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The Pyramids of Light ~ The Pyramid of Dreams


Elders July Transmission

The Pyramid of Dreams is located in the grids over Australia.

The soul who creates through this pyramid is the Dreamkeeper.

When souls go to their place of sleep time,
it is there that they meet the Dreamkeeper.

It is within the energies of this region that the chosen –
priests and priestesses incarnated to guard and protect the
creational knowledge stored within the matrix of dreamtime.

This knowledge is given in symbols during dreamtime to those
ready to access it. Once given, the soul may return to the
physical with the ability to move back and forth between realities.

And that soul shall understand how to create in dreamtime and
how that creation becomes manifest in the physical.

Within his matrix they may select experiences
just as they do in their physical time.

The Dreamkeeper takes the souls to his matrix of
never-ending dreams, where anything can happen and
usually does. And here the souls can fly, and be free.

All souls visit the Dreamkeeper and are linked to
his matrix by way of their dream experiences.

The Dreamkeeper helps them resolve problems,
and teaches the true nature of their experiences.

Some will see this dreamtime as the truer reality
for it is as real as anything else within the matrix

A part of all souls remains connected to the matrix and the
Dreamkeeper to reconnect over and over, the dreamscapes
continuing after consciousness returns to the physical body.

Before you go to sleep, ask the Dreamkeeper to show
you your destiny and awaken your consciousness.

Thoth the Atlantean

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of July, as you continue to expand into ever increasing states of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. This expansion of God Consciousness is reflected not only in your everyday lives through your connection to your Beloved I Am Presences and the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, but also through your dreams, sweet ones, dreaming into this reality the One Reality of All That Is as you to move back and forth between realities.

For sweet ones, what is occurring for all of you in your dream time, is a deeper connection into the Divine and your collective heart’s dreaming, as you join together in Unity Consciousness and experience the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light. As you are aware, sweet ones, consciousness is the basis of all reality, so any shift in consciousness changes every aspect of your reality. Additionally your Master Guides and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High connect with you in many ways, and one of the most effective ways is through your subconscious mind. For in the dream state, and in particular in the dream state called R.E.M. (rapid eye movement), the frequency alignment to the many Illumined Beings of Light and your Soul and Star family of the Light synchronizes in like vibration. And when sweet ones, you have a knowing of your heart’s dreaming as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life, the creational knowledge stored within the matrix of dreamtime amplifies in sound, color, light, imagery and energy to access the superconscious mind, the Mind of God, connecting you at a Higher Light level to all awakened Souls. In fact, there are seven states of dream consciousness that can take you into Unity Consciousness. These dreams states are personal consciousness dreams, soul consciousness dreams, sound consciousness dreams, Light consciousness dreams, Cosmic consciousness dreams, Divine consciousness dreams, and Unity Consciousness dreams, and we will share more about this in this month’s telewebinar transmission.

For now, let us set our sacred space as you travel in Soul consciousness into the Pyramid of Dreams along the grids of Light in Australia and explore some of the more intuitive dreams that connect you deeper into the One Reality of All That Is.

So for a moment now sitting in your sacred space, simply breathe into the body. Breathe initially in through the nose and out the mouth, and as you breathe out through the mouth just allow yourselves to release all that is needing to be released in this Now. Just completely let go. Let go. Breathing in gently, breathing out in such a way that you start to release what is needing to be released in this Now, and finding a balance now in deep rhythmic breaths, feeling into the body, feeling into the physical body, as you start to breathe now through the nose ~ inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the nose, focusing on the lower abdominal muscles, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, and finding this rhythmic breath that still allows you the sense of breathing in the Light of Creation, and releasing what needs to be released, through this in-breath and out-breath.

Good, now have a sense of merging with your Beloved I Am Presence, the highest aspect of your Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Feel this connection being made now, taking you deeper into your heart, and now activating a beautiful silver-gold star tetrahedron, the Star of Melchizedek, within your heart. Wonderful. And now call in your Master guides, your guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light from On High you personally acknowledge.

And now you connect to the Light workers, the star seeded ones and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High as you now invoke the Overlighting of Mother/Father God. Calling in now the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light. The Brotherhood of the Light and Lord Melchizedek. The Archangels and their Divine Feminine Counterparts. The Mighty Elohim and their Divine Counterparts. Lord Melchior ~ the Galactic Logos, Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logii, Sanat Kumara ~ the bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos, Lord Maitreya and now calling in the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters ~ wonderful.

And now, you are just comfortably relaxed, grounding into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, as Mother Earth sends you her Love back up your grounding cord into your body and energy field.

Wonderful sweet ones. As you get a sense of the Overlighting of all these Illumined Beings of Light from On High and your Beloved I Am Presence, you have a sense too of connecting to the Aboriginal Australians. The Aborigines believe that you dream your way into this world, and dream your way out of it. They call the Dreamtime the “All-at-Once” ~ the Seeds of Life, the origin of everything that is manifested in the world; not separate from the physical world but the inner pulse to your landscape and creations of reality. They talk with the Souls of the children, which they call the spirit-child before it is born, meeting this beautiful Soul in the dreamtime matrix; and additionally, as they prepare to pass over into the afterlife they connect to their Master Guides and ancestors to assist in this journey, shifting from one reality to another.

And now, sweet ones, you are invited by the Dreamkeeper into the Pyramid of Dreams along the Light Grids of Australia. You find yourselves traveling now in Soul consciousness in your external Merkaba Vehicle of Light, and coming now to the Pyramid of Dreams guarded by three High Priests protecting this creational knowledge. As these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, you now activate the Cosmic Flame of Divine Love within your heart chakras, this beautiful Diamond, Golden and White Flame. And now, you connect your heart to the hearts of these High Priests in beautiful infinity symbols. Wonderful, sweet ones. You are recognized through your Love, and now the portal into the Dreamtime matrix activates. You now enter into the Dreamtime Pyramid of infinite possibilities and probabilities to align your inner and outer realities, and to find a freedom of expression of Self that takes you deeper and deeper into your heart’s dreaming and the New Earth Templates of Light. Wonderful sweet ones.

Within the Pyramid of Dreams are an infinite number of frequential signatures. As this is your landscape, you are now guided into the highest aspects of your Soul Consciousness through your Beloved I Am Presence, as you are welcomed and greeted by the Dreamkeeper. As the Dreamkeeper comes forward to welcome you and embrace you, your heart chakra and third eye chakra in particular start to vibrate, taking you deeper into your Soul matrix, and giving you the insight and understanding that you need in your Life in this Now as well as activating a deeper level of your ESP gifts.

You now find yourselves walking into a magical forest at night time along a golden path, illuminated by the moon, and with your Master Guides by your side. You have a sense too of your animal guides and of Nature Spirit Intelligence as you listen to the sounds of the animals within this forest. And now you see in front of you a beautiful house with glass doors. As your third eye activates now, this psychic ability gifts you with the vision to see through things. It gives you sweet ones, insight into whatever it is you wish to change within your life, as you are now presented with soul-utions. As you enter into this beautiful house through these glass doors, the scene that unfolds before you amplifies in soft indigo and silver lighting. The people and events that you see before you give you an understanding of what you are needing to do to create the highest outcome possible for your Soul’s forward evolution and for you to experience a greater level of your magnificence and Light. Wonderful, sweet ones. Just trust in this vision or knowing sweet ones as we now speak in the Language of Light.


Good. And now, you find yourselves flying with your Master Guides in a beautiful aurora of colors and sounds familiar to you. As you look down now, you see a wedding, with a couple walking up an aisle. As you now fly down to the wedding, and take a seat, you recognize what is being amplified in this Now is the gift of channeling. You have a sense too of your kundalini channels further activating in this Pyramid of Dreams, combining the male and female energies and synchronizing your energy field to the perfect balance for you in this Now of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits. Wonderful sweet ones. And now, you see a postman walk into the wedding and hand a letter to the bride and bride groom. As the postman turns and walks back down the aisle, he stops in front of you and turns into a whale, bringing in these deep sonic vibratory notes. And now, this whale transforms into one of your Master Guides or one of the Beings of Light from On High that you have a deep connection with, or perhaps a Council of Light. Good, sweet ones. You now receive imprints and messages from these Beings of Light in such a way that it deepens your service work and your heart’s dreaming.

As you receive these energy imprinting’s, we speak in the Language of Light.


Wonderful sweet ones. You now find yourselves sitting in front of a huge movie screen, with images of eyes upon this screen, reflecting not only the mirror to your Soul, but further to this, amplifying the gift of clairvoyance. As you tune in now, you have a sense of particular individuals appearing before you, perhaps with images and/or symbols to deepen this connection. You are shown these images so you can read their energy and assist them or perhaps understand the perspective of another through the ability to “see” their energy field and what you are needing to decipher in this connection. Just allow this to unfold sweet ones, as you start to “see” what you are needing to in this connection. Good.


And now, you find yourselves sitting in front of a radio, listening clearing to what is being said as you amplify the gift of clairaudience. Receiving these messages may require some interpretation sweet ones, and although you may often “hear” very clearing, remember that all information is presented according to your level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. So, just allow yourselves to be receptive and open to what is being transmitted to you energetically or audibly, taking you deeper along the Pathway of Divine Love. Good.


And now, sweet ones, you see yourself sitting in front of a fortune teller, who is predicting your future. And now, you find yourself exchanging places with the fortune teller, as you now see before you a crystal ball. As you gaze into the crystal ball, you are presented with images and understandings of future events about yourselves, others or the planet, with the knowing that you are further tuning into the New Earth energies in this Golden Age of Light. Good. And now, you find yourselves transforming into an eagle, flying high in the sky and looking down at your co-creations of Heaven on Earth, and your predictions of this New Golden Age of Light


And now, sweet ones, you continue to fly, but now find yourselves in your own form or a form which you wish to appear in that makes you feel comfortable and happy. This form of astral travel allows you to project your consciousness into any place you desire and you now find yourselves in your happy, peaceful and loving place on this dimension, or any dimension of reality, with those that are important to you and also those that may have already passed over and that you miss and wish to spend time with in this Now moment. Wonderful sweet ones. And now, if there is a project that you need to bring a focus to at this time, you find yourselves rising above any perceived problems and bringing in the support and abundance that you need, surrounding yourselves with those that can assist you and support you as you can assist and support them.


Wonderful sweet ones. And now you find yourselves on a stage, dressed in a beautiful purple robe with the symbol of the Star of Melchizedek embroidered upon your robe. You are the spiritual facilitator at this time, and you are sharing your messages and creative gifts with others; sharing your understandings, your Love and your commitment to God in a way that you are seen and heard and greatly appreciated for your unique puzzle piece. For each one of you sweet ones, is immeasurable in your magnificence and Light, and what you add to the collective.


Lastly sweet ones, you now find yourselves back in the Pyramid of Dreams, where the Dreamkeeper now takes you into a Crystalline City of Light. This is a Healing City of Light. If you need any physical or emotional healing, you allow the Christed ET’s, the psychic surgeons and others who have joined for this healing session, to assist you now.


Wonderful sweet ones. The Dreamkeeper now invites you into the Central Pyramid of Dreams, where you see around you many of the Priests and Priestesses, the Aborigine Elders, Archangels and Angels, Christed ET’s, Ascended Masters, your Master Guides and other Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge. You are now being gifted with twelve dream feathers as you hear this beautiful Aborigine music. Each dream feather will take you deeper into your heart’s dreaming and your heart’s joy in the Pyramid of Dreams. The Dreamkeeper now comes forward, and activates for you the dream feathers of joy, passion, justice, peace, intimacy, Love, trust, insight and understanding, wisdom, empowerment, abundance and creative inspiration. This now forms into a beautiful dream catcher that activates within the heart chakra, and allows you sweet ones to experience the dream feathers and meanings and messages as you head into your dream time. Wonderful.


You now come back into your sacred space, grounding once more in the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth while keeping the connection open to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High. If this is your bedtime sweet ones, we wish you a most wonderful dreamtime in the Pyramid of Dreams. If you are waking up or awake, consider keeping a dream journal and writing down your experiences.

We thank you for your service work, and with this, we bid you a most magical day, or night.

Edited by Eadie Miller
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
Suggested Links:
Artwork by Endre Balogh Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/SacredGeometrybyEndre


Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an ascension network of Light offering numerous programs of Light in the form of ebooks, Mp3′s, CD’s and audio DVD’s, as well as vibrational energy products.

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