Archangel Metatron Reveals Secrets of Creation Alignment
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- Written by Natalie Glasson

Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron.
It is a joy to be in your presence today and to bring forth wisdom, light and love from the Creator to remind you of the presence of the Creator within your being.
Each step that you take upon the earth is a remembrance. Not so much a remembrance of the past but a remembrance of the Creator…present within your being…as well as your relationship with the Creator – a unique relationship that creates bountiful blessings for you, for everyone, and for the entire Universe of the Creator.
I, Archangel Metatron, wish to come forth today to share with you inspiration. I invite you to allow yourself to be sensitive to your entire being and to inquire within about your alignment.
As you inquire about your alignment, you can begin to rebalance and reprogram your being; connecting with higher vibrations of light, bringing frequencies into your being that serve you in creating what you wish to experience and to embody.
Let us first imagine an area of your being. You can, in fact, choose any area of your being. Let us choose your Crown Chakra.
As you take your attention to your Crown Chakra and you begin to inquire…to listen/become sensitive to the area of your Crown Chakra at the top of your head…it is as if you are sitting and listening to the presence of your Crown Chakra.
You can ask your Crown Chakra to show to you or to demonstrate alignments that it currently holds. You might experience an alignment with love or the angelic kingdom, maybe with your soul, the Creator or a guide. It could in fact be anything.
You can ask, what is the purpose of this alignment? What is it creating?
You can also ask, what alignment does my Crown Chakra require for the highest appropriate embodiment of the Creator? And what will this create in my reality?
You can ask your soul, soul group or the Creator to assist you with this.
Whatever comes into your awareness, even if it is simply a colour, a word or a sensation, hold the intention of the alignment being created and the creation downloading into your Crown Chakra.
You can move through all of your chakras achieving the same; aligning them to their highest potential, asking what that will create within that chakra and your entire being.
You can move through your physical body/aspects of your physical body/your auric field, asking to recognise what alignment they already hold and then asking to recognise the greatest/highest potential alignment and what this will create within your reality and being.
You can connect with an area of your body that is stuck or experiencing pain, or a wound. You can connect with an area of your mind that is in turmoil, or your emotions which are unsettled. You can connect with your entire being or your entire energy field.
You can also hold, within your mind, something that you wish to create in your reality and then ask, which area do you need to connect within your being? Which area do you need to connect with to be aware of the alignment of the highest potential that is needed to be created so that you can download the creation energy – the alignment that creates what you wish to experience – into that area in order to create what you have in your mind, your awareness, your dreams or your desires.
You have the power to realign all aspects of your being with the highest potential or with an idea of creation -something that you wish to experience in your reality.
Wherever you place your attention, you can create new alignments. You can bring the creation energy into alignment that serves you in creating whatever you wish to experience.
You are in the driving seat of your alignment and your creations. Allow yourself to increase your sensitivity as to what you are aligning to.
You can ask me, Archangel Metatron, to come forward and to develop your sensitivities so that you can experience, recognise and understand the alignments that you are holding within your being and your body. This will also serve you as well.
It is an honour to be in your presence.
I thank you.
I am Archangel Metatron.
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