now.
How simple is it?
How easy is it to love God, to be close to God and to shape it in this world? Very easy! As soon as you understand that everything is simple that is of divine origin.
The complicated loved one who likes to create confusion that defines themselves by concepts so that people get lost. The divine is understandable for everyone and immediately shines on every person. There is nothing complicated under the sun and it is the light of God that is now preparing this truth.
Today you will be cleaned of the garbage of the old days and freed from the concepts of those who want to keep you in their world. The greatest gift for this humanity is ready: to experience the work of God's grace in everyday life in everyday life.
JJK: If you speak of the fact that everything is going much faster now, that answers are given immediately. It happens regularly that if I contact God questioningly, for example, before I fall asleep, either show me the answer in a dream in the same night or that I wake up with a clear thought that is the answer. I also observe with myself that I think of someone and he already reports to me or we run completely unexpectedly. Everything goes extremely quickly and immediately. Does the new energy affect? The grace of God is described in it?
The grace of God
Anastasia: Anyone who is connected to the source and the light opens up life in this wonderful way.
The grace of God is revealed to the man where he has reached his natural boundaries and is looking for the essentials.
The gates for their own divine reality open up and man understands in the flow of being - prerequisite is: the connection to the light.
Wherever a person consciously puts his foot, the grace of God can become effective. Mindfulness makes people sensitive to the flow of life and this flow of life means participation in the grace of God. Because the special thing about the grace of God is that it is available everywhere in contrast to what is conveyed to you.
The grace of God can be translated with the work of God - and the work of God is omnipresent at all levels of being.
From the grace of God, the dark powers constructed a religious concept that is unreachable for people. The simple, the natural, the divine was complicated, climbed to unreachable heights in order to cut people off themselves. The periods allowed this, today this time is over, since these periods are now closed.
JJK: Periods that close? Could you go into it in more detail?
Periods that close
Anastasia: The process of change and the transformation of all life now takes place on earth happens to the divine because the new level of experience has opened up.
You have to always include this fact with all considerations and observations, with everything that is now being processed and redeemed in dark chapters.
You like to tend to paint black or to decorate everything pink! Both are misleading, because the black painters have their legs just as little on earth as those that build air locks. The earthed truth is simple:
The game of the dark powers is over because the periods are closed. All people who have been fed into incarnation cycles since eons who want to leave death and rebirth behind will achieve this - the experiences are made, the time is over. Why worry if there is no reason for it?
JJK: Then why are the dark powers so nervous? It seems to me that they throw everything into the battle…
Anastasia: Because the number of people who are now preparing for the climb and will ultimately qualify for it is so large. The whole base breaks away from these powers and they are separated from the energy of the people.
JJK: Don't stay enough people in the old game?
Anastasia: Not enough to secure the survival of the dark powers on earth. These entities cannot feed on undetired entities.
Their ambrosia is the heart's energy energy, if the ability of love is the ability to devote to the divine. This energy was available to them as long as people do not understand for themselves.
Awakening means that people learn to understand, understand and use their energies and no longer unknowingly or unconsciously releases them to second or third parties.
JJK: Then why did people cut off the divine, where this energy is needed?
Anastasia: The separation is necessary to get the energy. Just because a person suppresses the divine in themselves, ignores it or does not want to know anything about it does not mean that it is not there. On the unconscious level, the greatest attacks happened, deeply lying in your hearts drove those who knew their mischief - and these periods are now closing.
JJK: Have you already closed? Attacks are still possible?
Anastasia: This varies from person to person. However, the process in which people are locked with the divine and connected to the divine light has been used worldwide. This process is unique and irreversible!
Finally, I invite you to keep your body healthy. I invite you to follow the healing voice of your soul. I invite you to decide from the heart. I invite you to turn to God. I invite you, grounded - from the inner center - to look at the world events, and I invite you to trust yourself, instead of you between the end of the world and
Laying ascent expectations and whirling here.
Born from unity you return to the one hand and by God you carry the seed of love in you.
…And this seeds up today, because the light of God's love spreads across the earth.
Translation by
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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